
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 承


Inherit, Continue a tradition, Successor

jiˋ chengˊ

承 chengˊ
Handle, Bear, Carry, Hold, Contain, Undertake, Inherit, Receive, Succeed, Succession, Continue, Confess, Please, Flatter, Thank

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 繼承 (yi-eng)

Grouped by first phone

ji, bi, di, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi, yi

基層 ji¯ cengˊ

Basic level, Grass roots, Foundational

繼承 jiˋ chengˊ

Inherit, Continue a tradition, Successor

繼承了 jiˋ chengˊ le˙


計程車 jiˋ chengˊ che¯

Taxi, Cab

計程車上 jiˋ chengˊ che¯ shangˋ

Riding a taxi, Taking a cab

計程車排班處 jiˋ chengˊ che¯ paiˊ ban¯ chuˋ

Taxi rank

記成 jiˋ chengˊ

Write down as, Write down, Written as, Written

機鋒 ji¯ feng¯

Sharp, Witty, Eloquent

季風 jiˋ feng¯


機耕 ji¯ geng¯

Plow with a tractor

機能 ji¯ nengˊ


技能 jiˋ nengˊ

Skill, Skills

既能 jiˋ nengˊ

Not only can

既能擋雨又能遮陽 jiˋ nengˊ dangˇ yuˇ youˋ nengˊ zhe¯ yangˊ

Can not only provide shelter from the rain but also provide shade from the sun

寄生 jiˋ sheng¯


寄生細胞蛹 jiˋ sheng¯ xiˋ bao¯ yongˇ

Cocoon, Parasitic cocoon

寄生蟲 jiˋ sheng¯ chongˊ

Parasite, Parasites

寄生體 jiˋ sheng¯ tiˇ

Parasite, Parasites

激增 ji¯ zeng¯

Sudden rise, Shoot up, Increase suddenly

急症 jiˊ zhengˋ

Medical emergency

ji, bi, di, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi, yi

避風港 biˋ feng¯ gangˇ

Haven, Safe haven

畢生 biˋ sheng¯

Life long, Lifetime, One's life

ji, bi, di, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi, yi

低層 di¯ cengˊ

Low rank, Low ranking

底層 diˇ cengˊ

Bottom layer

地層 diˋ cengˊ

Layer of earth, Stratum

低等競爭 di¯ dengˇ jingˋ zheng¯

Rat race

狄更斯 diˊ gengˋ si¯

Dickens (Charles)

狄更斯的 diˊ gengˋ si¯ de˙

Dickens's (Charles)

低哼一聲 di¯ heng¯ yiˋ sheng¯

Low moaning sound

低聲 di¯ sheng¯


低聲說 di¯ sheng¯ shuo¯

Whisper, Whispered

低聲說出 di¯ sheng¯ shuo¯ chu¯


笛聲 diˊ sheng¯

Sound of a flute

ji, bi, di, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi, yi

里程碑 liˇ chengˊ bei¯


里程表 liˇ chengˊ biaoˇ


歷程 liˋ chengˊ


力爭 liˋ zheng¯

Strongly strive

力爭上流 liˋ zheng¯ shangˋ liuˊ

To excel by virtue of strong efforts.

