
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 聊


Talk for a little while, Chat for a bit

shao¯ weiˊ liaoˊ liaoˊ

聊 liaoˊ
Talk, Chat, Kill Time

聊 聊 (hide char details)

Phone , Tone


稍微 shao¯ weiˊ

Words that rhyme with 稍微聊聊 (ao-wei)

Grouped by first phone

shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

燒灰 shao¯ hui¯

Reduce to ashes

燒毀 shao¯ huiˇ


燒水 shao¯ shuiˇ

Heat water, Boil water

稍微 shao¯ weiˊ

A little

稍微大一點了 shao¯ weiˊ daˋ yiˋ dianˇ le˙

A little bit older, A little bit bigger, A little more grown up

稍微好一點 shao¯ weiˊ haoˇ yiˋ dianˇ

A little better

稍微聊聊 shao¯ weiˊ liaoˊ liaoˊ

Talk for a little while, Chat for a bit

稍微遠一點 shao¯ weiˊ yuanˇ yiˋ dianˇ

A little bit further

少尉 shaoˇ weiˋ

Second lieutenant

shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

寶貴 baoˇ guiˋ

Valuable, Precious

寶貴的一課 baoˇ guiˋ de˙ yiˊ keˋ

A valuable lesson

包圍 bao¯ weiˊ

Surround, Besiege, Encircle, Bracket (action of bracketing)

包圍曝光 bao¯ weiˊ puˋ guang¯

Bracketed exposure, Exposure bracketing

包圍起 bao¯ weiˊ qiˇ

Surrounding, Encircling

保衛 baoˇ weiˋ

Defend, Security

shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

曹魏 caoˊ weiˋ

Cao Wei

shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

潮水 chaoˊ shuiˇ

Tide, The tide

吵嘴 chaoˇ zuiˇ

Dispute, Fight, Argue, Quarrel

shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

倒胃 daoˇ weiˋ


倒胃的 daoˇ weiˋ de˙


到位 daoˋ weiˋ

In place

shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

高貴 gao¯ guiˋ

Noble, Exalted

高貴譜系 gao¯ guiˋ puˇ xiˋ

Noble heritage

搞鬼 gaoˇ guiˇ

Play tricks

告退 gaoˋ tuiˋ

Withdraw, Leave

shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

好對手 haoˇ duiˋ shouˇ

Worthy adversary

毫微米 haoˊ weiˊ miˇ


shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

勞瑞 laoˊ ruiˋ

Lowrey, Laurie

shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

腦髓 naoˇ suiˇ


shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

跑回 paoˇ huiˊ

Run back (to)

跑回去看 paoˇ huiˊ quˋ kanˋ

Hurried back to check

跑回這裡了 paoˇ huiˊ zheˋ liˇ le˙

Ran back to here

跑腿 paoˇ tuiˇ

Run errands, Errand runner, Runners

跑腿的工作 paoˇ tuiˇ de˙ gong¯ zuoˋ

Work as an errand runner, Work as a runner

shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

陶醉 taoˊ zuiˋ


shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

早為 zaoˇ weiˋ


shao, bao, cao, chao, dao, gao, hao, lao, nao, pao, tao, zao, zhao

找回 zhaoˇ huiˊ

Find, Get back

找回來 zhaoˇ huiˊ laiˊ

Get back

找回她 zhaoˇ huiˊ ta¯

Find her, Get her back

召回 zhaoˋ huiˊ


找水喝 zhaoˇ shuiˇ he¯

Find water to drink

找位子坐下 zhaoˇ weiˋ zi˙ zuoˋ xiaˋ

Found a seat and sat down

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

包圍 bao¯ weiˊ

Surround, Besiege, Encircle, Bracket (action of bracketing)

包圍曝光 bao¯ weiˊ puˋ guang¯

Bracketed exposure, Exposure bracketing

包圍起 bao¯ weiˊ qiˇ

Surrounding, Encircling

稍微 shao¯ weiˊ

A little

稍微大一點了 shao¯ weiˊ daˋ yiˋ dianˇ le˙

A little bit older, A little bit bigger, A little more grown up

稍微好一點 shao¯ weiˊ haoˇ yiˋ dianˇ

A little better

稍微聊聊 shao¯ weiˊ liaoˊ liaoˊ

Talk for a little while, Chat for a bit

稍微遠一點 shao¯ weiˊ yuanˇ yiˋ dianˇ

A little bit further

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

燒灰 shao¯ hui¯

Reduce to ashes

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

燒毀 shao¯ huiˇ


燒水 shao¯ shuiˇ

Heat water, Boil water

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

高貴 gao¯ guiˋ

Noble, Exalted

高貴譜系 gao¯ guiˋ puˇ xiˋ

Noble heritage

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

毫微米 haoˊ weiˊ miˇ


12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

潮水 chaoˊ shuiˇ

Tide, The tide

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

曹魏 caoˊ weiˋ

Cao Wei

勞瑞 laoˊ ruiˋ

Lowrey, Laurie

陶醉 taoˊ zuiˋ


12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

跑回 paoˇ huiˊ

Run back (to)

跑回去看 paoˇ huiˊ quˋ kanˋ

Hurried back to check

跑回這裡了 paoˇ huiˊ zheˋ liˇ le˙

Ran back to here

找回 zhaoˇ huiˊ

Find, Get back

找回來 zhaoˇ huiˊ laiˊ

Get back

找回她 zhaoˇ huiˊ ta¯

Find her, Get her back

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

吵嘴 chaoˇ zuiˇ

Dispute, Fight, Argue, Quarrel

搞鬼 gaoˇ guiˇ

Play tricks

腦髓 naoˇ suiˇ


跑腿 paoˇ tuiˇ

Run errands, Errand runner, Runners

跑腿的工作 paoˇ tuiˇ de˙ gong¯ zuoˋ

Work as an errand runner, Work as a runner

找水喝 zhaoˇ shuiˇ he¯

Find water to drink

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

寶貴 baoˇ guiˋ

Valuable, Precious

寶貴的一課 baoˇ guiˋ de˙ yiˊ keˋ

A valuable lesson

保衛 baoˇ weiˋ

Defend, Security

倒胃 daoˇ weiˋ


倒胃的 daoˇ weiˋ de˙


好對手 haoˇ duiˋ shouˇ

Worthy adversary

少尉 shaoˇ weiˋ

Second lieutenant

早為 zaoˇ weiˋ


找位子坐下 zhaoˇ weiˋ zi˙ zuoˋ xiaˋ

Found a seat and sat down

12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

召回 zhaoˋ huiˊ


12, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 44

到位 daoˋ weiˋ

In place

告退 gaoˋ tuiˋ

Withdraw, Leave


丿-禾 : > : > [稍]-稍微 : > [稍]-稍微聊聊 >

丿-彳 : > : > [微]-稍微 : > [微]-稍微聊聊 >

一-耳 : > : > [聊]-聊聊 : > [聊]-稍微聊聊 >

一-耳 : > : > [聊]-聊聊 : > [聊]-稍微聊聊 >

稍微聊聊 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 聊

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