
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 那


Simply couldn't wait to get there

jianˇ zhiˊ dengˇ buˋ jiˊ daoˋ naˋ erˊ

那 naˋ, naˇ, neiˋ, neiˇ
Then, That, Which, Those, In That Case, How

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Phone , Tone


簡直 jianˇ zhiˊ

不及 buˋ jiˊ

等不及 dengˇ buˋ jiˊ

那兒 naˋ er˙

到那兒 daoˋ naˋ erˊ

Words that rhyme with 簡直等不及到那兒 (yan-i)

Grouped by first phone

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

堅持 jian¯ chiˊ

Insist, Insisted, Adhere to, Persist, Uphold

堅持不屈 jian¯ chiˊ buˋ qu¯

Persevere, Hold out and play tough, Hold out and not give in

堅持不懈 jian¯ chiˊ buˊ xieˋ


堅持到底 jian¯ chiˊ daoˋ diˇ

See it through to the end, Stick with it, Keep at it

堅持學生學習廣泛的主題 jian¯ chiˊ xueˊ sheng¯ xueˊ xiˊ guangˇ fanˋ de˙ zhuˇ tiˊ

Insisted that students study an extensive range of subjects

堅持說服 jian¯ chiˊ shuo¯ fuˊ

Insistently tries to persuade, Persist in trying to persuade

尖刺 jian¯ ciˋ

Spike, Spine, Spikes, Spines

漸次 jianˋ ciˋ

Gradually, Little by litte, By degrees

堅實 jian¯ shiˊ


尖石 jian¯ shiˊ

Sharp rock or stone

監視 jian¯ shiˋ

Monitor, Monitors, Monitoring, Monitored, Keep under surveillance, Keeps under surveillance, Keeping under surveillance, Kept under surveillance, Watch over, Watches over, Watching over, watched over

監視器 jian¯ shiˋ qiˋ

Monitor, Monitors, Surveillance device

監視螢幕 jian¯ shiˋ yingˊ muˋ

Monitor screen, Monitor

監視設備 jian¯ shiˋ sheˋ beiˋ

Surveillance equipment

檢視 jianˇ shiˋ

View, Review

檢視影像 jianˇ shiˋ yingˇ xiangˋ

View images

時序 jianˋ shiˊ

Timing, Times, Seasons

時序上 jianˋ shiˊ xuˋ


件事 jianˋ shiˋ

Business, Matter(s)

見識 jianˋ shiˋ

Experience directly (at first hand), Experience

見識致命的意義 jianˋ shiˋ zhiˋ mingˋ de˙ yiˋ yiˋ

See the meaning of fatal, Show the meaning of fatal, Know the meaning of fatal, Experience the meaning of fatal first hand

鑑識 jianˋ shiˋ

Forensic, Distinguish, Discern, Judge, Tell

鑑識小組 jianˋ shiˋ xiaoˇ zuˇ

Forensic team or unit

鑑識會計 jianˋ shiˋ huiˋ jiˋ

Forensic accounting

鑑識派 jianˋ shiˋ paiˋ

Forensic types

間似乎能遮風避雨的小室 jian¯ siˋ hu¯ nengˊ zhe¯ feng¯ biˋ yuˇ de˙ xiaoˇ shiˋ

A small chamber that seemed to offer shelter fro the wind and rain, A small chamber that seemed able to provide shelter

繭絲 jianˇ si¯


見死不救 jianˋ siˇ buˊ jiuˋ

Let someone die, Not try to save someone from dying

兼職 jian¯ zhiˊ

Part-time job, Hold multiple jobs

簡直 jianˇ zhiˊ

Simply, Just as

簡直笨 jianˇ zhiˊ benˋ

Simply idiotic, Idiotic

簡直笨得 jianˇ zhiˊ benˋ deˊ


簡直笨得簡單 jianˇ zhiˊ benˋ deˊ jianˇ dan¯

Idiotically simple

簡直等不及到那兒 jianˇ zhiˊ dengˇ buˋ jiˊ daoˋ naˋ erˊ

Simply couldn't wait to get there

繭紙 jianˇ zhiˇ

Silk used for drawing or writing

諫止 jianˋ zhiˇ

Plead against someone taking a particular course of action, Admonish

建置 jianˋ zhiˋ

Install, Installed, Put in place

漸漬 jian¯ ziˋ

Imbue, Soak

剪子 jianˇ zi˙

Scissors, Shears, Clippers

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

便士 bianˋ shiˋ

Penny, Pennies

便是 bianˋ shiˋ

Even if

辨識 bianˋ shiˋ

Discern, Differentiate

編織 bian¯ zhi¯

Knit, Weave, Woven, Knitted

編織的樹皮 bian¯ zhi¯ de˙ shuˋ piˊ

Woven bark

編制 bian¯ zhiˋ

Establishment, Compilation, Organization, Organic structure, Draw up, Drew up, Write up, Work out

