Index for words including 自


Self, From, Personal, Oneself, Natural, Free, Private

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


自明 Self-evident, Obvious


自照 Selfie


自問 Ask himself, Ask herself, Ask themselves


自內心的 From my heart, Deepest sincerity


師心自用 Opinionated, Conceited, Vain


自助 Self help

自助餐廳 Self-serve restaurant, Buffet, Cafeteria


畫地自限 Limit oneself, Control oneself, Restrict oneself


自以為是 Opinionated, Self-righteous, Regard oneself as correct, Presume to imply, Self-approbation

我不會自以為是 I would not presume to imply

他曾自以 He once thought that he, He used to think that he, He once believed he

她曾自以 She once thought that she, She used to think that

他曾自以為了解 He once thought he understood

自以為高人一等 Think one is better than others, Self-righteous, Priggish, Moralistic, Superior

我只是自以為知道 I assumed that I knew, I only thought I knew

自以為聰明的傢伙 Smartass, Smart aleck

沒人喜歡自以為聰明的傢伙 Nobody likes a smartass


自如 Unperturbed

鎮定自如 Self composed


自始至終 From start to finish


自那時起 Since then


自強 Self driven, Self sustaining, Strive for progress or improvement

自強不息 Self-improvement


自費 Own expense


自己 Self, Oneself, Own, Their, Themselves, His, Her, Himself, Herself

自己 Your self

自己 Her own

自己 Myself, I myself

自己 For one's self

他讓自己 He allowed himself

你對自己 For yourself, With respect to yourself

供養自己 Look after one's self, Fend for one's self

保護自己 To protect themselves, To protect yourself, Protect yourself

只顧自己 Only care about one's self, Only care about themselves, Selfish, Self absorbed

告訴自己 Tell yourself

尿溼自己 Pissing onesel, Pissing yourself

強迫自己 Force oneself, Restrain oneself

放縱自己 Self indulgently

教會自己 Taught oneself, Taught themselves

欺騙自己 Lie to ourselves

目睹自己 Watching oneself, Watching himself, Watching herself, Watching themselves

約束自己 Restrict yourself, Restrict oneself

證明自己 Prove himself, Prove herself, Prove themselves

連他自己 Even himself

他強逼自己 Forced himself

他搶在自己 He steeled himself

只能靠自己 Can only rely on self

嚴懲他自己 Punishing himself

她強逼自己 Forced herself

阻止了自己 Stopped themself

及時阻止了自己 Stopped themselves

在水溝裡尿溼自己 Pissing oneself in a gutter, Pissing yourself in a gutter

自己 Choose for one's self

自己 His own, Her own, Their own

自己 Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look

自己 Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look

自己 Her own

自己 Take a look, Take a look for yourself, Look

自己 Told themselves

他對自己 He told himself

各有自己 Each with its own

她對自己 She told herself

我可以自己 I can handle it, I can deal with it, I'll can take care of it myself

自己以外 Other than oneself, Outside of oneself

自己加入 Joined

自己父親 His or her own father

自己身處 Themselves located (in, At, Within…)

自己就好 Just be yourself

自己拍照 Take a picture of one's self, Selfie

自己的聲音 Own voice

自己的動力 Under its own power

自己的額頭 Touched their own forehead

自己取的名字 Self-chosen name

自己抽離現實 Withdrawing oneself from reality

自己的日子 Live one's life

出乎自己的意料 Contrary to his own expectations, Surprised himself

創立自己的公司 Start your own company, Starting your own company, Start their own company, Starting their own company

自己的聲音中 In their own voice, In his own voice, In her own voice

憑著自己的重量 By means of its own weight, Because of its own weight

我讓你自己決定 I'll let you decide

自己鎖在浴室 Locked themselves in the bathroom

自己的影子嚇到 Scared of one's own shadow

自己血裡的騷動 The stirring in his blood, The stirring in her blood

自己鎮定下來 Calming, Steadying, Self-calming, Self-steadying

過好自己的生活 Live life well

自己居然還活著 To their surprise they still lived

強迫自己別開步跑 Restrain oneself from breaking into a jog or run

我是我自己的主人 I am my own master, I am my own man, I am my own woman, I am my own mistress

試著強迫自己思考 Tried to force themselves to think

請儘量讓自己舒適 Please make yourself comfortable

不願為自己行為負責 Unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions

他搶在自己退縮之前 He steeled himself before he could runaway

希望自己當初就知道 Wishing they'd known at the beginning, Wished they'd known

更好說服自己的解釋 Better explanation

自己毫無選擇的感受 Feel like we have no choice

連他自己都感到驚訝 Even suprising himself

只要你覺得自己夠厲害 If you think you're good enough

我被自己的回答嚇了一跳 I am surprised by my own answer

我從我自己的經驗就知道了 I know from my own experience

他連自己說的話都不是很了解 He doesn't understand what he's saying

直到她自己判斷合作對她最有利為止 Until she decides on her own that it's in her best interests to cooperate

