Index for words including 盔


Helmet, Bowl, Basin

Word Links for words containing 盔 (sorted via character pairs)

盔 kui¯
Helmet, Bowl, Basin

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


盔甲 Armour, Helmet

一身盔甲 A suit of armour

他的盔甲 His armor

她的盔甲 Her armor

穿透盔甲 Armor-piercing

他找不到盔甲 He can't find the armor, He didn't find the armor, He couldn't find the armor

穿上新盔甲 Putting on the new armour, Wearing the new armour

放在他的盔甲 Placed in his armor, In his armor


頭盔 Helmet

帶刺頭盔 Spiked helmet

頭盔脫了 Took off helmet

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