Index for words including 箔


Foil, Leaf, Sheet, Tinsel, Reed Or Bamboo Screen, Curtain, Frame For Silkworms

Word Links for words containing 箔 (sorted via character pairs)

箔 boˊ
Foil, Leaf, Sheet, Tinsel, Reed Or Bamboo Screen, Curtain, Frame For Silkworms

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


箔紙 Silver paper, Silver gift wrapping paper

箔紙 Tin foil

幾張錫箔紙 Some tin foil, A few sheets of tin foil

我用幾張錫箔紙和口香糖就能辦到的 All I needed to do it was some tin foil and chewing gum


金箔 Gold foil


鋁箔 Aluminum foil, Tinfoil

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