自己的血 His own blood

不希望你花自己的錢 Don't want you to spend your own money, Didn't want you to spend your own money

自己肌肉 Their muscles

眩耀自己肌肉 Show off their muscles

眩耀自己的肌肉 To show of their muscles

自己的人生 Their lives

繼續過自己的人生 Continue with their lives, Go on with their lives

追求屬於我自己的人生 Pursue my own life

他們如何繼續過自己的人生 How did they continue with their lives

自己的回答 By my own answer, By their own answer

她可以自己找路回家 She could find her way back home

把我自己絆倒 Trip myself up

說不定會把我自己絆倒 I could trip, I could have tripped

自己拉上去 Pulled himself up, Pulled herself up, Pulled themselves up, Pull yourself up

自己舉上去 Pull yourself up, Pulled herself up, Pulled himself up, Pulled themselves up

自己給舉了上去 Lifted himself up, Lifted herself up, Lifted themselves up, Lift yourself up

他將自己給舉了上去 He lifted himself up, He hauled himself up

自己的意料自 Their own expectation

出乎自己的意料自 Contrary to their own expectations

自己當成他們 Be like them, Become them, Be them

設身處地把自己當成他們 Put yourself in their position

發現自己越界了 Realizing oneself had stepped out of bounds, Realizing they themselves had stepped over the line

或許是發現自己越界了 Perhaps realizing that they had stepped out of bounds

自己相處的時間 Time together with oneself

自己相處的時間 Time together with oneself

難得享受與自己相處的時間 Rarely enjoy time with oneself

自己如何做各種事情 How we do anything, How we do a variety of different things

讓我來告訴你一點我自己的事吧 Allow me to tell you a little about myself

自己也沒出力氣幫助 He himself had not expended any effort to help, He himself had not done anything to help

自己也沒出力氣幫助 She herself had not expended any effort to help, She herself had not lifted a finger to help

你很清楚自己在幹什麼 You know what you are doing

看起來你很清楚自己在幹什麼 It looks like you know what you are doing

意識到自己在做這件事 Realized what they were doing

是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not they realized what they were doing

她是否意識到自己在做這件事 Whether or not she realized what she was doing

自己一個人沒辦法做 I can't do it alone

讓他更能控制自己的法力 Gave him more control over his magical powers

讓她更能控制自己的法力 Gave her more control over her magical powers


自發 Take the initiative


自反 Introspection, Self-examination


自願 Voluntarily


自學 Self study, Study by one's self

在家自學 Home-schooled

在家自學到十四歲 Home-schooled up until the age of fourteen


自覺 Self consciousness, Self realization, Self aware

自覺 Unconscious, Subconscious

自覺 Consciously

自覺地意識到 Consciously realized

自覺地意識到這點 Consciously realized this, Consciously realized it


自負 Conceited


自然 Natural, Naturally

自然 Nature

自然 Supernatural

自然 More natural

聽其自然 Let things take their course

順其自然 Act naturally (according to nature), Naturally (act)

習慣成自然 Habit is second nature

自然 In nature

自然 Naturally, Automatically

自然 Natural sections or paragraphs

自然 Naturalistic

自然 Nature

自然 Nature's

心淨自然 Cool minds prevail

船到橋頭自然 Everything will work out, Everything will take care of itself in its own time

自然而然 Naturally

自然過程 Natural process

自然小說 Supernatural novel

自然的和人工 Natural and man-made

自然過程的一環 Part of a natural process

自然的和人工的都有 Both natural and man-made

自然而人性的道路 The more natural and human way

模仿自然中的各種聲音 Imitate various sounds in nature


自制 Self-control, Self discipline, Self-restraint


自製 Homemade


自生自滅 Let fend for one's self


自作主張 Taking charge


自信 Self-confident, Self-confidence, Confidence

自信 Confident

自信 Self-confidence

自信滿滿地 Confidently, Filled with confidence


自傳 Introduction, Self introduction


自動 Automatic, Automatically, Voluntary, Voluntarily, Of one's own free will

自動 Full Automatic, Fully Automatic, Full Auto

自動 Automate

自動播放 Auto playback

自動景深 Automatic Depth of Field

自動清潔 Automatic cleaning

自動瞄準 Automatically aimed, Automatically acquired, Automatically homed in on

自動組合 Automatic assembly

自動設定 Automatically set, Set automatically

自動提款機 ATM, Cash machine

自動曝光鎖 Auto-Exposure Lock

自動販賣機 Vending machine

自動亮度優化 Automatic Lighting Optimizer

自動組合過程 Automatic assembly process

自動陣列排出 Automatically arranged in a grid

自動拍攝技巧 Full Auto picture taking (shooting) techniques

自動對焦失敗時 When auto-focus fails

自動的設計系統 Automated design system

所有自動對焦點都 All auto focus points

自動旋轉垂直影像 Auto-rotate vertical images

自動對焦 Auto focus (AF), Automatic focus

伺服自動對焦 Servo Autofocus, Servo AF

使用自動對焦 Using Auto-Focus

其中一個自動對焦點對準 Aim any one auto focus point

所有自動對焦點都將用於對焦 All auto focus points can be used for focusing

自動彈起 Automatically pop up

內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 Built in flash will automatically pop up

