Index for words including 砸


Crash, Smash, Destroy, Ruin, Beat to a pulp, Fail, Bungle, Screw up

Word Links for words containing 砸 (sorted via character pairs)

砸 zaˊ
Crash, Smash, Destroy, Ruin, Beat to a pulp, Fail, Bungle, Screw up

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


搞砸 Fail, Mess up, Screw up, Blow it, Ruin it

搞砸 Don't mess up, Don't mess it up, Don't cock it up

搞砸 Failed, Messed up, Screwed up, Failing, Messing up, Screwing up, Blowing it, Ruining it

把事情搞砸 Screwed things up, Made a cock-up of the whole thing

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