Live, Produce, Birth, Give Birth, Create, Raw, Uncooked
Word Links for words containing 生 (sorted via character pairs)
生日 Birthday
我生日 My birthday
生日宴會 Birthday party
請你們一起加入我的生日宴會 Won't you please all join my birthday party
生日快樂 Happy birthday
生日舞會 Birthday party
生日蛋糕 Birthday cake
生日的小壽星本人 The birthday girl herself, The birthday boy himself
生日派對 Birthday party
驚喜的生日派對 Surprise birthday party
生日禮物 Birthday present
這麼一份最美好的生日禮物 This most wonderful birthday present
生態 Ecology
生態池 Ecological pond
合乎生態學 Ecological, Ecologically friendly
不合乎生態學 Not ecological, Not ecologically friendly
那麼做不合乎生態學 That wasn't ecological, Doing it that way would not have been ecological
生態系統 Ecosystem
地球生態系統 Global ecosystem
皇家生態學院 Royal Ecological Conservatory
生活在一個生態系統裡 Living within an ecosystem
生了 Gave birth
起死回生了 Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life
生了火 Made a fire
生了病 Sick
生了重病 Became very sick, Became very ill, Became gravely ill
生了病的狗 Sick dog
生長 Live, Grow, Grows, Growing, Grew, Grow up, Develop, Develops, Developing, Developed
生長出 Grown
生長的 Live
生長出來 Grown from
一路生長出來 Grown straight from
生長激素 Growth hormone
生長的地方 Spend my life
生物 Creature, Creatures, Life form, Life forms, Animal, Animals, Organism, Organisms
非生物 Inorganic
某隻生物 A specific creature
生物生存 Sustaining life, Life support
蛹中的生物 Cocooned creature
蛹內的生物 Cocooned creature
很可怕的生物 Terrifying creatures, Terrible creatures
我是夜晚的生物 I am a creature of the night
生物學 Biology
生物體 Organism, Biological organism, Biological
小生物體 Critters, Tiny critters, Little critters
生物化石 Fossil, Animal fossil, Fossilized animal remains
只能藉由生物提供 Can only be provided by animals
活生生的 Vivid, Very much alive, Alive and kicking
生生不息 Multiply endlessly
提供了活生生的對照 Provided a vivid contrast
生意 Trade, Business, Business operation, Operation, Vitality
做生意 Do business, Doing business
一起做生意 Do business together
基本生意入門 Basic business understanding, Basic grasp of business
生計 Livelihood, Make a living, Makes a living, Making a living, Made a living
生計頓時艱困 Making a living became difficult
活生生的 Vivid, Very much alive, Alive and kicking
劫後餘生的 Still surviving
雜草叢生的 Overgrown with grass, Overgrown with weeds
提供了活生生的對照 Provided a vivid contrast
生活 Live life, Live, Life
私生活 Private life, One's private life
討生活 Make a living, Making a living
日常生活 Every day life, Daily life
現實生活 Real life
精神生活 Spiritual life
人民的生活 People's lives, Common people's lives
以前的生活 Former life
一個人的生活 A person's life, One person's life
老百姓的生活 Civilian lifestyle, Civilian life
冒險刺激的生活 A life of adventure, A life of risk and excitement
過好自己的生活 Live life well
維持他們三年的生活 Sustained them for three years
他不想回到以前的生活 He doesn't want to return to his old life
當時人民的思想與生活 The thoughts and lives of people at that time
生活了 Lived
生活費 Alimony, Cost of living, Living expenses
日常生活中 In daily life
現實生活中 In life
在日常生活中 In every day life, In daily life
生活情趣 Enjoy life
生活方式 Lifestyle
生活空間 Living area
日常生活中的 Daily life's
生活得怎麼樣 How's life
生活過的地方 Place someone lived or spent most of their life
沒有私生活可言 Have no private life to speak of, Has no private life to speak of, Had no private life to speak of
生活怎麼那麼悲慘 How is it that life sucks so much
我在美國生活了五年 I lived in America for 5 years.
