Index for words including 積


Amass, Accumulate, Collect, Store, Longstanding, Deep Rooted, Building Blocks, Blocks, Product

Word Links for words containing 積 (sorted via character pairs)

積 ji¯
Amass, Accumulate, Collect, Store, Longstanding, Deep Rooted, Building Blocks, Blocks, Product

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


積累 Accumulate, Build up


積點 Award points


積水 Accumulate water, Puddled water, Accumulated water


積澱 Accumulation


積金 Provident fund


積分 Integrate

函數微積分 Integrate


積蓄 Savings


積極 Persist, Persistently, Actively

積極 Enthusiasm, Positivity

積極態度 Positive attitude, Persistant attitude,


積灰 Collect dust, Collecting dust


累積 Accumulate, Build up, Amass

累積 Accumulated, Accumulates, Adds up, Piles on


體積 Volume

液體的體積 Liquid's volume

正立方體體積 Cubic volume

正立方體的體積 Cubic volume

體積 Massive, Bulky

體積容量單位 Measure of storage capacity, Measure of volume

與島體積等同總 Equal to the volume of the island

體積大到令人痛苦 Painfully bulky


乘積 Product

一次式乘積 First-order product, First degree product

數與根式的乘積 The product of a number and a radical


面積 Area, Acreage

面積 The area, Its area, Their area

面積 Large area

面積 Figure out the area, Find the area

受熱面積 Heated area, Area being heated

多少面積 How much area, How much acreage

種植面積 Planting area, Growing area

耕地面積 Area under cultivation

以下的面積 Of surface area or less

正方形面積 Area of the square, The area of the square

這一塊的面積 The area of this piece

負責的區域面積 Area of responsibility

求噴水池以外的面積 Find the area not including the fountains

面積 Area is

面積 The area is, Its area is, Their area is

面積 Total area is

長方形面積 The rectangle's area is, The area of the rectangle is, The area of a rectangle is

面積也才多 The area is just an additional

面積的分割 Area partitioning, Surface area partitioning

正方形面積不變 The area of the square is still the same, The area of the square hasn't changed

負責的區域面積比較小 A relatively smaller area of responsibility

正方形的面積與邊長的關係 The relationship between a square's area and side length

為正方形面積與邊長的關係表 Shows the relationship between the area of a square and its side length

面積會增加多少呢 How much will the area increase by?

這一塊的面積是多少呢 What is the area of this piece?


堆積 Pile up, Heap, Amass, Accumulate, Stack up

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