Produce, Reproduce, Birth, Product, Resource, Property, Estate
Word Links for words containing 產 (sorted via character pairs)
產品 Products
新產品 New product(s)
水產品 Aquatic product
農產品 Agricultural products, Farm produce
中國風的產品 Things Chinese, Chinese style products
帶點中國風的產品 Chinese flavored products
大眾消費市場的產品 Mass-market consumer products
產生 Cause, Caused, Causing, Give rise to, Gave rise to, Giving rise to, Produce, Produced, Producing
產生出 Produced, Generated
產生器 Generator
產生的 Produced
反應產生的 Reaction produced, Produced by reaction
蒸汽產生器 Steam generator
產生氣泡 Produce bubbles, Produces bubbles
反應產生的氣體 Reaction produced gasses, Gasses produced by reaction
反應產生何種氣體 What kind of gas is produced by the reaction?
產生沉澱 Produce precipitation, Produces precipitation, Producing precipitation, Produced precipitation
產生興趣 Develop an interest, Develops an interest
產生二氧化碳 Produce carbon dioxide, Produces carbon dioxide, Producing carbon dioxide, Produced carbon dioxide
產生化學變化 A chemical change occurs, Chemical changes occur, Produce chemical changes, Produces chemical changes
雙氧水分解產生水和氧氣 Hyrdrogen peroxide decomposes to produce water and oxygen
物質發生化學變化產生新物質 A substance that undergoes a chemical change produces a new substance
以降低因相機震動而產生的模糊 To reduce blur caused by camera shake
破產 Bankruptcy, Bankrupt, Come to naught, Going broke, Broke
用不著破產 Without going broke, No need to go broke
破產了 Went bankrupt
地產 Real estate
小地產 Estate, Small estate
房地產 Real estate
每批新地產 Every new parcel of land
世界上最貴的地產 Most expensive real estate in the world
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