
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 了


Can use

yongˋ de˙ liaoˇ

了 le˙, liaoˇ, liaoˋ
Whole, Complete, Finish, End, (Liao3), Understand, Comprehend

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Phone , Tone


得了 deˊ liaoˇ

Words that rhyme with 用得了 (yong-e)

Grouped by first phone

yong, xiong

用得了 yongˋ de˙ liaoˇ

Can use

用得著 yongˋ de˙ zhaoˊ

Can use, Could use

用各種方法去旅 yongˋ geˋ zhongˇ fang¯ faˇ quˋ luuˇ

Use all kinds of methods to travel, Travel in various ways

擁了 yong¯ le˙

Had all of, Had the whole

用了 yongˋ le˙

Used, Used for

yong, xiong

兇惡 xiong¯ eˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

45, 14, 15, 44

用得了 yongˋ de˙ liaoˇ

Can use

用得著 yongˋ de˙ zhaoˊ

Can use, Could use

用了 yongˋ le˙

Used, Used for

45, 14, 15, 44

兇惡 xiong¯ eˋ


45, 14, 15, 44

擁了 yong¯ le˙

Had all of, Had the whole

45, 14, 15, 44

用各種方法去旅 yongˋ geˋ zhongˇ fang¯ faˇ quˋ luuˇ

Use all kinds of methods to travel, Travel in various ways


冂-⺆ : > : > [用]-用得 : > [用]-用得了 >

丿-彳 : > : > [得]-得了 : > [得]-用得了 >

𠃌-了 : > : > [了]-得了 : > [了]-用得了 >

用得了 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 了

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