編製 bian¯ zhiˋ

Draw up, Prepare, Compile, Weave, Braid

貶值 bianˇ zhiˊ


變質 bianˋ zhiˊ

Go bad, Deteriorate, Deteriorates, Deteriorating, Deteriorated

鞭子 bian¯ zi˙


便仔細地查看 bianˋ zi¯ xiˋ diˋ chaˊ kanˋ

Looked more closely, Took a closer look

辮子 bianˋ zi˙


jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

電池 dianˋ chiˊ


電磁 dianˋ ciˊ


電磁脈衝 dianˋ ciˊ maiˋ chong¯

EMP, Electro-magnetic Pulse

電視 dianˋ shiˋ


電視上的百威啤酒廣造 dianˋ shiˋ shangˋ de˙ baiˇ wei¯ piˊ jiuˇ guangˇ zaoˋ

A Budweiser ad on TV

電視劇 dianˋ shiˋ juˋ

Show, TV show

電視台 dianˋ shiˋ taiˊ

Television station

電視機 dianˋ shiˋ ji¯

Television, Television set

電視節目 dianˋ shiˋ jieˊ muˋ

TV program, TV show

電視臺 dianˋ shiˋ taiˊ

Television station

電視開著 dianˋ shiˋ kai¯ zhe˙

The television was on

電視電影 dianˋ shiˋ dianˋ yingˇ

Made-for-TV movie

點子 dianˇ ziˇ


電子 dianˋ ziˇ


電子信箱 dianˋ ziˇ xinˋ xiang¯


電子儀器 dianˋ ziˇ yiˊ qiˋ

Electronic equipment

電子技術人員 dianˋ ziˇ jiˋ shuˋ renˊ yuanˊ

Computer Technician, Electronics Technician

電子版 dianˋ ziˇ banˇ

Electronic edition, Digital edition

電子郵件帳號 dianˋ ziˇ youˊ jianˋ zhangˋ haoˋ

Email account

電子顯微鏡 dianˋ ziˇ xianˇ weiˊ jingˋ

Electron microscope

墊子 dianˋ zi˙

Mat, Mattress, Pad, Pads, Padding

電子掃描穿隧顯微鏡 dianˋ zi˙ saoˇ miaoˊ chuan¯ suiˋ xianˇ weiˊ jingˋ

Scanning tunneling microscopes

電子滑步 dianˋ zi˙ huaˊ buˋ

Electric slide

電子郵件 dianˋ zi˙ youˊ jianˋ


電子郵件盒 dianˋ zi˙ youˊ jianˋ heˊ


jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

連十發 lianˊ shiˊ fa¯

Disperse ten rounds

簾子拉開 lianˊ ziˇ la¯ kai¯

Curtains pulled back

蓮子 lianˊ ziˇ

Lotus Seed

簾子 lianˊ zi˙

Curtain, Curtains

簾子後面 lianˊ zi˙ houˋ mianˋ

Behind the curtain(s)

鍊子 lianˋ zi˙


jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

麵食 mianˋ shiˊ

Wheat products, Pastries, Breads, Pastas

面試 mianˋ shiˋ

Interview, Audition

棉質 mianˊ zhiˊ


免職 mianˇ zhiˊ

Remove from office

面子 mianˋ ziˇ

Face, Prestige, Reputation

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

偏食 pian¯ shiˊ

Fussy eater

片時 pianˋ shiˊ

Short period of time, A moment

片子 pian¯ zi˙

Film, Roll of film, Movie

騙子 pianˋ ziˇ

Cheat, Fraud, Imposter, Liar

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

前世 qianˊ shiˋ

Previous life

牽制 qian¯ zhiˋ


前置詞 qianˊ zhiˋ ciˊ


簽字 qian¯ ziˋ

Signature, Sign, Initial

潛滋暗長 qianˊ zi¯ anˋ zhangˇ

Secretly grow and develop

鉗子 qianˊ ziˇ


jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

天使 tian¯ shiˇ


舔舐 tianˇ shiˋ

Lick, Licking

天子 tian¯ ziˇ

Son of Heaven (Monarchical Title)

