
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 成


Gathered mosquitos make thunder, There is strength in unity

juˋ wenˊ chengˊ leiˊ

成 chengˊ, chengˋ
Complete, Finish, Turn Into, Establish, Found, Bias, Embark, Take Shape, Become

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 聚蚊成雷 (yu-wen)

Grouped by first phone

ju, qu, yu

聚蚊成雷 juˋ wenˊ chengˊ leiˊ

Gathered mosquitos make thunder, There is strength in unity

ju, qu, yu

曲棍球 qu¯ gunˋ qiuˊ


屈尊 qu¯ zun¯


ju, qu, yu

愚蠢 yuˊ chunˇ

Stupid, Foolish

輿論 yuˊ lunˋ

Public opinion

語文 yuˇ wenˊ


紆尊降貴 yu¯ zun¯ jiangˋ guiˋ

Deign, Condescend

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 14, 23, 24, 32

聚蚊成雷 juˋ wenˊ chengˊ leiˊ

Gathered mosquitos make thunder, There is strength in unity

42, 11, 14, 23, 24, 32

屈尊 qu¯ zun¯


紆尊降貴 yu¯ zun¯ jiangˋ guiˋ

Deign, Condescend

42, 11, 14, 23, 24, 32

曲棍球 qu¯ gunˋ qiuˊ


42, 11, 14, 23, 24, 32

愚蠢 yuˊ chunˇ

Stupid, Foolish

42, 11, 14, 23, 24, 32

輿論 yuˊ lunˋ

Public opinion

42, 11, 14, 23, 24, 32

語文 yuˇ wenˊ



一-耳 : > : > [聚]-聚蚊 : > [聚]-聚蚊成雷 >

丨-虫 : > : > [蚊]-蚊成 : > [蚊]-聚蚊成雷 >

丶-弋 : > : > [成]-成雷 : > [成]-聚蚊成雷 >

一-雨 : > : > [雷]-成雷 : > [雷]-聚蚊成雷 >

聚蚊成雷 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 成

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