Index for words including 睛


Eye, Eyes

Word Links for words containing 睛 (sorted via character pairs)

睛 jing¯
Eye, Eyes

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


目不轉睛的看著 Watch intently, Stare fixedly at


畫龍點睛 Add eyeballs to the picture of a dragon, Add the finishing touches


眼睛 Eyes, Oculus

眼睛 Big eyes

眼睛 Blue eyes

垂下眼睛 Looked down

張開眼睛 Open your eyes, Opened my eyes

我的眼睛 My eye, My eyes

睜大眼睛 Wide-eyed, Open eyes wide, With eyes wide open

瞪大眼睛 Stared at with wide open eyes, Glare, Glared at with wide open eyes

遮住眼睛 Cover the eye, Covered the eye, Cover the eyes, Covered the eyes

閉上眼睛 Shut eyes, Closed eyes

閉著眼睛 Eyes closed

另一隻眼睛 Other eye

嘴唇和眼睛 Lips and eyes

她閉上眼睛 She shut her eyes, She closed her eyes

如縫的眼睛 Slitlike eyes

我垂下眼睛 I lowered my eyes, I looked down

我張開眼睛 I opened my eyes

明亮的眼睛 Bright eyes, Bright eyed

眨了眨眼睛 Winks, Winks an eye

眨眼的眼睛 Winking eye

你就閉上眼睛 You then close your eyes

她閉起了眼睛 She closed her eyes

當她閉上眼睛 When she closed her eyes

我緩緩張開眼睛 I slowly opened my eyes

直視那人的眼睛 Look into the man's eyes, Looks into the man's eyes, Looked into the man's eyes

眼睛四周 Around the eyes, Surrounding the eyes

多半在開始出現細紋的眼睛四周 Mostly around the eyes where wrinkles were starting to appear

眼睛瞇成 Eyes narrowed, Squinted

眼睛瞇成一線 Eyes narrowed to a line, Squinted narrowly, Eyes squinted to a thin line

眼睛骨碌轉動 Eyes swiveling around, Eyes rolling around

等待眼睛適應 Waiting for their eyes to adjust, Until their eyes adjusted

眼睛適應了陽光 Eyes had adjusted to the sunlight

他用手背揉眼睛 While rubbing his eye with the back of his hand, As he rubbed his eye with the back of his hand

他們透過彼此的眼睛向外看 They looked out through each other's eyes, They saw through each other's eyes

他就算閉著眼睛也不會迷路 Could find his way even with his eyes closed

她就算閉著眼睛也不會迷路 Could find her way even with her eyes closed


目不轉睛 Intently, Fixedly, Without moving eyes

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