填子遊戲 tianˊ ziˇ youˊ xiˋ

Cross-word puzzle

田字草 tianˊ ziˋ caoˇ

Water Clover

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

先吃飯再開始幹活 xian¯ chi¯ fanˋ zaiˋ kai¯ shiˇ ganˋ huoˊ

Eat first and then start working, Eat first and work later

仙逝 xian¯ shiˋ

Die, Pass on, Pass away

先是 xian¯ shiˋ

First, Go back to the beginning

閒適 xianˊ shiˋ

Quiet and comfortable

顯示 xianˇ shiˋ

Show, Reveal, Display, Appear

顯示出 xianˇ shiˋ chu¯

Showed, Revealed, Revealing

顯示器 xianˇ shiˋ qiˋ


顯示在觀景器中 xianˇ shiˋ zaiˋ guan¯ jingˇ qiˋ zhong¯

Appear on display screen, Are shown on display screen

顯示程序 xianˇ shiˋ chengˊ xuˋ

Display program

現實 xianˋ shiˊ


現實生活 xianˋ shiˊ sheng¯ huoˊ

Real life

現實生活中 xianˋ shiˊ sheng¯ huoˊ zhong¯

In life

縣市 xianˋ shiˋ

County, City

先知 xian¯ zhi¯

Seer, Seers

限制 xianˋ zhiˋ

Limit, Restrict

限制級 xianˋ zhiˋ jiˊ


jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, pian, qian, tian, xian, yan

延遲 yanˊ chiˊ

Delay, Delayed

言詞 yanˊ ciˊ

Word, Words

言辭 yanˊ ciˊ

Phrases and expressions, Words, Wording, Diction

岩石 yanˊ shiˊ


掩飾 yanˇ shiˋ

Cover, Conceal, Gloss over, Deemphasize

掩飾他們肚子的深色背心 yanˇ shiˋ ta¯ men˙ duˋ ziˇ de˙ shen¯ seˋ beiˋ xin¯

Dark waistcoats that masked their bellies, Their belly deemphasizing dark vests

掩飾住 yanˇ shiˋ zhuˋ

Cover up, Hide

演示 yanˇ shiˋ


驗屍 yanˋ shi¯


驗屍報告 yanˋ shi¯ baoˋ gaoˋ

Autopsy report

研製 yanˊ zhiˋ

Manufacture, Prepare, Develop

燕子 yan¯ zi˙


Grouped in tone pairs

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

貶值 bianˇ zhiˊ


簡直 jianˇ zhiˊ

Simply, Just as

簡直笨 jianˇ zhiˊ benˋ

Simply idiotic, Idiotic

簡直笨得 jianˇ zhiˊ benˋ deˊ


簡直笨得簡單 jianˇ zhiˊ benˋ deˊ jianˇ dan¯

Idiotically simple

簡直等不及到那兒 jianˇ zhiˊ dengˇ buˋ jiˊ daoˋ naˋ erˊ

Simply couldn't wait to get there

免職 mianˇ zhiˊ

Remove from office

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

編織 bian¯ zhi¯

Knit, Weave, Woven, Knitted

編織的樹皮 bian¯ zhi¯ de˙ shuˋ piˊ

Woven bark

先吃飯再開始幹活 xian¯ chi¯ fanˋ zaiˋ kai¯ shiˇ ganˋ huoˊ

Eat first and then start working, Eat first and work later

先知 xian¯ zhi¯

Seer, Seers

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

堅持 jian¯ chiˊ

Insist, Insisted, Adhere to, Persist, Uphold

堅持不屈 jian¯ chiˊ buˋ qu¯

Persevere, Hold out and play tough, Hold out and not give in

堅持不懈 jian¯ chiˊ buˊ xieˋ


堅持到底 jian¯ chiˊ daoˋ diˇ

See it through to the end, Stick with it, Keep at it

堅持學生學習廣泛的主題 jian¯ chiˊ xueˊ sheng¯ xueˊ xiˊ guangˇ fanˋ de˙ zhuˇ tiˊ

Insisted that students study an extensive range of subjects

堅持說服 jian¯ chiˊ shuo¯ fuˊ

Insistently tries to persuade, Persist in trying to persuade

堅實 jian¯ shiˊ


尖石 jian¯ shiˊ

Sharp rock or stone

兼職 jian¯ zhiˊ

Part-time job, Hold multiple jobs

偏食 pian¯ shiˊ

Fussy eater

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

天使 tian¯ shiˇ


天子 tian¯ ziˇ

Son of Heaven (Monarchical Title)