力爭上游 liˋ zheng¯ shangˋ youˊ

Work hard to excel

ji, bi, di, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi, yi

瞇成 mi¯ chengˊ

Squint, Squinted

密封 miˋ feng¯


蜜蜂 miˋ feng¯

Bee, Bees

ji, bi, di, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi, yi

你能 niˇ nengˊ

Can you, You can

你仍然有一些 niˇ rengˊ ranˊ youˇ yiˋ xie¯

You still have a little, You still have some

ji, bi, di, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi, yi

劈成 pi¯ chengˊ

Chopped up, Cut up

劈成許多細枝條 pi¯ chengˊ xuˇ duo¯ xiˋ zhi¯ tiaoˊ

Cut up into slender strips

披風 pi¯ feng¯


ji, bi, di, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi, yi

啟程 qiˇ chengˊ

Set out, Departed

起程 qiˇ chengˊ


啟蒙 qiˇ mengˊ

Primer, Enlighten

啟蒙瓊林 qiˇ mengˊ qiongˊ linˊ


旗繩 qiˊ shengˊ


起升 qiˇ sheng¯

Lift, Lift up

ji, bi, di, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi, yi

體能 tiˇ nengˊ

Physical fitness, Physical ability, Stamina

提升 tiˊ sheng¯

Elevate, Promote

提升到了 tiˊ sheng¯ daoˋ le˙

Lifted to, Raised to

ji, bi, di, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi, yi

細縫 xiˋ fengˊ

Slit, Slot

犧牲 xi¯ sheng¯

Sacrifice, Sacrificial

犧牲了 xi¯ sheng¯ le˙


細繩 xiˋ shengˊ

String, Strings, Slender pieces of string, Thread, Threads

ji, bi, di, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi, yi

一層層的 yiˋ cengˊ cengˊ de˙


一層薄薄 yiˋ cengˊ boˊ boˊ

Thin layer, A thin layer

一層薄薄的鋁 yiˋ cengˊ boˊ boˊ de˙ luuˇ

A thin layer of aluminum

一成 yiˋ chengˊ

Ten percent, 10 percent

一成不變 yiˋ chengˊ buˊ bianˋ

Fixed, Invariable, Immutable

議程 yiˋ chengˊ


一封信 yiˋ feng¯ xinˋ

A letter

醫生 yi¯ sheng¯

Doctor, Physician

一生 yiˋ sheng¯

A life, All one's life, Throughout one's life

一聲不吭 yiˋ sheng¯ buˋ keng¯

Keep silent

一聲令下 yiˋ sheng¯ lingˋ xiaˋ

Gives order to attack

一聲吼叫後 yiˋ sheng¯ houˇ jiaoˋ houˋ

After roaring

一聲啪 yiˋ sheng¯ pa¯

Pop, Popping sound

一聲鷹鳴響起 yiˋ sheng¯ ying¯ mingˊ xiangˇ qiˇ

An eagle cried out, A hawk shrieked

以增加 yiˇ zeng¯ jia¯

In order to increase, To increase, To order to add, To add

一整個月 yiˋ zhengˇ ge˙ yueˋ

A whole month

一整天 yiˋ zhengˇ tian¯

All day

一整牆 yiˋ zhengˇ qiangˊ

An entire wall, One entire wall

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43

地層 diˋ cengˊ

Layer of earth, Stratum

繼承 jiˋ chengˊ

Inherit, Continue a tradition, Successor

繼承了 jiˋ chengˊ le˙


計程車 jiˋ chengˊ che¯

Taxi, Cab

計程車上 jiˋ chengˊ che¯ shangˋ

Riding a taxi, Taking a cab

計程車排班處 jiˋ chengˊ che¯ paiˊ ban¯ chuˋ

Taxi rank

記成 jiˋ chengˊ

Write down as, Write down, Written as, Written

技能 jiˋ nengˊ

Skill, Skills

既能 jiˋ nengˊ

Not only can

既能擋雨又能遮陽 jiˋ nengˊ dangˇ yuˇ youˋ nengˊ zhe¯ yangˊ

Can not only provide shelter from the rain but also provide shade from the sun

歷程 liˋ chengˊ


細縫 xiˋ fengˊ

Slit, Slot

細繩 xiˋ shengˊ

String, Strings, Slender pieces of string, Thread, Threads

一層層的 yiˋ cengˊ cengˊ de˙


一層薄薄 yiˋ cengˊ boˊ boˊ

Thin layer, A thin layer

一層薄薄的鋁 yiˋ cengˊ boˊ boˊ de˙ luuˇ

A thin layer of aluminum

一成 yiˋ chengˊ

Ten percent, 10 percent

一成不變 yiˋ chengˊ buˊ bianˋ

Fixed, Invariable, Immutable

