Index for words including 瞪


Stare, Look At

Word Links for words containing 瞪 (sorted via character pairs)

瞪 dengˋ
Stare, Look At

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


瞪眼 Look on in despair, Looked on in despair, Look on helplessly, Looked on helplessly

氣得乾瞪眼 Stared with anger, Stared angrily, Glowered


瞪視 Stared, Stared at

憤怒地瞪視 Angrily stared, Angrily stared at

憤怒地瞪視著他 Angrily stared at him


瞪著 Glare, Glared, Stare, Stared

瞪著 Glowered, Glared angrily

瞪著 Stared at him, Glared at him

瞪著 Stared at her, Glared at her

他怒瞪著 He stared at her angrily

惡狠狠地瞪著 Glaring at him angrily, Glared at him angrily

惡狠狠地瞪著 Glaring at her angrily, Glared at her angrily


瞪大眼睛 Stared at with wide open eyes, Glare, Glared at with wide open eyes

瞪大雙眼 Staring with eyes wide open


目瞪 Stare

目瞪口呆 Stunned, Dumbfounded, Staring with mouth agape

目瞪口呆地 Stunned


邪惡一瞪 Glare with an evil eye, Stare with an evil eye, Give the evil eye

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