生活在一個生態系統裡 Living within an ecosystem
那麼是什麼使一個人的生活比另一個有趣 What makes one person's life more interesting than another's?
你要拿回你的生活了嗎 Are you taking your life back?
妳要拿回妳的生活了嗎 Are you taking your life back?
生涯 Career, Livelihood
軍旅生涯 Military career
堂生涯課 A careers class, Careers classes, A life lesson, Life lessons
生命 Life
甘冒生命 Willing to risk life, Willing to risk their life, Willing to risk their lives
有人失去生命 Someone died, Someone lost their life
生命儀 Biomonitor, Life signs indicator
生命力 Vitality
生命的 Life's
生命線 Lifeline
生命體 Life form
外星生命體 Extra terrestrial life form, Alien life form
生命危險 Life threatening
甘冒生命危險 Was willing to risk their life, Were willing to risk their lives
他甘冒生命危險 He was willing to risk his life
她甘冒生命危險 She was willing to risk her life
生命衝刺 Life's rushed moments
他甘冒生命危險逃亡 He was willing to risk his life to escape
生存 Survival, Survive, Life, Living
生物生存 Sustaining life, Life support
生存下去 To survive
生存空間 Living space, Lebensraum
起死回生 Come back to life, Came back to life, Brought back to life
讓這個東西起死回生 Bring this thing back to life, Brought this thing back to life, Revived this thing
出生 Born
剛出生 Just born, Newly born
出生在英國 Born in England
出生在韓國 Born in Korea
出生年月日 Birthday as year then month then day
西元出生年月日 Birthday using Western Date
發生 Happen, Occur, Happened, Occurred
一起發生 Happened at once
事件發生 Event, Events, Incident
再度發生 Happens again
即將發生 Imminent
重音發生 Emphasis, Position or location (syllable) of emphasis
在哪裡發生 Where did it happen?, Where did it occur?, Where it happened
什麼也沒發生 Nothing happens, Nothing happened
事情沒這麼發生 It didn't pan out, It didn't work out that way
以免失壓情況發生 In case there was a pressure loss
發生了 Happens, Occurs
發生時 When it happens, When it happened, When it occurred
發生的 Happened, Occurred
發生過 Had occurred
事件發生前 Prior to the event, Before the incident
事件發生後 After the event, After the event occurred
事情發生前 Before something happened
剛剛發生的 What just happened
的確發生過 Certainly had been, Had definitely occurred
就是這樣發生的 That's how it happened, That that's how it happened, Happened in that way
緊急狀況發生時 When an emergency occurs, When emergencies occur
發生危險 Dangerous occurrences, Dangerous occurrence
以防點火時發生危險 To prevent dangerous occurrences during ignition
發生塌陷 Collapsed
發生洩漏 There's been a breach, There's been a leak
發生變化 Change, Changes, Changed
發生過幾次 Had occurred a few times
也發生過同樣的事 The same thing had happened
壞事發生前的三個月左右 About three months before the horrible event occurred
如果這件事發生在你身上 If this happened to you
沒有發生什麼奇怪的事吧 Nothing strange happened?
一切發生在僅僅二十分鐘內 It had all happened in just 20 minutes
物質發生化學變化產生新物質 A substance that undergoes a chemical change produces a new substance
把發生的事情一五一十地造訴我吧 Tell me everything that happened
如果發生了什麼我不知道的犯罪行為 If a criminal act occurred that I was not aware of
發生了什麼 What happened
如果發生了什麼 If something happened
猜想會發生什麼 Speculate on what was about to happen, Guessing what was going to occur
發生了衝突 Clashes occur, Clashes break out
發生武裝衝突 Armed conflict occurred
發生什麼了 What happened
發生什麼事 What happened, Wondering what happened
發生了什麼事 What had happened
我到底發生了什麼事 What happened to me in the end? What happened to me?
