
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 用



pinˋ yongˋ

用 yongˋ
Use, Employ, Operate, Apply, Exert, Try, Sample

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 聘用 (yin-yong)

Grouped by first phone

pin, min, xin, yin

貧窮 pinˊ qiongˊ

Impoverished, Poverty

聘用 pinˋ yongˋ


pin, min, xin, yin

民用 minˊ yongˋ


pin, min, xin, yin

心胸 xin¯ xiong¯

Will, Ambition, Capacity for tolerance, Measure of open mindedness

新用處 xin¯ yongˋ chuˇ

New use, New uses

信用 xinˋ yongˋ


信用卡 xinˋ yongˋ kaˇ

Credit card

信用濫用 xinˋ yongˋ lanˋ yongˋ

Credit abuse

信用濫用者 xinˋ yongˋ lanˋ yongˋ zheˇ

Credit abusers

信用貸款 xinˋ yongˋ daiˋ kuanˇ

Credit load, Line of credit

信用貸款額度 xinˋ yongˋ daiˋ kuanˇ eˊ duˋ

Line of credit, Lines of credit

pin, min, xin, yin

吟詠 yinˊ yongˇ

Chant, Recite, Sing

引用 yinˇ yongˋ


引用小紅書 yinˇ yongˋ xiaoˇ hongˊ shu¯

Quote from the little red book

飲用 yinˇ yongˋ


飲用水 yinˇ yongˋ shuiˇ

Drinking water

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 34

聘用 pinˋ yongˋ


信用 xinˋ yongˋ


信用卡 xinˋ yongˋ kaˇ

Credit card

信用濫用 xinˋ yongˋ lanˋ yongˋ

Credit abuse

信用濫用者 xinˋ yongˋ lanˋ yongˋ zheˇ

Credit abusers

信用貸款 xinˋ yongˋ daiˋ kuanˇ

Credit load, Line of credit

信用貸款額度 xinˋ yongˋ daiˋ kuanˇ eˊ duˋ

Line of credit, Lines of credit

44, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 34

心胸 xin¯ xiong¯

Will, Ambition, Capacity for tolerance, Measure of open mindedness

44, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 34

新用處 xin¯ yongˋ chuˇ

New use, New uses

44, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 34

貧窮 pinˊ qiongˊ

Impoverished, Poverty

44, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 34

吟詠 yinˊ yongˇ

Chant, Recite, Sing

44, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 34

民用 minˊ yongˋ


44, 11, 14, 22, 23, 24, 34

引用 yinˇ yongˋ


引用小紅書 yinˇ yongˋ xiaoˇ hongˊ shu¯

Quote from the little red book

飲用 yinˇ yongˋ


飲用水 yinˇ yongˋ shuiˇ

Drinking water


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聘用 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 用

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