Index for words including 脅


Ribs, Armpits, Flanks, Threaten

Word Links for words containing 脅 (sorted via character pairs)

脅 xieˊ
Ribs, Armpits, Flanks, Threaten

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


威脅 Intimidate, Intimidated, Threaten, Threatened, Threat, Menace

感到威脅 Feel intimidated

更形威脅 More of a threat

沒有威脅 No threat, No danger

造成威脅 Endanger, Threaten

另一個威脅 A new threat, Another threat

都是另一個威脅 Was a new threat

雖有潛在的威脅 Despite the implicit threat, Despite the potential threat

可能對他們造成威脅 Could be a threat to them

他們的體型使他們的精力讓人感到威脅 Their size made their energy intimidating, Their size made their energy menacing

威脅 He threatened me

讓人感到威脅而非不可思議 Caused people to feel intimidated rather than imbued with wonder

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