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

編制 bian¯ zhiˋ

Establishment, Compilation, Organization, Organic structure, Draw up, Drew up, Write up, Work out

編製 bian¯ zhiˋ

Draw up, Prepare, Compile, Weave, Braid

尖刺 jian¯ ciˋ

Spike, Spine, Spikes, Spines

監視 jian¯ shiˋ

Monitor, Monitors, Monitoring, Monitored, Keep under surveillance, Keeps under surveillance, Keeping under surveillance, Kept under surveillance, Watch over, Watches over, Watching over, watched over

監視器 jian¯ shiˋ qiˋ

Monitor, Monitors, Surveillance device

監視螢幕 jian¯ shiˋ yingˊ muˋ

Monitor screen, Monitor

監視設備 jian¯ shiˋ sheˋ beiˋ

Surveillance equipment

間似乎能遮風避雨的小室 jian¯ siˋ hu¯ nengˊ zhe¯ feng¯ biˋ yuˇ de˙ xiaoˇ shiˋ

A small chamber that seemed to offer shelter fro the wind and rain, A small chamber that seemed able to provide shelter

漸漬 jian¯ ziˋ

Imbue, Soak

牽制 qian¯ zhiˋ


簽字 qian¯ ziˋ

Signature, Sign, Initial

仙逝 xian¯ shiˋ

Die, Pass on, Pass away

先是 xian¯ shiˋ

First, Go back to the beginning

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

鞭子 bian¯ zi˙


片子 pian¯ zi˙

Film, Roll of film, Movie

燕子 yan¯ zi˙


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

潛滋暗長 qianˊ zi¯ anˋ zhangˇ

Secretly grow and develop

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

連十發 lianˊ shiˊ fa¯

Disperse ten rounds

棉質 mianˊ zhiˊ


延遲 yanˊ chiˊ

Delay, Delayed

言詞 yanˊ ciˊ

Word, Words

言辭 yanˊ ciˊ

Phrases and expressions, Words, Wording, Diction

岩石 yanˊ shiˊ


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

簾子拉開 lianˊ ziˇ la¯ kai¯

Curtains pulled back

蓮子 lianˊ ziˇ

Lotus Seed

鉗子 qianˊ ziˇ


填子遊戲 tianˊ ziˇ youˊ xiˋ

Cross-word puzzle

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

前世 qianˊ shiˋ

Previous life

前置詞 qianˊ zhiˋ ciˊ


田字草 tianˊ ziˋ caoˇ

Water Clover

閒適 xianˊ shiˋ

Quiet and comfortable

研製 yanˊ zhiˋ

Manufacture, Prepare, Develop

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

簾子 lianˊ zi˙

Curtain, Curtains

簾子後面 lianˊ zi˙ houˋ mianˋ

Behind the curtain(s)

