Index for words including 糊

huˊ, huˋ

Sticky, Paste, Cream, Blurred, Dim, Muddled

Word Links for words containing 糊 (sorted via character pairs)

糊 huˊ, huˋ
Sticky, Paste, Cream, Blurred, Dim, Muddled

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


迷迷糊糊睡 Drift to sleep, Drift off to sleep

又迷迷糊糊睡 Drift of back to sleep, Drift back to sleep, Drift off to sleep again


糊塗 Stupid, Foolish, Bewildered, Confused

再怎麼糊塗 How confusing, No matter how confusing

聰明一世糊塗一時 A lifetime of cleverness includes moments of stupidity


漿糊 Paste, Glue paste, Adhesive paste

漿糊 Paste

滿腦漿糊 Head filled with paste


成糊 Turned into a paste


迷糊 Confused, Absent minded

迷糊 Dazed, in a daze, Dazedly

迷糊糊睡著 Drift to sleep, Drift off to sleep

又迷迷糊糊睡著 Drift of back to sleep, Drift back to sleep, Drift off to sleep again


含糊 Vague

含糊說話 Mumble, Mumbled


爛糊 Over cooked, Overripe


粉糊 Starch paste, Sticky starch


迷迷糊糊 Dazed, in a daze, Dazedly


麥糊 Oatmeal


模糊 Blur, Blurred, Vague, Dim

模糊 More blurred

血肉模糊 Bloody

顯得模糊 Appear blurred

開始在記憶中模糊 Beginning to fade from memory

以降低因相機震動而產生的模糊 To reduce blur caused by camera shake

模糊來說 Vaguely speaking

模糊臆測 Vague speculation, Vague conjecture, Dim suppositions

模糊的輪廓 Blurry shapes, Blurred shapes, Blurry outlines, Blurred outlines

模糊想著 Vaguely thinking, Vaguely thought

心裡模糊想著 Vaguely thinking, Vaguely thought

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