知道我到底發生了什麼事 Know what happened to me in the end
去年的事件發生之後 After the events of last year, After the happenings of the previous year
在事情終於發生之前 Before it finally happened
學生 Student, Students
中學生 Middle school student, Elementary school student
大學生 University student, College student
小學生 Elementary school student
留學生 A student that is studying abroad, A student that has studied abroad
新轉學生 Newly transferred student or students
物理系學生 Physics major
作為一個學生 As a student
四個班級的學生 Four school classes, The students of four classes
學生們 Students
堅持學生學習廣泛的主題 Insisted that students study an extensive range of subjects
你的學生會出現 Your student shall appear
學生若準備好老師自會出現 When the student is ready the teacher or master shall appear
先生 Mister, Sir, One's husband
張先生 Mister Zhang
我先生 My husband
健美先生 Body builder
機器人先生 Mr Roboto
擁有強烈預感的那位先生 He of the powerful premonitions, That gentleman with the strong premonitions
衛生 Hygiene
衛生紙 Toilet paper
衛生間 Bathroom, Washroom, Toilet
衛生福利部 Ministry of Health and Welfare
世界衛生組織 World Health Organization (WHO)
置之死地而後生 Strategy of placing troops in a dire situation so that they fight for their lives to win a battle
產生 Cause, Caused, Causing, Give rise to, Gave rise to, Giving rise to, Produce, Produced, Producing
產生出 Produced, Generated
產生器 Generator
產生的 Produced
反應產生的 Reaction produced, Produced by reaction
蒸汽產生器 Steam generator
產生氣泡 Produce bubbles, Produces bubbles
反應產生的氣體 Reaction produced gasses, Gasses produced by reaction
反應產生何種氣體 What kind of gas is produced by the reaction?
產生沉澱 Produce precipitation, Produces precipitation, Producing precipitation, Produced precipitation
產生興趣 Develop an interest, Develops an interest
產生二氧化碳 Produce carbon dioxide, Produces carbon dioxide, Producing carbon dioxide, Produced carbon dioxide
產生化學變化 A chemical change occurs, Chemical changes occur, Produce chemical changes, Produces chemical changes
雙氧水分解產生水和氧氣 Hyrdrogen peroxide decomposes to produce water and oxygen
物質發生化學變化產生新物質 A substance that undergoes a chemical change produces a new substance
以降低因相機震動而產生的模糊 To reduce blur caused by camera shake
新生 New student
一股新生的焦慮 A new anxiety, A new worry
新生活 New life
他的新生活 His new life
她的新生活 Her new life
親生 One's own
親生孫女兒 Their own granddaughter
親生父母 One's own parents, Their own parents
除了親生父母 Except for their parents, Apart from their parents
逃生 Escape
彈射逃生 Eject (to escape from damaged craft)
逃生之路 Escape route, Way out
逃生的路線 Escape route, Escape routes
人生 Life, A person's life
自己的人生 Their lives
擁有趣味的人生 Have interesting lives, Have an interesting life
屬於我自己的人生 My own life
繼續過自己的人生 Continue with their lives, Go on with their lives
追求屬於我自己的人生 Pursue my own life
他們如何繼續過自己的人生 How did they continue with their lives
我人生中 My life's, During my life
花生 Peanut, Peanuts
採花生 Pick peanuts
種花生 Plant peanuts
一大籃的花生 A big basket of peanuts
花生田 Peanut field, Peanut farm
花生醬 Peanut Butter
這片花生田 This peanut field
花生農夫 Peanut farmer
花生醬三明治 Peanut Butter Sandwich
半個花生醬三明治 Half A Peanut Butter Sandwich
一生 A life, All one's life, Throughout one's life
我一生病 As soon as I got sick
其一生都為背傷所苦 Suffered back injuries all their life
天生 Be born with, Natural
天生可愛 Naturally endearing
不再有人覺得他們天生可愛 Nobody still found them naturally endearing
天生可愛的 Naturally endearing
今天生日的小壽星本人 The birthday girl herself, The birthday boy himself
不再有人覺得他們天生可愛的年齡 The age where nobody found them naturally endearing, The age where they were no longer naturally endearing to anyone
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