
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 之


One hundred percent, 100\%, Positive, Absolutely

baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ baiˇ

之 zhi¯
Arrive, Go, Leave, Them, Him, Her, For Possession

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Phone , Tone


分之 fen¯ zhi¯

百分之 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯

Words that rhyme with 百分之百 (ai-en)

Grouped by first phone

bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

百分之 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯

Percent, Percentage

百分之一秒 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ yi¯ miaoˇ

A hundredth of a second, A split second

百分之二十一 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ erˋ shiˊ yi¯

21\%, Twenty-one percent

百分之八十五 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ ba¯ shiˊ wuˇ

85\%, Eighty-five percent

百分之十 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ shiˊ

Ten percent

百分之十七 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ shiˊ qi¯

Seventeen percent

百分之百 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ baiˇ

One hundred percent, 100\%, Positive, Absolutely

百分之百保證 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ baiˇ baoˇ zhengˋ

Fully guarantee, One hundred percent guarantee

百分之百真的 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ baiˇ zhen¯ de˙

One hundred percent true, Absolutely

百分比 baiˇ fen¯ biˇ


百分百 baiˇ fen¯ baiˇ

One hundred percent

百分點 baiˇ fen¯ dianˇ

Percentage, Percentage point

白人 baiˊ renˊ

White person, White guy

白人垃圾 baiˊ renˊ leˋ seˋ

White trash

bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

愛人 aiˋ renˊ

Love, Loved one, Loved ones

bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

才真 caiˊ zhen¯

Only then

才真的開始覺得不安 caiˊ zhen¯ de˙ kai¯ shiˇ jueˊ de˙ buˋ an¯

Only then started to truly feel uneasy

bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

帶分數 daiˋ fen¯ shuˋ

Fixed fraction, Fixed ratio

帶人去 daiˋ renˊ quˋ

Take a team to, Take a group to, Take some people to

待人 daiˋ renˊ

Treat people

逮人 daiˋ renˊ

Catch person(s), Catch prey

bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

該怎麼做 gai¯ zenˇ me˙ zuoˋ

What to do, What needed to be done

bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

海門天險 haiˇ menˊ tian¯ xianˇ

Haimen Tianxian

海門天險城樓 haiˇ menˊ tian¯ xianˇ chengˊ louˊ

Haimen Tianxian tower

還認得出 haiˊ renˋ de˙ chu¯

Still recognize, Still know

駭人 haiˋ renˊ

Frightening, Disturbing

駭人聽聞 haiˋ renˊ ting¯ wenˊ


海神 haiˇ shenˊ


還真 haiˊ zhen¯


還真的 haiˊ zhen¯ de˙


bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

開分店 kai¯ fen¯ dianˋ

Set up shop

開墾 kai¯ kenˇ

Open up land for farming

開墾執照 kai¯ kenˇ zhiˊ zhaoˋ

Farming permit

開墾荒地 kai¯ kenˇ huang¯ diˋ

Open up barren wasteland for farming

開門見山 kai¯ menˊ jianˋ shan¯

Straight to the point

bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

萊恩 laiˊ en¯


來認識 laiˊ renˋ shiˋ

To learn about

bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

麥肯奇 maiˋ kenˇ qiˊ


bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

奶粉 naiˇ fenˇ

Powdered milk

耐人尋味 naiˋ renˊ xunˊ weiˋ


bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

派人 paiˋ renˊ

Send people, Sends people, Sent people

bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

太嫩 taiˋ nenˋ

Too young

太嫩了 taiˋ nenˋ le˙

Too young

bai, ai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, tai, zai

在本節 zaiˋ benˇ jieˊ

In this section, In this section's

在分享 zaiˋ fen¯ xiangˇ


在分享他的風景 zaiˋ fen¯ xiangˇ ta¯ de˙ feng¯ jingˇ

Sharing his view of the scenery, Sharing his view

在憤怒下 zaiˋ fenˋ nuˋ xiaˋ

Angrily, While angry

在很多情況 zaiˋ henˇ duo¯ qingˊ kuangˋ

In many situations

在很短時間內 zaiˋ henˇ duanˇ shiˊ jian¯ neiˋ

In a short period of time

載人 zaiˇ renˊ

Carrying people, Transporting people

載人登陸火星任務 zaiˇ renˊ deng¯ luˋ huoˇ xing¯ renˋ wuˋ

Manned mission to Mars

在人海茫茫的洛杉磯 zaiˋ renˊ haiˇ mangˊ mangˊ de˙ luoˋ sha¯ ji¯

In the vast crowds of Los Angeles, In the crowds of Los Angeles

在人潮洶湧的街上 zaiˋ renˊ chaoˊ xiong¯ yongˇ de˙ jie¯ shangˋ

On a crowded street

在人潮洶湧的街上玩 zaiˋ renˊ chaoˊ xiong¯ yongˇ de˙ jie¯ shangˋ wanˊ

Playing in a crowded street, Having fun in a crowded street

在人長大之後 zaiˋ renˊ zhangˇ daˋ zhi¯ houˋ

As people get older

在深溝邊緣的矮牆上 zaiˋ shen¯ gou¯ bian¯ yuanˊ de˙ aiˇ qiangˊ shangˋ

At the low wall at the edge of the pit, On the low wall at the pit's edge

再怎麼糊塗 zaiˋ zenˇ me˙ huˊ tuˊ

