
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 率


Bluntly, Frankly

zhiˊ shuaiˋ de˙

率 luuˋ, shuaiˋ
Calculate, Ratio, Suffix For Measure, Suffix For Rate, Limit, Frequency, (Shuai4), Command, Lead, Follow, In General, Simple, Rash, Candid, Random

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Phone , Tone


直率 zhiˊ shuaiˋ

Words that rhyme with 直率地 (i-wai)

Grouped by first phone

zhi, ci, shi, si

直率 zhiˊ shuaiˋ

Blunt, Frank, Candidly

直率地 zhiˊ shuaiˋ de˙

Bluntly, Frankly

之外 zhi¯ waiˋ


zhi, ci, shi, si

此外 ciˇ waiˋ

Additionally, In addition

zhi, ci, shi, si

屍塊 shi¯ kuaiˋ

Body parts

石塊 shiˊ kuaiˋ

Stone, Stones, Boulder, Boulders, Stone blocks, Blocks of stone

石塊散落 shiˊ kuaiˋ sanˋ luoˋ

Rock-strewn, Boulder-strewn

zhi, ci, shi, si

四塊 siˋ kuaiˋ

Four units, Four blocks

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 14, 34, 44

石塊 shiˊ kuaiˋ

Stone, Stones, Boulder, Boulders, Stone blocks, Blocks of stone

石塊散落 shiˊ kuaiˋ sanˋ luoˋ

Rock-strewn, Boulder-strewn

直率 zhiˊ shuaiˋ

Blunt, Frank, Candidly

直率地 zhiˊ shuaiˋ de˙

Bluntly, Frankly

24, 14, 34, 44

屍塊 shi¯ kuaiˋ

Body parts

之外 zhi¯ waiˋ


24, 14, 34, 44

此外 ciˇ waiˋ

Additionally, In addition

24, 14, 34, 44

四塊 siˋ kuaiˋ

Four units, Four blocks


十-十 : > : > [直]-直率 : > [直]-直率地 >

丶-亠 : > : > [率]-直率 : > [率]-直率地 >

十-土 : > : > [地]-率地 : > [地]-直率地 >

直率地 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 率

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