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

繭絲 jianˇ si¯


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

點子 dianˇ ziˇ


繭紙 jianˇ zhiˇ

Silk used for drawing or writing

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

檢視 jianˇ shiˋ

View, Review

檢視影像 jianˇ shiˋ yingˇ xiangˋ

View images

舔舐 tianˇ shiˋ

Lick, Licking

顯示 xianˇ shiˋ

Show, Reveal, Display, Appear

顯示出 xianˇ shiˋ chu¯

Showed, Revealed, Revealing

顯示器 xianˇ shiˋ qiˋ


顯示在觀景器中 xianˇ shiˋ zaiˋ guan¯ jingˇ qiˋ zhong¯

Appear on display screen, Are shown on display screen

顯示程序 xianˇ shiˋ chengˊ xuˋ

Display program

掩飾 yanˇ shiˋ

Cover, Conceal, Gloss over, Deemphasize

掩飾他們肚子的深色背心 yanˇ shiˋ ta¯ men˙ duˋ ziˇ de˙ shen¯ seˋ beiˋ xin¯

Dark waistcoats that masked their bellies, Their belly deemphasizing dark vests

掩飾住 yanˇ shiˋ zhuˋ

Cover up, Hide

演示 yanˇ shiˋ


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

剪子 jianˇ zi˙

Scissors, Shears, Clippers

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

便仔細地查看 bianˋ zi¯ xiˋ diˋ chaˊ kanˋ

Looked more closely, Took a closer look

驗屍 yanˋ shi¯


驗屍報告 yanˋ shi¯ baoˋ gaoˋ

Autopsy report

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

變質 bianˋ zhiˊ

Go bad, Deteriorate, Deteriorates, Deteriorating, Deteriorated

電池 dianˋ chiˊ


電磁 dianˋ ciˊ


電磁脈衝 dianˋ ciˊ maiˋ chong¯

EMP, Electro-magnetic Pulse

時序 jianˋ shiˊ

Timing, Times, Seasons

時序上 jianˋ shiˊ xuˋ


麵食 mianˋ shiˊ

Wheat products, Pastries, Breads, Pastas

片時 pianˋ shiˊ

Short period of time, A moment

現實 xianˋ shiˊ


現實生活 xianˋ shiˊ sheng¯ huoˊ

Real life

現實生活中 xianˋ shiˊ sheng¯ huoˊ zhong¯

In life

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

電子 dianˋ ziˇ


電子信箱 dianˋ ziˇ xinˋ xiang¯


電子儀器 dianˋ ziˇ yiˊ qiˋ

Electronic equipment

電子技術人員 dianˋ ziˇ jiˋ shuˋ renˊ yuanˊ

Computer Technician, Electronics Technician

電子版 dianˋ ziˇ banˇ

Electronic edition, Digital edition

電子郵件帳號 dianˋ ziˇ youˊ jianˋ zhangˋ haoˋ

Email account

電子顯微鏡 dianˋ ziˇ xianˇ weiˊ jingˋ

Electron microscope

見死不救 jianˋ siˇ buˊ jiuˋ

Let someone die, Not try to save someone from dying

諫止 jianˋ zhiˇ

Plead against someone taking a particular course of action, Admonish

面子 mianˋ ziˇ

Face, Prestige, Reputation

騙子 pianˋ ziˇ

Cheat, Fraud, Imposter, Liar

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

便士 bianˋ shiˋ

Penny, Pennies

便是 bianˋ shiˋ

Even if

辨識 bianˋ shiˋ

Discern, Differentiate

電視 dianˋ shiˋ


電視上的百威啤酒廣造 dianˋ shiˋ shangˋ de˙ baiˇ wei¯ piˊ jiuˇ guangˇ zaoˋ

A Budweiser ad on TV

電視劇 dianˋ shiˋ juˋ

Show, TV show

電視台 dianˋ shiˋ taiˊ

Television station

電視機 dianˋ shiˋ ji¯

Television, Television set

電視節目 dianˋ shiˋ jieˊ muˋ

TV program, TV show

電視臺 dianˋ shiˋ taiˊ

Television station

電視開著 dianˋ shiˋ kai¯ zhe˙

The television was on

電視電影 dianˋ shiˋ dianˋ yingˇ

Made-for-TV movie

漸次 jianˋ ciˋ

Gradually, Little by litte, By degrees

件事 jianˋ shiˋ

Business, Matter(s)

見識 jianˋ shiˋ

Experience directly (at first hand), Experience

見識致命的意義 jianˋ shiˋ zhiˋ mingˋ de˙ yiˋ yiˋ

See the meaning of fatal, Show the meaning of fatal, Know the meaning of fatal, Experience the meaning of fatal first hand

鑑識 jianˋ shiˋ

Forensic, Distinguish, Discern, Judge, Tell

鑑識小組 jianˋ shiˋ xiaoˇ zuˇ

Forensic team or unit

鑑識會計 jianˋ shiˋ huiˋ jiˋ

Forensic accounting

鑑識派 jianˋ shiˋ paiˋ

Forensic types

建置 jianˋ zhiˋ

Install, Installed, Put in place

面試 mianˋ shiˋ

Interview, Audition

縣市 xianˋ shiˋ

County, City

限制 xianˋ zhiˋ

Limit, Restrict

限制級 xianˋ zhiˋ jiˊ


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45

辮子 bianˋ zi˙


墊子 dianˋ zi˙

Mat, Mattress, Pad, Pads, Padding

電子掃描穿隧顯微鏡 dianˋ zi˙ saoˇ miaoˊ chuan¯ suiˋ xianˇ weiˊ jingˋ

Scanning tunneling microscopes

電子滑步 dianˋ zi˙ huaˊ buˋ

Electric slide

電子郵件 dianˋ zi˙ youˊ jianˋ


電子郵件盒 dianˋ zi˙ youˊ jianˋ heˊ


鍊子 lianˋ zi˙


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