kong¯, kongˋ
Empty, Have Free Time, Space, Air, Sky, In Vain, Bare, Hollow, Deserted
Word Links for words containing 空 (sorted via character pairs)
闖空門 Burgle, Break into an empty house
闖空門的受害者 Victim of a break-in, Victim of a burglary
遭人闖空門的受害者 Been burgled, Been the victim of a burglary, Being burgled
空間 Space, Area, Space-time (continuum), Time and space
三度空間 Three-dimensional
二度空間 Two-dimensional
儲存空間 Storage space
參數空間 Parameter space
失誤空間 Margin of error
生存空間 Living space, Lebensraum
生活空間 Living area
色彩空間 Color space i.e. sRGB or Adobe RGB
迴旋空間 Wiggle room, Leeway, Room to maneuver
密閉的空間 Confined space
放出儲存空間 Free up storage space, Release storage space
設定色彩空間 Setting the Color Space i.e. sRGB or Adobe RGB
地板上有足夠空間 There was enough room on the floor, There was plenty of room on the floor
找到所有東西連接的空間 Find the space where everything connects
三度空間影像 Three-dimensional image
二度空間的影像 Two-dimensional view
足夠空間留給 Enough room left for
參數空間中的一點 A point in parameter space
失誤空間就變大了 Increased margin of error, Margin of error is then increased
他感覺到空間是如何連接的 He felt how the spaces connected
她感覺到空間是如何連接的 She felt how the spaces connected
空氣 Air
新的空氣 Fresh air
溼涼空氣 Cool moist air
清新的空氣 Fresh air
自由的空氣 Free air
空氣中含 Air contains
空氣吸入 Air intake, Air intakes
空氣和水 Air and water
空氣波動 The air is rippling, The air rippled
空氣渦輪 Air turbine
空氣動力學 Aerodynamics, Aerodynamic
空氣濾清器 Air filter
空氣吸入裝置 Air intake structure, Air intake, Air intakes
空氣濾清器盒 Air box
空氣無聲吹下 Air wafted silently down
符合空氣動力 Aerodynamic
像空氣一樣普通 As common as air
除了空氣什麼也沒有 Nothing but air
察覺到空氣漸層的變化 Sensing a change in air gradient
空氣中有一股清新的味道 The air smells fresh, The air smelled fresh
直接進入空氣中 Straight into the air, Directly into the air
走進自由的空氣中 Walked into the free air
鐵粉與空氣作用 Iron powder interacts with air
暖暖包中的鐵粉與空氣作用 The iron powder in the hand warmer reacts with air
感覺到空氣抵著他的掌心 Feel the air against his palm, Feeling the air against his palm
感覺到空氣抵著她的掌心 Feel the air against her palm, Feeling the air against her palm
空白 Blank
空白紙 Blank paper, Blank piece of paper
一大張空白紙 A large piece of blank paper
一張又髒又皺的空白紙 Dirty and wrinkled blank piece of paper
空的洞 Empty hole, Empty holes, Empty cave, Empty caves
這個座位是空的 This seat is free, This seat is not taken
空油箱 Empty fuel tank
一個空油箱 An empty fuel tank
空油箱的容量 Empty fuel tanks capacity
一個空油箱的容量 An empty fuel tanks capacity
空洞 Empty vastness, Empty, Shallow, Meaningless, Inane
驚人的空洞 Stunningly inane
如此驚人的空洞 Was so stunningly inane
空心菜 Kong Xin Cai, a leafy vegetable with a hollow stem
燙空心菜 Boiled Kong Xin Cai
泰式空心菜 Thai Style Greens
蝦醬空心菜 Greens With Shrimp Sauce Or Shrimp Paste, Kong Xin Cai with shrimp paste
空前 Unprecedented
空前絕後 Unprecedented
空前絕後的偉大殺手 The greatest killer ever known, The greatest killer of all time
空著 Empty, Unoccupied
空著手離開 Leave empty handed
他空著的那隻手 His empty hand
抓起他空著的那隻手 Grabbed his empty hand
