
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 荒


Never before, Unprecedented, For the first time ever

poˋ tian¯ huang¯

荒 huang¯
Desolate, Wild, Uncultivated, Wilderness, Wasteland, Abandoned, Deserted, Desert

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 破天荒 (o-yan)

Grouped by first phone

po, bo, mo

潑天 po¯ tian¯

Overwhelming, Extreme

破天荒 poˋ tian¯ huang¯

Never before, Unprecedented, For the first time ever

po, bo, mo

撥電話 bo¯ dianˋ huaˋ

Called (via telephone)

玻片夾 bo¯ pianˋ jia¯

Slide clamp

po, bo, mo

摩天大樓 moˊ tian¯ daˋ louˊ

Skyscraper, Skyscrapers

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 11, 14, 21

破天荒 poˋ tian¯ huang¯

Never before, Unprecedented, For the first time ever

41, 11, 14, 21

潑天 po¯ tian¯

Overwhelming, Extreme

41, 11, 14, 21

撥電話 bo¯ dianˋ huaˋ

Called (via telephone)

玻片夾 bo¯ pianˋ jia¯

Slide clamp

41, 11, 14, 21

摩天大樓 moˊ tian¯ daˋ louˊ

Skyscraper, Skyscrapers


一-石 : > : > [破]-破天 : > [破]-破天荒 >

一-一 : > : > [天]-天荒 : > [天]-破天荒 >

人-艹 : > : > [荒]-天荒 : > [荒]-破天荒 >

破天荒 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 荒

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