
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 家


Private car

si¯ jia¯ che¯

家 jia¯
Family, Home, Household, Residence, Domestic, Writer, Artist, Specialist, Suffix Used To Indicate An Expert In A Field, MW For Families Or Businesses

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Phone , Tone


私家 si¯ jia¯

Words that rhyme with 私家車 (i-ia)

Grouped by first phone

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

私家 si¯ jia¯


私家偵探 si¯ jia¯ zhen¯ tanˋ

Private Detective

私家偵探社 si¯ jia¯ zhen¯ tanˋ sheˋ

Private detective agency

私家車 si¯ jia¯ che¯

Private car

撕下 si¯ xiaˋ

Took off, Ripped off, Peeled off

私下 si¯ xiaˋ

In private

私下說 si¯ xiaˋ shuo¯

Say in private, Say privately

四下 siˋ xiaˋ

Around, All around, On all sides

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

吃下一個 chi¯ xiaˋ yiˋ ge˙

Ate one

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

此下 ciˇ xiaˋ

Since, From then

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

施加 shi¯ jia¯


世家 shiˋ jia¯


是加密的 shiˋ jia¯ miˋ de˙

Is encrypted, Are encrypted, Were encrypted

是家裡的事 shiˋ jia¯ liˇ de˙ shiˋ

A family matter

是家裡的事嗎 shiˋ jia¯ liˇ de˙ shiˋ ma˙

Is it a family matter?

是假 shiˋ jiaˇ

Was a lie, Was fake

是假的 shiˋ jiaˇ de˙

Was a lie, Was fake

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

芝加哥 zhi¯ jia¯ ge¯


支架 zhi¯ jiaˋ

Bracket, Mount

指甲 zhiˇ jiaˇ

Finger nail, Finger nails

指甲也修過 zhiˇ jiaˇ yeˇ xiu¯ guoˋ

Fingernails had been done, Fingernails had been trimmed

指甲花 zhiˇ jiaˇ hua¯


之下 zhi¯ xiaˋ

Then, After

直轄 zhiˊ xiaˊ

Direct jurisdiction

擲下 zhiˊ xiaˋ

Throw away

直下 zhiˊ xiaˋ

Steadily decline, Deteriorate steadily

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

自家 ziˋ jia¯

Family, One's family, One's own family

自家後院 ziˋ jia¯ houˋ yuanˋ

Own backyard

自家農場 ziˋ jia¯ nongˊ changˇ

Family farm, The family farm

孖下肌 zi¯ xiaˋ ji¯

Gemellus Inferior

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 14, 22, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

施加 shi¯ jia¯


私家 si¯ jia¯


私家偵探 si¯ jia¯ zhen¯ tanˋ

Private Detective

私家偵探社 si¯ jia¯ zhen¯ tanˋ sheˋ

Private detective agency

私家車 si¯ jia¯ che¯

Private car

芝加哥 zhi¯ jia¯ ge¯


11, 14, 22, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

吃下一個 chi¯ xiaˋ yiˋ ge˙

Ate one

撕下 si¯ xiaˋ

Took off, Ripped off, Peeled off

私下 si¯ xiaˋ

In private

私下說 si¯ xiaˋ shuo¯

Say in private, Say privately

支架 zhi¯ jiaˋ

Bracket, Mount

之下 zhi¯ xiaˋ

Then, After

孖下肌 zi¯ xiaˋ ji¯

Gemellus Inferior

11, 14, 22, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

直轄 zhiˊ xiaˊ

Direct jurisdiction

11, 14, 22, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

擲下 zhiˊ xiaˋ

Throw away

直下 zhiˊ xiaˋ

Steadily decline, Deteriorate steadily

11, 14, 22, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

指甲 zhiˇ jiaˇ

Finger nail, Finger nails

指甲也修過 zhiˇ jiaˇ yeˇ xiu¯ guoˋ

Fingernails had been done, Fingernails had been trimmed

指甲花 zhiˇ jiaˇ hua¯


11, 14, 22, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

此下 ciˇ xiaˋ

Since, From then

11, 14, 22, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

世家 shiˋ jia¯


是加密的 shiˋ jia¯ miˋ de˙

Is encrypted, Are encrypted, Were encrypted

是家裡的事 shiˋ jia¯ liˇ de˙ shiˋ

A family matter

是家裡的事嗎 shiˋ jia¯ liˇ de˙ shiˋ ma˙

Is it a family matter?

自家 ziˋ jia¯

Family, One's family, One's own family

自家後院 ziˋ jia¯ houˋ yuanˋ

Own backyard

自家農場 ziˋ jia¯ nongˊ changˇ

Family farm, The family farm

11, 14, 22, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

是假 shiˋ jiaˇ

Was a lie, Was fake

是假的 shiˋ jiaˇ de˙

Was a lie, Was fake

11, 14, 22, 24, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

四下 siˋ xiaˋ

Around, All around, On all sides


丿-禾 : > : > [私]-私家 : > [私]-私家車 >

丶-宀 : > : > [家]-私家 : > [家]-私家車 >

十-車 : > : > [車]-家車 : > [車]-私家車 >

私家車 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 家

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