他已經坐吃山空到開始思考如何賺錢的地步了 He's already eaten into his savings to the point he was starting to think about how to make money
空中 The sky, In the sky, Aerial
在空中 In (to) the sky
從空中 From the sky, From up in the sky
懸在空中 Suspended in mid-air, Hanging in the air
空中眼 Sky eye, Sky eyes
在空中飛舞 Dancing in mid air
從空中攫走 Snatch from mid-air, Snatch from the sky
空中緩衝區 Aerial buffer zone
兩腿在空中擺盪 Legs dangling in the air, Legs swinging in open air
空格 Empty space, Blank space, Blank, Blanks
完成下列的空格 Complete the blanks below, Fill in the empty spaces below
在下列空格中 Using the blanks below, Using the following blanks
在空格中填入 Fill in the blanks
在空格中填入適當的數 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate number
空轉 Idling, Spinning
引擎空轉 Idling engine, Idling
空轉著 Idling, Spinning
引擎空轉的巴士 Idling bus, Idling busses
防空 Air defence, Anti-aircraft
防空洞 Air-raid shelter, Air-raid bunker
防空部隊 Air defence forces, Air defence unit, Anti-aircraft unit
發射升空 Launched into space
遙控升空 Remote launch into space
下令太空艙發射升空 Gave the order to launch the craft into space
高空 Altitude, Height, High altitude
高空彈跳 Bungy jumping
高空跳傘 High Altitude (Low Opening) Parachute Jump (HALO)
航空 Aeronautics, Airline, Flight, Flying
美聯航空 United Airlines
搭美聯航空 Fly with United Airlines, Take United Airlines
阿拉斯加航空 Alaska Airlines
航空母艦 Aircraft carrier
那家航空公司 That airline company
國家航空暨太空總署 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
憑空 Groundless, Out of thin air
憑空杜撰 Fabricated out of thin air, Made up from thin air
不能憑空杜撰 It can't just be made up, It can't just be fabricated out of thin air
半空 Lower atmosphere
吊在半空 Hanging in midair, Hanging around
在半空中 In mid air
在半空中翻了個筋斗 Somersaulted in mid air, Flipped in mid air
天空 Sky
向天空 Towards the sky
藍色天空 Blue sky
飛向天空 Took flight
向天空飛去 Fly away
高高掛在天空上 Hanging high up in the sky
天空突然烏雲密布 The sky suddenly darkened with rain clouds
真空 Vacuum
真空室 Vacuum chamber
真空泵 Vacuum pump, Vacuum pumps
真空管 Vacuum pipe, Vacuum tube
真空管線 Vacuum lines, Vacuum tubing
真空吸塵器 Vacuum cleaner, Hoover
真空管線系統 Vacuum tube system, Vacuum plumbing
太空 Space
外太空 Outer space
太空人 Astronaut
太空服 Space suit
太空站 Space station
太空船 Space craft, Space ship, Starship
太空艙 Space craft
太空衣 Space suit
太空裝 Space suit
兩套太空衣 Two sets of space suits
這艘太空船 This space craft
一套飛行太空衣 One space suit for flying operations
太空總署 NASA
美國太空總署 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
國家航空暨太空總署 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
太空衣的 Space suits
太空任務的訓練 Astronaut training, Astronaut mission training
下令太空艙發射升空 Gave the order to launch the craft into space
美國太空總署駕駛員 Nasa Pilot
美國太空總署駕駛員和工程師 Pilot and engineer for NASA
本為美國太空總署駕駛員和工程師 Originally worked as a pilot and engineer for NASA
有空 Have free time
有空兒 Have free time, Free time, Leisure
你有空嗎 Do you have some free time
所有空氣 All the air
所有空氣都 All the air
所有空氣都漏光了 All the air had leaked out
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