必要時內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 If necessary the built in flash will automatically pop up

自動曝光 Auto-exposure, Automatic exposure

程式自動曝光 Programmed auto-exposure

自動包圍曝光 Automatic Exposure Bracketing

自動景深自動曝光 Automatic Depth of Field with Auto Exposure

自動關閉 Automatic Power-off, Automatic shut-down

避免液晶螢幕自動關閉 Preventing LCD automatic shut off

自動拍攝 Fully automatic picture taking (shooting)

創意自動拍攝 Creative auto shooting (picture taking)

自動模式 Full Auto mode

自動對焦模式 Auto focus (AF) mode

變更自動對焦模式 Changing the auto focus (AF) mode

自動對焦點 Auto focus point

中央自動對焦點 Center auto focus point

選擇自動對焦點 Choosing the Auto Focus Point

其中一個自動對焦點 Any one of the auto focus points

自動滑輪鞋 Autoskates

滑著自動滑輪鞋 Using autoskates, Skating with autoskates

自動閱讀機 Automatic reader

文件自動閱讀機 Automatic document reader

自動模式下 Full auto mode, Fully automatic mode

在全自動模式下 In full auto mode

自動關閉電源時間 Auto Power-off Time

設定自動關閉電源時間 Setting Auto Power-off Time

保持自動對焦點覆蓋主體 Keep auto focus point over the subject

只要保持自動對焦點覆蓋主體 As long as the auto focus point is kept over the subject

將中央自動對焦點覆蓋拍攝主體 Place (or placing) the center autofocus point over the subject

將其中一個自動對焦點對準主體 Aim any one of the auto focus points at the subject


自我 Self

迷失自我 Lose one's self

自我 My self, Our self

自我介紹 Introduce themselves, Introducing themselves

自我存續 Self-perpetuating, Self-sustaining

自我實現 Self-realization

自我意識 Self-conscious, Self aware

自我毀滅 Self-destruct, Self-destructed

自我評量 Self-assessment

自我黏上 Stuck to itself

一個自我性行為 Self gratification (act of), Sexual self gratification (act of)

你還是懂得自我管理 You still know how to control yourself, You're still in control of yourself

自我存續的官僚機構 Self-perpetuating bureaucracy

自我決定 Decide for one's self

自我決定 Can decide for one's self

自我瓦解 Self-destruct

自我瓦解 Cause it to self-destruct, Cause it to disintegrate


自私 Selfish

自私自利 Selfishness


自稱 Claim, Identify oneself, Call oneself, Call yourself, Style yourself as


自從 From, Starting from, Since


自行 Self (act)

自行 Bike, Bicycle

自行繳款 Self pay

兩條自行車路線 Two bike routes, Two bicycle routes


自衛 Self protection


自得 Complacent, Conceited, Self-satisfied, Find joy in one's life

怡然自得 Complacent

洋洋自得 Self-satisfied

靜觀自得 Everything comes to one who waits

自得其樂 Had enjoyed themselves, To find happiness in one's own way


自卑 Self-abasement


自主 Independent, Independence, Autonomous

自主 Semi-autonomous, Semi-independent, Quasi-independent

不由自主 Involuntarily, Can't help, Couldn't help but, Couldn't stop from

獨立自主 Independent

只不過她不由自主 But she couldn't stop, But she couldn't stop doing it

自主控制 Self control, Self controls, Self controlling, Self controlled

自主控制呼吸 Self controlled breathing, Autonomous breath control, Autonomous breathing control

我剛才是自主控制呼吸 I just controlled my breathing


自豪 Proud of, Self satisfied


自立 Independent, Self-supporting


自言自語 Talk to oneself


自訂 Customize, Customizing, Custom

自訂相機 Customizing the camera

自訂功能設定 Custom Function Settings

自訂相片風格 Custom picture styles, Customizing picture styles

設定自訂功能 Setting Custom Functions


自說自話 Speak for yourself


自認 Believe

自認晦氣 Handle adversity without complaint, Grin and bear it

自認顧客服務品質極佳 Prided themselves on customer service


自言自語 Talk to oneself


自誤 Compromise one's interests, Cause damage to one's own interests, Act against one's self interests

