Index for words including 肚

duˋ, duˇ

Belly, Tripe (Belly Lining)

Word Links for words containing 肚 (sorted via character pairs)

肚 duˋ, duˇ
Belly, Tripe (Belly Lining)

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


肚量 Capacity for tolerance, Capacity for forgiveness


心知肚明 Know perfectly well, Knew perfectly well, Had known for a long time


肚子 Belly

肚子 Loose bowels, Diarrhea

圓滾滾的肚子 Round belly

肚子 Round belly, Belly is round, With a round belly

肚子 Belly ache, Stomach ache

吞進肚子 Consume, Swallow

肚子餓了 Was hungry

肚子餓了 He was hungry

肚子餓了 She was hungry

肚子圓滾滾 Belly is round, Round belly

有一肚子的氣 A belly full of gas, Harbor resentment, Harbored resentment

趴在肚子上頭 Lie on the belly, Lie belly down

吐光肚子裡的東西 Vomit everything up, Spew one's guts out

掩飾他們肚子的深色背心 Dark waistcoats that masked their bellies, Their belly deemphasizing dark vests


肚皮舞娘 Belly dancer


酒肚 Beergut, Beer belly

其中沒有一個人有啤酒肚 Not one person among them had a beergut or beer belly

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