Paper, Tissue, Tissue Paper
Word Links for words containing 紙 (sorted via character pairs)
紙片 Scrap of paper, Piece of paper
小紙片 Small piece of paper
撿小紙片 Pick up a scrap of paper, Pick up scraps of paper
紙牌 Playing cards
洗紙牌 Shuffle cards, Card shuffling
嗡嗡洗紙牌聲 Card-shuffling sound, Card-shuffling buzz, Buzzing sound of cards being shuffled
送紙盤 Output tray, Document tray, Tray for receiving paper, Tray
送紙盤可隨時裝卸 Detachable document tray, Detachable tray
一張紙 A sheet of paper
幾張紙 Some papers, A few pieces of paper
展開一張紙 Unfolded a piece of paper, Opened the piece of paper
攤開幾張紙 Spread out some papers, Spread out a few pieces of paper
銀箔紙 Silver paper, Silver gift wrapping paper
錫箔紙 Tin foil
幾張錫箔紙 Some tin foil, A few sheets of tin foil
白紙 Blank paper, White paper
空白紙 Blank paper, Blank piece of paper
一張白紙 A blank piece of paper
一大張空白紙 A large piece of blank paper
拿出一張白紙 Pulled out a blank piece of paper
一張又髒又皺的空白紙 Dirty and wrinkled blank piece of paper
好幾頁乳白紙張 Several cream-colored pages
打摺的紙 Pleated paper, Folded paper
折起來的紙 Folded piece of paper, Folded sheet of paper
一張薄薄的紙 A thin piece of paper, A thin slip of paper
一張折成三折的紙 A sheet of paper folded in thirds
濾紙 Filter paper
搭配濾紙使用 Used with filter paper, Use with filter paper
常搭配濾紙使用 Often used with filter paper
報紙 Newspaper
出自上星期四的報紙 From last Thursday's paper
讀完全不一樣的報紙 Read a completely different newspaper
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