Index for words including 甚

shenˋ, sheˊ, shenˊ

Wide, Very, Extreme, More Than, (She2), What

Word Links for words containing 甚 (sorted via character pairs)

甚 shenˋ, sheˊ, shenˊ
Wide, Very, Extreme, More Than, (She2), What

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


樹敵甚多 Many enemies, Has many enemies


甚麼 What

甚麼事情 Something, Anything, What


甚少 Very few, Very little

獲利甚少 Profit very little


甚至 Even, To the extent, So far as to, Even the, The very, Might even, Though improbably, Though improbably

甚至 Even

甚至可能 Could possibly, Might be, Could be

甚至更久 Maybe even longer

甚至還沒 Hadn't even

甚至不確定 I'm not even sure, I'm not sure that

甚至不到一半 Not even half

甚至有一點恐懼 Just a little fearful, More that a little bit fearful

甚至還向他道謝 Actually thanked him

幾天甚至數星期後 Days or weeks later

持劍的人甚至早晚 Sooner or later, even the person holding the sword

甚至不明白為什麼 Didn't even know why

甚至還沒怕到遺屎 Weren't even scared to the point of shitting

甚至一點感覺都沒有 Can't even feel, Can't feel anything

甚至去了幾小時毛骨悚然的聖經研讀會 Had even attended a few hours worth of horrific bible-study sessions

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