Eye, Look, Regard, Goal, See, Name, Title, List, Division, Section, Catalogue
Word Links for words containing 目 (sorted via character pairs)
目睹 Observe, Witness
在目睹 Watches, Witnesses
耳聞目睹 Hear and see
親眼目睹 Seen, Had seen
目睹自己 Watching oneself, Watching himself, Watching herself, Watching themselves
目睹女王和親王的穿著後 After seeing what the Queen and prince consort were wearing
目的 Aim, Purpose, Goal
漫無目的 Aimless, Aimlessness
為此目的 For this purpose
他們漫無目的 They are aimless, They were aimless, Their aimlessness
專門為此目的 Specifically for this purpose
是為了達到什麼目的 For what purpose?, To what end?
目的地 Destination, Heading towards, Toward, Towards
就來到了目的地 Then arrived at the destination, Then reached the destination, Then reached our destination
專門為此目的設計 Specifically designed for this purpose, Specially designed for this purpose
目錄 Contents, Table of contents, List, Catalogue
郵購目錄 Catalogue, Mail order catalogue
從郵購目錄訂購的東西 Something ordered from a mail order catalogue
目鏡 Eye piece, Ocular element
護目鏡 Goggles, Protective goggles
少跟戴目鏡的人過不去 Don't mess with someone wearing sights
目前 Current, Present, At present, Currently, At this time, Now
目前所 Current, Currently
目前年齡 Current age
目前所在 Current location, Current position
目前狀況 Current situation
她目前的程度 Her current level, Her current level of ability, Her current ability, Her current abilities
起碼目前如此 At least for now, At least for the time being
目前唯一的孫輩 Only grandchild so far
目前看來是不太可能 Does not seem likely at present
他第一個也是目前唯一 His first and at present his only, Currently his first and only
目前為止所做的任何事 Anything done so far, Anything done up to now
目前為止 Until now, So far, Up until now
到目前為止 So far, Until now
在目前的情況下 Under the circumstances
但在目前的情況下 But under the circumstances
目光 Vision, Eyes, Sight, Gaze, Gazed, Glance, Glanced, Look, Looked
目光掃過 Look over, Looked over, Scan, Scanned
目光望向 Staring at, Staring towards, Gazing at
目光望向火中 Staring into the fire, Stared at the fire
他的目光始終沒離開發抖的老人 His eyes didn't leave the shivering old man, He kept his eyes on the shivering old man
目標 Target, Objective, Aim, Goal, Targeted
漫無目標 Aimless, Mindless, Aimlessly, Mindlessly
長遠目標 Long term goal
讓我有個目標 Gave me something do to, Gave me something to work towards, Gave me a goal
活的和死的目標 Live and dead targets, Living and dead targets
他的行動有個目標 His actions have a purpose, His actions had a purpose
她的行動有個目標 Her actions have a purpose, Her actions had a purpose
漫無目標地 Aimlessly, Mindlessly
目標受害者 Intended victim
注目 Watched attentively
值得注目 Noteworthy, Worthy of attention
引人注目 Prominent, Noticeable, Conspicuous, Attention attracting
在全球注目下 And while the whole planet watched
值得注目的特色 Noteworthy features
過目 Look over, Take a look, Read over, Glance at
過目一遍 Look over, Look through
粗略地過目一遍 Cursory look over
邊喝上午的咖啡邊將郵件粗略地過目一遍 Glance over the mail while drinking their morning coffee
數目 Number, Sum
總數目 Total number, Total count
數目不明 Unknown number
數目雖不大 It wasn't a huge amount
數目上百萬 Millions
但數目不算多 But not many
數目上百萬的話 If there are millions
刺目 Pricks
刺目的白光 Pricks of white light
兩三萬顆獨立刺目的白光 Twenty or thirty thousand individual pricks of white light
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