Index for words including 睹


Observe, Gaze, Look At, Witness, See

Word Links for words containing 睹 (sorted via character pairs)

睹 duˇ
Observe, Gaze, Look At, Witness, See

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


睹國際巨星 An international superstar


目睹 Observe, Witness

目睹 Watches, Witnesses

耳聞目睹 Hear and see

親眼目睹 Seen, Had seen

目睹自己 Watching oneself, Watching himself, Watching herself, Watching themselves

目睹女王和親王的穿著後 After seeing what the Queen and prince consort were wearing


慘不忍睹 Miserable, Horrible to look at, Sorry to look at

現場真是慘不忍睹 Truly a sorry sight


觀睹 Watch, Observe

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