Index for words including 聰


Intelligent, Smart, Clever, Astute, Brilliant, Bright, Sharp Witted, Acute

Word Links for words containing 聰 (sorted via character pairs)

聰 cong¯
Intelligent, Smart, Clever, Astute, Brilliant, Bright, Sharp Witted, Acute

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


聰明 Intelligent, Smart, Bright, Clever, Intelligence

聰明 Smart enough

一樣聰明 Just as smart

有多聰明 How smart, How smart is it?

比他聰明 Smarter than him

異常聰明 Unusually clever

都很聰明 All very smart

他不夠聰明 He's not smart enough

不見得比他聰明 Not necessarily smarter than him

聰明 Got smart, Got smarter, Figured out a better way to do something

異常聰明 Unusually clever at

你是個聰明 You are a clever person, You are a smart individual, You are an intelligent person

比我還聰明 Smarter than me

聰明得很 Smart, Bright, Intelligent, Far from stupid

聰明才智 Intelligence

聰明自誤 Too smart for one's own good, Ruined by one's own cleverness

聰明的人 A very clever person

三位聰明的勇士 Three smart warriors

聰明一世糊塗一時 A lifetime of cleverness includes moments of stupidity

聰明絕頂 Brilliant, Extremely clever, Extremely intelligent

不是真正聰明絕頂 Not really brilliant

自以為聰明的傢伙 Smartass, Smart aleck

沒人喜歡自以為聰明的傢伙 Nobody likes a smartass


聰目 Keen ear and sharp eyes, Clever


聰穎 Clever, Bright


聰慧 Astute, Intelligent, Clever

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