聰明自誤 Too smart for one's own good, Ruined by one's own cleverness


自說自話 Speak for yourself


自家 Family, One's family, One's own family

自家後院 Own backyard

自家農場 Family farm, The family farm

自家工作室做的 Made in their home workshop


自白 Confession

簽下自白 Sign a confession


自身 Oneself, Self

加諸自身 Self-imposed

加諸自身 Self-imposed

加諸自身的行為規範 Self-imposed behavioural protocols


自治 Self-government, Autonomy, Self-discipline


心淨地自涼 One feels cooler in hot weather the less one worries, Cool minds prevail


自生自滅 Let fend for one's self


自滿 Complacent, Self-satisfied


無師自通 Self taught


自遏 Self-restraint


自選 Optional, Self-selected, Customizable


自慚形穢 Felt ashamed, Felt embarrassed, Felt awkward, Felt inferior


自視 Styled itself, Self styled itself, Thought of itself as


自今 From now on


學生若準備好老師自會出現 When the student is ready the teacher or master shall appear


自食其果 Reap what one has sown


自分 Anticipate, Figure, Believe


修身自省 Improve ones conduct through self examination


自首 Surrender yourself, Give yourself in, Give up


自尊 Self-respect

自尊 Self-esteem


自理 Take care of yourself


自由 Freedom

擁有自由 Sense of freedom

重獲自由 Liberated

選擇的自由 Freedom of choice

最近重獲自由 Recently liberated

睽違已久又獲得的自由 Long lost freedom

好好品味睽違已久又獲得的自由 Enjoying the taste of freedom at last regained after so long

自由 Free fall

自由有關 Related to freedom

自由的空氣 Free air

自由自在的玩遊戲 Free to play games, Free to have fun

走進自由的空氣中 Walked into the free air

平均自由路徑 Mean free path

分子間連續碰撞的平均自由路徑 Mean free path, Average distance over which a moving particle changes direction or energy as a result of successive collisions with other particles


自古以來 Since ancient times, Down through the ages


自責 Remorse


自奉 Treat oneself


自力更生 Self reliance


自大 Conceited, Egotistic, Arrogant

狂妄自大 Arrogant and conceited


情不自禁 Compulsion

情不自禁 Compulsive, Compulsion

他會情不自禁 He would compulsively, He had a compulsion to


自來 Running water, Tap water


自相矛盾 Self-contradict, Self-contradictory, Inconsistent


自事件開始 From the start of the incident, Since the start of the incident


自殺 Suicide

臥軌自殺 Commit suicide by lying on railroad tracks

自殺任務 Suicide mission

自殺任務無異的 What amounted to a suicide mission

執行了與自殺任務無異 Carried out what amounted to a suicide mission


這世界自有保持事物平衡的方法 The world has a way of keeping things in balance


自在 Comfortable, At ease

舒適自在 Comfortable and at ease

自在 Comfortable, Unfettered, Free

覺得自在 Feel comfortable, Feet at ease

自由自在的玩遊戲 Free to play games, Free to have fun

哪裡會是她覺得自在的落腳處 Where would she feel at home?, Where would she feel comfortable?, Where would she be comfortable?


自拍 Self-timed

使用自拍 Using the self-timer (for self timed shots)

自拍 Self timer


自轉 Rotation, Revolve on it's own axis

自轉週期 Period of rotation


暗自 Implicitly, Inwardly, Secretly, Quietly, To oneself

觀點幾乎所有人暗自都有 A point of view implicitly shared by almost everybody


出自 From, Originating from

出自上星期四的報紙 From last Thursday's paper


長篇引自 Lengthy quote from


各自 Each one, Respectively

各自 Respective


私自 Privately, Secretly, Personally

私自 Selfishness


親自 Personally

親自 Come in person

親自 Go in person

親自單挑 Personally single out

親自拜訪 Visit in person

親自挑人 Pick choose whomever one likes

親自照顧 Personally take care of, Personally look after

親自處理 Personally take care of, Take care of in person

親自辦理 Personally manage, Personally handle


身自 From, Come from, Come out of


本詩選自 This poem is taken from


料自 Expectations

自己的意料自 Their own expectation

出乎自己的意料自 Contrary to their own expectations


兀自 Still


來自 From, Come from, Came from

來自 I come from, I came from, I've arrived from

動力來自 Powered by

來自地獄 From hell

來自不同人 From various people

來自山裡 I come from the mountains, I came from the mountains


材自 Selected from, Taken from


一切其來有自 It all comes around


獨自 Alone, Single handedly

獨自 Sit alone, Sitting alone

獨自一人 Alone, Single handedly, By one's self

獨自待著 Left alone

獨自坐在吧檯旁 Sitting alone at the bar


擅自 Unauthorized

擅自 Unauthorized

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