
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 行


Move along a winding and twisting path

yu¯ xingˊ

行 xingˊ, xingˋ, hangˊ
Take action, Act, Go, Do, Work, Able, Capable, Ready, Walk, Travel, Road, Path, Baggage, Current, Prevailing, Publish, (Xing4), Conduct, Behaviour, (Hang2), Generation, Row, Line, Array, Series, Sequence, Profession, Trade, Business, Rank And File Of The Military, Financial Market, MW For Objects Arranged In Lines

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 紆行 (yu-ying)

Grouped by first phone

yu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu

預定 yuˋ dingˋ

Scheduled, Reserved

預定抵達時間 yuˋ dingˋ diˇ daˊ shiˊ jian¯

Scheduled arrival time

預訂 yuˋ dingˋ

Reserve, Make a reservation, Book, Booking, Subscribe

瘀青 yu¯ qing¯


紆行 yu¯ xingˊ

Move along a winding and twisting path

魚腥味 yuˊ xing¯ weiˋ

Fishy smell, Smelling of fish

育嬰室 yuˋ ying¯ shiˋ

Nursery, Babies room

yu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu

聚精會神 juˋ jing¯ huiˋ shenˊ

Focus (your or one's) attention on what (you or one) is doing

劇情 juˋ qingˊ


舉行 juˇ xingˊ

Convene, Hold a meeting

舉行過 juˇ xingˊ guoˋ


巨星 juˋ xing¯

Giant, Giant star

句型 juˋ xingˊ

Sentence pattern, Sentence patterns

巨型 juˋ xingˊ

Giant, Immense

巨型公司 juˋ xingˊ gong¯ si¯

Large company, Large companies, Immense company

巨形 juˋ xingˊ

Large, Giant, Massive

yu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu

律令 luuˋ lingˋ

Law, Legal

律令文書 luuˋ lingˋ wenˊ shu¯

Legal documents, Legal clerk

律令文書的訓練 luuˋ lingˋ wenˊ shu¯ de˙ xunˋ lianˋ

Legal Document training

履行 luuˇ xingˊ

Carried out, Fulfilled, Followed (orders, Procedures)

旅行 luuˇ xingˊ


旅行團 luuˇ xingˊ tuanˊ

Tour group

旅行社 luuˇ xingˊ sheˋ

Travel agency

yu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu

女性 nuuˇ xingˋ


女性雜誌 nuuˇ xingˋ zaˊ zhiˋ

Women's magazines

女嬰 nuuˇ ying¯

Baby girl

女英雄 nuuˇ ying¯ xiongˊ


yu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu

去冰 quˋ bing¯

No ice

取經 quˇ jing¯

Learn from

取名 quˇ mingˊ

Name, Named, Given the name of, Christen, Christened

yu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, xu

虛驚 xu¯ jing¯

False alarm

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 21, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

紆行 yu¯ xingˊ

Move along a winding and twisting path

12, 11, 21, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

虛驚 xu¯ jing¯

False alarm

瘀青 yu¯ qing¯


12, 11, 21, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

魚腥味 yuˊ xing¯ weiˋ

Fishy smell, Smelling of fish

12, 11, 21, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

女嬰 nuuˇ ying¯

Baby girl

女英雄 nuuˇ ying¯ xiongˊ


取經 quˇ jing¯

Learn from

12, 11, 21, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

舉行 juˇ xingˊ

Convene, Hold a meeting

舉行過 juˇ xingˊ guoˋ


履行 luuˇ xingˊ

Carried out, Fulfilled, Followed (orders, Procedures)

旅行 luuˇ xingˊ


旅行團 luuˇ xingˊ tuanˊ

Tour group

旅行社 luuˇ xingˊ sheˋ

Travel agency

取名 quˇ mingˊ

Name, Named, Given the name of, Christen, Christened

12, 11, 21, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

女性 nuuˇ xingˋ


女性雜誌 nuuˇ xingˋ zaˊ zhiˋ

Women's magazines

12, 11, 21, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

聚精會神 juˋ jing¯ huiˋ shenˊ

Focus (your or one's) attention on what (you or one) is doing

巨星 juˋ xing¯

Giant, Giant star

去冰 quˋ bing¯

No ice

育嬰室 yuˋ ying¯ shiˋ

Nursery, Babies room

12, 11, 21, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

劇情 juˋ qingˊ


句型 juˋ xingˊ

Sentence pattern, Sentence patterns

巨型 juˋ xingˊ

Giant, Immense

巨型公司 juˋ xingˊ gong¯ si¯

Large company, Large companies, Immense company

巨形 juˋ xingˊ

Large, Giant, Massive

12, 11, 21, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

律令 luuˋ lingˋ

Law, Legal

律令文書 luuˋ lingˋ wenˊ shu¯

Legal documents, Legal clerk

律令文書的訓練 luuˋ lingˋ wenˊ shu¯ de˙ xunˋ lianˋ

Legal Document training

預定 yuˋ dingˋ

Scheduled, Reserved

預定抵達時間 yuˋ dingˋ diˇ daˊ shiˊ jian¯

Scheduled arrival time

預訂 yuˋ dingˋ

Reserve, Make a reservation, Book, Booking, Subscribe


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紆行 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 行

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