Index for words including 膚


Skin, Surface, Close To Surface, Superficial, Shallow

Word Links for words containing 膚 (sorted via character pairs)

膚 fu¯
Skin, Surface, Close To Surface, Superficial, Shallow

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


膚色 Flesh Color, Complexion, Skin Colour, Color, Flesh Tones

主體的膚色 Subjects complexion, Subjects skin color

膚色歧視 Racial discrimination

膚色有點深 Skin was a little dark, Skin was tanned a little

主體的膚色及頭髮 Subjects skin color and hair


膚泛 Superficial writing, Shallow, Way off the mark

膚泛之論 Superficial view


膚淺 Superficial, Shallow, Skin-deep


肌膚 Skin, Flesh, Intimate relations between man and woman


皮膚 Skin

刺入她皮膚 Pierced her skin, Poked into her skin

我們腳的皮膚 The skin of our feet

他半透明的皮膚 His translucent skin

黏在他眉頭的皮膚 Glued to the skin of his brow

皮膚 Heap of skin, Pile of skin

皮膚 Sallow skinned, Yellow skinned

黏在皮膚 Stick to skin, Sticks to skin, Sticking to skin, Stuck to skin, Stuck to my skin

乾化的皮膚 Heap of desiccated skin, Pile of desiccated skin

皮膚極黑 Very dark-skinned

在乾化的皮膚堆裡篩選 Sift through the pile of dried skin


體無完膚 Injured everywhere, Verbally assaulted


潤膚 Moisturizing, Soothing, Emollient


切膚 Close to oneself, Feel keenly

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