Ball, Sphere, Globe, Earth, Planet Earth
Word Links for words containing 球 (sorted via character pairs)
足球 Soccer, Football
踢足球 Play football or soccer
美式足球 American football
足球賽 Football game, Football match
足球隊 Football team, Soccer team
足球課程 Football program
網球 Tennis
擦網球 Net ball
網球比賽 Tennis match
網球比賽觀眾 Spectator at a tennis match, Tennis match spectators
像網球比賽觀眾 Like a spectator at a tennis match
其中一顆小球 One of the small spheres, One of the tiny globes
顏色更深的小球 Tiny darker colored globes, Tiny darker colored spheres
地球 Earth
像地球 Earth like
地球人類 Mankind
地球暖化 Global warming
低地球軌道 Low earth orbit
地球巡洋艦 EarthCruiser
地球生態系統 Global ecosystem
降低地球暖化衝擊 Reduce impact of global warming (in order to reduce), Global warming impact reduction
年紀和地球一樣大 As old as the earth
我的年紀和地球一樣大 I am as old as the earth
棒球 Baseball
棒球隊 Baseball team
一根棒球棒 A bat, A baseball bat
棒球手套 Baseball glove
他的棒球手套 His baseball glove
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