Program, Procedure, Schedule, Agenda, Order, Course, Journey, Form, Sequence, Rule, Regulate, Regulation
Word Links for words containing 程 (sorted via character pairs)
程式 Program, Procedure, Programs, Procedures, Programming
次程式 Subprogram
驅動程式 Driver
黑客程式 Malware, Computer virus
程式自動曝光 Programmed auto-exposure
是寫這程式的人 Was the person who wrote the program
程度 Degree, Extent, Standard requirement
高的程度 High level, High degree
努力的程度 Degree of effort, Amount of effort
她目前的程度 Her current level, Her current level of ability, Her current ability, Her current abilities
相當高的程度 Quite a high level, Quite a high degree
他最多就只有某種程度的服從 At best he had a certain degree of obedience
程序 Procedure, Procedures, Proceedings, Program, Programs
反應程序 Reaction process
檢測程序 Test procedure, Test procedures, Diagnostics, Diagnostic procedures
顯示程序 Display program
機場安檢程序 Airport security procedure, Airport security check
計程車 Taxi, Cab
坐計程車 Take a cab, Take a taxi, Cab ride
一輛紅色計程車 A red taxi
計程車上 Riding a taxi, Taking a cab
計程車排班處 Taxi rank
一輛計程車經過 A taxi passes by, A taxi passed by
路程 Travel time, Distance to be travelled
走三天的路程 3 days travel time
穿越了幾公里的路程 Travelled a few kilometers, Travelled for several kilometers
高速公路往北一分鐘路程處 One minute north of the highway
日程 Itinerary, Agenda
典型的上課日程 A typical school day
他典型的上課日程包括 A typical school day includes, A typical school day would include
行程 Traveler's itinerary, Embark on a journey, Journey
二行程 2 stroke
四行程 Four stroke
行程內容 Itinerary
方程 Equation
愛因斯坦方程 Einstein's Equation
方程式 Equation(s)
二元方程式 Equation with two variables
官方程序的一部份 Part of an official procedure, Part of some official procedure
課程 Course, Class, Program, Curriculum
足球課程 Football program
科學與實踐結合課程 Science with Practice, Courses that combine science and practice
課程管理 Course Management
射程 Range
子彈的射程 Bullet range, Projectile range
遠射程炮 Long-range gun
子彈的射程實在短 The bullets had a short range
子彈的射程實在短得令人失望 The bullets had a disappointingly short range
過程 Process
發展過程 Development process
自然過程 Natural process
海水下的過程 The underwater process
熟悉操作過程 Become conversant with each step of the process
自動組合過程 Automatic assembly process
逃過死劫的過程 The process of escaping the clutches of death
過程中 In the process
在你和銀行解決問題的過程裡 While you and the bank resolve any difficulties
整個過程的速度 The speed of this process, The speed of the process
自然過程的一環 Part of a natural process
過程反覆十幾次 Repeat the process several dozen times, Repeat several dozen times
工程 Engineering, Engineering project
主要工程 Principle engineering project, Central engineering project
農業工程 Agricultural engineering
龐大工程 Huge project, Large scale engineering works
主修農業工程 Agricultural engineering major
系統設計工程 Systems Design Engineering
進行中的工程 Work-in-progress
工程學 Engineering challenge, Engineering job
工程師 Engineer
是工程師 Is an engineer, Am an engineer, Was an engineer
核工程師 Atomic Engineer
地理工程師 Geotechnician, Geotech, Geo-engineer
我是工程師 I am an engineer
機械工程師 Mechanical Engineer
身為工程師 As an engineer
逆向工程師 Reverse engineer
大部份工程師 Most engineers
少數幾個工程師 A few engineers, A handful of engineers
駕駛員和工程師 Pilot and engineer
美國太空總署駕駛員和工程師 Pilot and engineer for NASA
本為美國太空總署駕駛員和工程師 Originally worked as a pilot and engineer for NASA
比較是工程學而非 Much more of an engineering challenge than
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