Index for words including 緒


Task, End Of A Thread, Beginning, Emotional State, Mood, Remains, Left Overs, Clue

Word Links for words containing 緒 (sorted via character pairs)

緒 xuˋ
Task, End Of A Thread, Beginning, Emotional State, Mood, Remains, Left Overs, Clue

Words containing

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清末光緒年 During the Guangxu period of the late Qing Dynasty


思緒 Thought, Thoughts

思緒 This thought, These thoughts

他的思緒 His thought, His thoughts

我趕不上你的思緒 I can't follow your train of thought, I am too slow to follow your thinking

我趕不上您的思緒 I can't follow your train of thought, I am too slow to follow your thinking

毫不留情的思緒列車 Unrelenting train of thought, Relentless train of thought


肇緒 The beginning


就緒 Ready

準備就緒 Ready, Prepared

準備就緒 Is ready then, Was ready then, After you are ready then

一切都準備就緒 After all of these preparations where completed


情緒 Mood, Feeling, Emotion

不同的情緒 Different moods, Different feelings, Different emotions

情緒本身 Feeling themselves, Feelings


心緒 Mood, State of mind

心緒不寧 Disturbed, Unsettled


頭緒 Clues, Ways, Means, Sequence, Systematic, Systematically

茫無頭緒 In a jumble, Not know where to start

摸不著頭緒 Feel clueless

令人摸不著頭緒 Makes no sense

尚未完全抓到頭緒 Can't quite get it, Can't quite figure it out

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