
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 了


Get rid of

shuaiˇ le˙

了 le˙, liaoˇ, liaoˋ
Whole, Complete, Finish, End, (Liao3), Understand, Comprehend

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 甩了 (wai-e)

Grouped by first phone

shuai, chuai, huai, kuai, wai

帥的 shuaiˋ de˙


帥哥 shuaiˋ ge¯

Handsome boy

摔了下來 shuai¯ le˙ xiaˋ laiˊ

Thrown off of, Thrown down

甩了 shuaiˇ le˙

Get rid of

shuai, chuai, huai, kuai, wai

揣測 chuai¯ ceˋ

Guess, Speculate, Surmise, Conjecture

shuai, chuai, huai, kuai, wai

壞的一頭 huaiˋ de˙ yiˋ touˊ

A bad end, A bad part

淮河 huaiˊ heˊ

Huai River

壞了 huaiˋ le˙

Broken, Not working, Destroyed, Gone bad

shuai, chuai, huai, kuai, wai

快車 kuaiˋ che¯

Express train, Express bus

快樂 kuaiˋ leˋ


快樂地 kuaiˋ leˋ de˙


快樂的 kuaiˋ leˋ de˙

Happy, Happily

shuai, chuai, huai, kuai, wai

外側廣肌 waiˋ ceˋ guangˇ ji¯

Vastus Lateralis

外側楔狀骨 waiˋ ceˋ xie¯ zhuangˋ guˇ

Lateral Cuneiform

外側緣 waiˋ ceˋ yuanˊ

Lateral Margin, Outer border

外科 waiˋ ke¯


外科醫師 waiˋ ke¯ yi¯ shi¯


外殼 waiˋ keˊ

Casing, Cover, Hull

歪了 wai¯ le˙

Askew, Become off-kilter

外肋間肌 waiˋ leˋ jian¯ ji¯

External Intercostals

Grouped in tone pairs

35, 14, 15, 22, 41, 42, 44, 45

甩了 shuaiˇ le˙

Get rid of

35, 14, 15, 22, 41, 42, 44, 45

揣測 chuai¯ ceˋ

Guess, Speculate, Surmise, Conjecture

35, 14, 15, 22, 41, 42, 44, 45

摔了下來 shuai¯ le˙ xiaˋ laiˊ

Thrown off of, Thrown down

歪了 wai¯ le˙

Askew, Become off-kilter

35, 14, 15, 22, 41, 42, 44, 45

淮河 huaiˊ heˊ

Huai River

35, 14, 15, 22, 41, 42, 44, 45

快車 kuaiˋ che¯

Express train, Express bus

帥哥 shuaiˋ ge¯

Handsome boy

外科 waiˋ ke¯


外科醫師 waiˋ ke¯ yi¯ shi¯


35, 14, 15, 22, 41, 42, 44, 45

外殼 waiˋ keˊ

Casing, Cover, Hull

35, 14, 15, 22, 41, 42, 44, 45

快樂 kuaiˋ leˋ


快樂地 kuaiˋ leˋ de˙


快樂的 kuaiˋ leˋ de˙

Happy, Happily

外側廣肌 waiˋ ceˋ guangˇ ji¯

Vastus Lateralis

外側楔狀骨 waiˋ ceˋ xie¯ zhuangˋ guˇ

Lateral Cuneiform

外側緣 waiˋ ceˋ yuanˊ

Lateral Margin, Outer border

外肋間肌 waiˋ leˋ jian¯ ji¯

External Intercostals

35, 14, 15, 22, 41, 42, 44, 45

壞的一頭 huaiˋ de˙ yiˋ touˊ

A bad end, A bad part

壞了 huaiˋ le˙

Broken, Not working, Destroyed, Gone bad

帥的 shuaiˋ de˙



冂-⺆ : > : > [甩]-甩了 : > [甩]-甩了 >

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甩了 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 了

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