議程 yiˋ chengˊ


42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43

低哼一聲 di¯ heng¯ yiˋ sheng¯

Low moaning sound

低聲 di¯ sheng¯


低聲說 di¯ sheng¯ shuo¯

Whisper, Whispered

低聲說出 di¯ sheng¯ shuo¯ chu¯


機鋒 ji¯ feng¯

Sharp, Witty, Eloquent

機耕 ji¯ geng¯

Plow with a tractor

激增 ji¯ zeng¯

Sudden rise, Shoot up, Increase suddenly

披風 pi¯ feng¯


犧牲 xi¯ sheng¯

Sacrifice, Sacrificial

犧牲了 xi¯ sheng¯ le˙


醫生 yi¯ sheng¯

Doctor, Physician

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43

低層 di¯ cengˊ

Low rank, Low ranking

基層 ji¯ cengˊ

Basic level, Grass roots, Foundational

機能 ji¯ nengˊ


瞇成 mi¯ chengˊ

Squint, Squinted

劈成 pi¯ chengˊ

Chopped up, Cut up

劈成許多細枝條 pi¯ chengˊ xuˇ duo¯ xiˋ zhi¯ tiaoˊ

Cut up into slender strips

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43

低等競爭 di¯ dengˇ jingˋ zheng¯

Rat race

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43

笛聲 diˊ sheng¯

Sound of a flute

提升 tiˊ sheng¯

Elevate, Promote

提升到了 tiˊ sheng¯ daoˋ le˙

Lifted to, Raised to

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43

旗繩 qiˊ shengˊ


42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43

狄更斯 diˊ gengˋ si¯

Dickens (Charles)

狄更斯的 diˊ gengˋ si¯ de˙

Dickens's (Charles)

急症 jiˊ zhengˋ

Medical emergency

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43

起升 qiˇ sheng¯

Lift, Lift up

以增加 yiˇ zeng¯ jia¯

In order to increase, To increase, To order to add, To add

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43

底層 diˇ cengˊ

Bottom layer

里程碑 liˇ chengˊ bei¯


里程表 liˇ chengˊ biaoˇ


你能 niˇ nengˊ

Can you, You can

你仍然有一些 niˇ rengˊ ranˊ youˇ yiˋ xie¯

You still have a little, You still have some

啟程 qiˇ chengˊ

Set out, Departed

起程 qiˇ chengˊ


啟蒙 qiˇ mengˊ

Primer, Enlighten

啟蒙瓊林 qiˇ mengˊ qiongˊ linˊ


體能 tiˇ nengˊ

Physical fitness, Physical ability, Stamina

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43

避風港 biˋ feng¯ gangˇ

Haven, Safe haven

畢生 biˋ sheng¯

Life long, Lifetime, One's life

季風 jiˋ feng¯


寄生 jiˋ sheng¯


寄生細胞蛹 jiˋ sheng¯ xiˋ bao¯ yongˇ

Cocoon, Parasitic cocoon

寄生蟲 jiˋ sheng¯ chongˊ

Parasite, Parasites

寄生體 jiˋ sheng¯ tiˇ

Parasite, Parasites

力爭 liˋ zheng¯

Strongly strive

力爭上流 liˋ zheng¯ shangˋ liuˊ

To excel by virtue of strong efforts.

力爭上游 liˋ zheng¯ shangˋ youˊ

Work hard to excel

密封 miˋ feng¯


蜜蜂 miˋ feng¯

Bee, Bees

一封信 yiˋ feng¯ xinˋ

A letter

一生 yiˋ sheng¯

A life, All one's life, Throughout one's life

一聲不吭 yiˋ sheng¯ buˋ keng¯

Keep silent

一聲令下 yiˋ sheng¯ lingˋ xiaˋ

Gives order to attack

一聲吼叫後 yiˋ sheng¯ houˇ jiaoˋ houˋ

After roaring

一聲啪 yiˋ sheng¯ pa¯

Pop, Popping sound

一聲鷹鳴響起 yiˋ sheng¯ ying¯ mingˊ xiangˇ qiˇ

An eagle cried out, A hawk shrieked

42, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 41, 43

一整個月 yiˋ zhengˇ ge˙ yueˋ

A whole month

一整天 yiˋ zhengˇ tian¯

All day

一整牆 yiˋ zhengˇ qiangˊ

An entire wall, One entire wall


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繼承 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 承

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