
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 骨


Sternum, (Cats: Anatomy next)

xiong¯ guˇ

骨 guˇ, guˊ
Bone, Skeleton, Framework, Frame

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 胸骨 (yong-wu)

Grouped by first phone

xiong, qiong, yong

胸部 xiong¯ buˋ

Chest, Breast, Breasts, Boobs

胸部按壓 xiong¯ buˋ anˋ ya¯

Chest compressions

胸骨 xiong¯ guˇ


胸無城府 xiong¯ wuˊ chengˊ fuˇ

Honest, Open, Frank

胸無點墨 xiong¯ wuˊ dianˇ moˋ

Ignorant, Illiterate, Unlearned

xiong, qiong, yong

窮苦 qiongˊ kuˇ

Destitute, Poverty stricken, Poor, Impoverished

窮苦人 qiongˊ kuˇ renˊ

Poor man, Poor person

xiong, qiong, yong

永不 yongˇ buˋ


用不到 yongˋ buˊ daoˋ

Don't need, Wouldn't need

用不順手 yongˋ buˊ shunˋ shouˇ

Difficult to use

用不了 yongˋ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't use, Can't use all (of it)

用不同比例的 yongˋ buˋ tongˊ biˇ liˋ de˙

Using different proportions, With different proportions

用不同的 yongˋ buˋ tongˊ de˙

Used different, Utilized various

用不熟悉的咕嚕說了幾句 yongˋ buˋ shouˊ xi¯ de˙ gu¯ lu¯ shuo¯ le˙ jiˇ juˋ

Said a few words in an unfamiliar tongue

用不著 yongˋ buˋ zhaoˊ

Weren't using, Can't use, Don't need

用不著多想也知道 yongˋ buˋ zhaoˊ duo¯ xiangˇ yeˇ zhi¯ daoˋ

Don't think at all, Don't think for a minute

用不著破產 yongˋ buˋ zhe˙ poˋ chanˇ

Without going broke, No need to go broke

湧出 yongˇ chu¯

Gush, Gushed, Gushing

湧出的鮮血 yongˇ chu¯ de˙ xian¯ xieˇ

Gushing blood

用處 yongˋ chuˇ

Purpose, Use, Usefulness

擁護 yongˇ huˋ

Advocate, Back, Support, Endorse

用戶 yongˋ huˋ

Customer, Subscriber, Subscription holder, Utility customer, Household (as a customer or utility user)

用護照當身分證件 yongˋ huˋ zhaoˋ dang¯ shen¯ fen¯ zhengˋ jianˋ

Used passport as ID

湧入 yongˇ ruˋ

Rush in, Rushed in

庸俗 yong¯ suˊ


庸俗的 yong¯ suˊ de˙


用塑膠來做 yongˋ suˋ jiao¯ laiˊ zuoˋ

Using plastic to make, Doing this in plastic

用塑膠來做筷子 yongˋ suˋ jiao¯ laiˊ zuoˋ kuaiˋ ziˇ

Using plastic to make chopsticks, Making chopsticks in plastic

用途 yongˋ tuˊ

Purpose, Use

永無止境 yongˇ wuˊ zhiˇ jingˋ

Endless, Go on forever

用無農藥 yongˋ wuˊ nongˊ yaoˋ

Pesticide free

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 12, 14, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

胸骨 xiong¯ guˇ


13, 12, 14, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

胸無城府 xiong¯ wuˊ chengˊ fuˇ

Honest, Open, Frank

胸無點墨 xiong¯ wuˊ dianˇ moˋ

Ignorant, Illiterate, Unlearned

庸俗 yong¯ suˊ


庸俗的 yong¯ suˊ de˙


13, 12, 14, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

胸部 xiong¯ buˋ

Chest, Breast, Breasts, Boobs

胸部按壓 xiong¯ buˋ anˋ ya¯

Chest compressions

13, 12, 14, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

窮苦 qiongˊ kuˇ

Destitute, Poverty stricken, Poor, Impoverished

窮苦人 qiongˊ kuˇ renˊ

Poor man, Poor person

13, 12, 14, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

湧出 yongˇ chu¯

Gush, Gushed, Gushing

湧出的鮮血 yongˇ chu¯ de˙ xian¯ xieˇ

Gushing blood

13, 12, 14, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

永無止境 yongˇ wuˊ zhiˇ jingˋ

Endless, Go on forever

13, 12, 14, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

永不 yongˇ buˋ


擁護 yongˇ huˋ

Advocate, Back, Support, Endorse

湧入 yongˇ ruˋ

Rush in, Rushed in

13, 12, 14, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

用不到 yongˋ buˊ daoˋ

Don't need, Wouldn't need

用不順手 yongˋ buˊ shunˋ shouˇ

Difficult to use

用途 yongˋ tuˊ

Purpose, Use

用無農藥 yongˋ wuˊ nongˊ yaoˋ

Pesticide free

13, 12, 14, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

用處 yongˋ chuˇ

Purpose, Use, Usefulness

13, 12, 14, 23, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

用不了 yongˋ buˋ liaoˇ

Can't use, Can't use all (of it)

用不同比例的 yongˋ buˋ tongˊ biˇ liˋ de˙

Using different proportions, With different proportions

用不同的 yongˋ buˋ tongˊ de˙

Used different, Utilized various

用不熟悉的咕嚕說了幾句 yongˋ buˋ shouˊ xi¯ de˙ gu¯ lu¯ shuo¯ le˙ jiˇ juˋ

Said a few words in an unfamiliar tongue

用不著 yongˋ buˋ zhaoˊ

Weren't using, Can't use, Don't need

用不著多想也知道 yongˋ buˋ zhaoˊ duo¯ xiangˇ yeˇ zhi¯ daoˋ

Don't think at all, Don't think for a minute

用不著破產 yongˋ buˋ zhe˙ poˋ chanˇ

Without going broke, No need to go broke

用戶 yongˋ huˋ

Customer, Subscriber, Subscription holder, Utility customer, Household (as a customer or utility user)

用護照當身分證件 yongˋ huˋ zhaoˋ dang¯ shen¯ fen¯ zhengˋ jianˋ

Used passport as ID

用塑膠來做 yongˋ suˋ jiao¯ laiˊ zuoˋ

Using plastic to make, Doing this in plastic

用塑膠來做筷子 yongˋ suˋ jiao¯ laiˊ zuoˋ kuaiˋ ziˇ

Using plastic to make chopsticks, Making chopsticks in plastic


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