How confusing, No matter how confusing

在枕下 zaiˋ zhenˇ xiaˋ

Under the pillow, Under their pillow

Grouped in tone pairs

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

百分之 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯

Percent, Percentage

百分之一秒 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ yi¯ miaoˇ

A hundredth of a second, A split second

百分之二十一 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ erˋ shiˊ yi¯

21\%, Twenty-one percent

百分之八十五 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ ba¯ shiˊ wuˇ

85\%, Eighty-five percent

百分之十 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ shiˊ

Ten percent

百分之十七 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ shiˊ qi¯

Seventeen percent

百分之百 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ baiˇ

One hundred percent, 100\%, Positive, Absolutely

百分之百保證 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ baiˇ baoˇ zhengˋ

Fully guarantee, One hundred percent guarantee

百分之百真的 baiˇ fen¯ zhi¯ baiˇ zhen¯ de˙

One hundred percent true, Absolutely

百分比 baiˇ fen¯ biˇ


百分百 baiˇ fen¯ baiˇ

One hundred percent

百分點 baiˇ fen¯ dianˇ

Percentage, Percentage point

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

開分店 kai¯ fen¯ dianˋ

Set up shop

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

開門見山 kai¯ menˊ jianˋ shan¯

Straight to the point

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

該怎麼做 gai¯ zenˇ me˙ zuoˋ

What to do, What needed to be done

開墾 kai¯ kenˇ

Open up land for farming

開墾執照 kai¯ kenˇ zhiˊ zhaoˋ

Farming permit

開墾荒地 kai¯ kenˇ huang¯ diˋ

Open up barren wasteland for farming

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

才真 caiˊ zhen¯

Only then

才真的開始覺得不安 caiˊ zhen¯ de˙ kai¯ shiˇ jueˊ de˙ buˋ an¯

Only then started to truly feel uneasy

還真 haiˊ zhen¯


還真的 haiˊ zhen¯ de˙


萊恩 laiˊ en¯


31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

白人 baiˊ renˊ

White person, White guy

白人垃圾 baiˊ renˊ leˋ seˋ

White trash

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

還認得出 haiˊ renˋ de˙ chu¯

Still recognize, Still know

來認識 laiˊ renˋ shiˋ

To learn about

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

海門天險 haiˇ menˊ tian¯ xianˇ

Haimen Tianxian

海門天險城樓 haiˇ menˊ tian¯ xianˇ chengˊ louˊ

Haimen Tianxian tower

海神 haiˇ shenˊ


載人 zaiˇ renˊ

Carrying people, Transporting people

載人登陸火星任務 zaiˇ renˊ deng¯ luˋ huoˇ xing¯ renˋ wuˋ

Manned mission to Mars

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

奶粉 naiˇ fenˇ

Powdered milk

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

帶分數 daiˋ fen¯ shuˋ

Fixed fraction, Fixed ratio

在分享 zaiˋ fen¯ xiangˇ


在分享他的風景 zaiˋ fen¯ xiangˇ ta¯ de˙ feng¯ jingˇ

Sharing his view of the scenery, Sharing his view

在深溝邊緣的矮牆上 zaiˋ shen¯ gou¯ bian¯ yuanˊ de˙ aiˇ qiangˊ shangˋ

At the low wall at the edge of the pit, On the low wall at the pit's edge

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

愛人 aiˋ renˊ

Love, Loved one, Loved ones

帶人去 daiˋ renˊ quˋ

Take a team to, Take a group to, Take some people to

待人 daiˋ renˊ

Treat people

逮人 daiˋ renˊ

Catch person(s), Catch prey

駭人 haiˋ renˊ

Frightening, Disturbing

駭人聽聞 haiˋ renˊ ting¯ wenˊ


耐人尋味 naiˋ renˊ xunˊ weiˋ


派人 paiˋ renˊ

Send people, Sends people, Sent people

在人海茫茫的洛杉磯 zaiˋ renˊ haiˇ mangˊ mangˊ de˙ luoˋ sha¯ ji¯

In the vast crowds of Los Angeles, In the crowds of Los Angeles

在人潮洶湧的街上 zaiˋ renˊ chaoˊ xiong¯ yongˇ de˙ jie¯ shangˋ

On a crowded street

在人潮洶湧的街上玩 zaiˋ renˊ chaoˊ xiong¯ yongˇ de˙ jie¯ shangˋ wanˊ

Playing in a crowded street, Having fun in a crowded street

在人長大之後 zaiˋ renˊ zhangˇ daˋ zhi¯ houˋ

As people get older

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

麥肯奇 maiˋ kenˇ qiˊ


在本節 zaiˋ benˇ jieˊ

In this section, In this section's

在很多情況 zaiˋ henˇ duo¯ qingˊ kuangˋ

In many situations

在很短時間內 zaiˋ henˇ duanˇ shiˊ jian¯ neiˋ

In a short period of time

再怎麼糊塗 zaiˋ zenˇ me˙ huˊ tuˊ

How confusing, No matter how confusing

在枕下 zaiˋ zhenˇ xiaˋ

Under the pillow, Under their pillow

31, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

太嫩 taiˋ nenˋ

Too young

太嫩了 taiˋ nenˋ le˙

Too young

在憤怒下 zaiˋ fenˋ nuˋ xiaˋ

Angrily, While angry


一-丆 : > : > [百]-之百 : > [百]-百分之百 >

人-八 : > : > [分]-分之 : > [分]-百分之百 >

丶-丶 : > : > [之]-分之 : > [之]-百分之百 >

一-丆 : > : > [百]-之百 : > [百]-百分之百 >

百分之百 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 之

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