But, And So, Yet, Then, Otherwise, In this case
Word Links for words containing 而 (sorted via character pairs)
而且 And, Actually
而且居然 And what's more
而且我猜 And I guess
而且要儘快 And soon, And quickly
而且我猜如果 And I guess if
而且過了今天 And after today
而出 And then left
伸展而出 Spread out, Splayed out
剝殼而出 Emerge, Emerged from shell, Hatch, Hatched
脫口而出 Blurted out
脫穎而出 Stand out
從深處猛烈爆發而出 Erupted violently from the depths
而已 Merely, Only, That is all, Really
大概而已 Near enough, Roughly, More or less
才三天而已 It's only been three days
之類的東西而已 Merely some kind of
但不光是他而已 But it wasn't just him, But it wasn't just about him
她才十三歲而已 She's only thirteen
一年不過幾次而已 Just a few times a year
純粹只是殺時間而已 Purely just to kill time
只是幾個位置奇佳的島而已 Just a few islands in fantastic locations really
置之死地而後生 Strategy of placing troops in a dire situation so that they fight for their lives to win a battle
一蹴而就 To succeed after a single attempt
從來不是一蹴而就 Nothing great is created suddenly, Great results take time, Success never occurs after a single attempt
而言 With respect to
一般而言 Usually, In general, For the most part
整體而言 Overall
相對而言 Relatively speaking
對病人而言 With respect to patients
總而言之 To sum up, In short
而定 Depending on
視問題而定 Depends on the question
視乎場景而定 Depending on the scene, Depending on how scene looks
直而窄 Straight and narrow
高而窄 Tall and narrow
樓高而窄 The building was tall and narrow
循著直而窄的軌道 Follow the straight and narrow path, Followed the straight and narrow path
而成 Prepared
晾乾而成 Air dried, Dried
謊言編織而成的網 Web of lies
似是而非的謊言編織而成的網 Web of plausible lies
一張由似是而非的謊言編織而成的網 A web of plausible lies
晾乾而成的一種香腸 A kind of dried sausage, A dried sausage
一躍而過 Leapfrog
擦肩而過 Brush past someone, Rub shoulders
擦身而過 Brush past someone
騎著巨馬而過的男人 A man riding a huge horse, Men riding giant horses
而被迫 And so are forced (to)
而被認定 And so was assumed
而被迫中斷任務 And so the mission was forced to be aborted
而被認定已經死亡 And so was assumed to be dead
而下 Below, Under
順河流而下 Went downstream
樹順河流而下 The tree floated downstream, The tree floated down the course of the river
他們將樹順河流而下 They floated the tree down the course of the river
習而不察 So accustomed one can something without a second glance, Well versed
聽而不聞 Turn a deaf ear to, Hear without understanding
視而不見 Absent minded, Look but see nothing, Ignore
鍥而不捨 Persistant, Persists, Keeps trying
吃得精緻而不吃飽 Eat well and not become full
很有趣而不只是怪異 Was interesting instead of just being weird
為了不妥協而不妥協 Be non-conformist for its own sake, Be a non-conformist for its own sake
一個勇敢的人面臨苦難而面無懼色 In the face of adversity a brave man shows no fear, A brave man smiles in the face of adversity
而上 Above, Over
一躍而上 Leap up, Vault up
蜿蜒而上 Meandered upwards
沿著山側蜿蜒而上 Meandered up a hillside
在林子裡沿著山側蜿蜒而上 Winding through trees up the hillside, Wound up the hillside through the woods
而非 Instead of, And so avoid, Rather than (dealing with)
似是而非 Plausible
比較是工程學而非 Much more of an engineering challenge than
似是而非的 Plausible, Specious
垂直而非橫 Vertical as opposed to horizontal, Vertical instead of horizontal, Vertical rather than horizontal
點心而非正餐 A snack as opposed to a meal
讓人感到威脅而非不可思議 Caused people to feel intimidated rather than imbued with wonder
似是而非的謊言編織而成的網 Web of plausible lies
一張由似是而非的謊言編織而成的網 A web of plausible lies
揚長而去 Turned and ran, Sped away
遠逸而去 Fun far away, Runs far away, Running far away, Ran far away
朝山谷的尾端而去 Towards the end of the valley
而來 Came
撲面而來 Rushing
朝他而來 Come toward him, Coming toward him, Coming towards him
空手而來 Come empty handed
過橋而來 Cross the bridge, Crossed the bridge
而來的 Came
演變而來的 Evolved, Evolved from, Came from, Developed from
而轉型為 And so change into, And so transform into
而轉型為農業社會 And so transforms into a society that is based on agriculture
然而 However, But, Yet
然而如今 And now, But now
自然而然 Naturally
較自然而人性的道路 The more natural and human way
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