
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 撫


Taiwan's first appointed governor

taiˊ wan¯ shouˇ renˋ xunˊ fuˇ

撫 fuˇ
Comfort, Soothe, Console, Caress, Stroke, Pacify, Touch, Nurture, Bring Up, Raise, Rear, Foster

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Phone , Tone


臺灣 taiˊ wan¯

首任 shouˇ renˋ

巡撫 xunˊ fuˇ

Words that rhyme with 臺灣首任巡撫 (ai-wan)

Grouped by first phone

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, zai

太軟若無骨 taiˋ ruanˇ ruoˋ wuˊ guˇ

Seemingly too boneless

台灣 taiˊ wan¯


台灣只有很少數地方的氣候適合種植小麥 taiˊ wan¯ zhiˇ youˇ henˇ shaoˇ shuˋ diˋ fang¯ de˙ qiˋ houˋ shiˋ heˊ zhongˇ zhiˊ xiaoˇ maiˋ

There are only a few places in Taiwan where the climate is suitable for growing wheat

台灣省農會牛奶 taiˊ wan¯ shengˇ nongˊ huiˋ niuˊ naiˇ

Taiwan Local Farmers Association Milk

台灣金牌啤酒 taiˊ wan¯ jin¯ paiˊ piˊ jiuˇ

Taiwan Gold Medal Beer

臺灣 taiˊ wan¯


臺灣俗諺 taiˊ wan¯ suˊ yanˋ

Taiwanese proverb

臺灣的 taiˊ wan¯ de˙


臺灣話 taiˊ wan¯ huaˋ


臺灣首任巡撫 taiˊ wan¯ shouˇ renˋ xunˊ fuˇ

Taiwan's first appointed governor

太晚 taiˋ wanˇ

Very late

太晚了 taiˋ wanˇ le˙

Too late, It is too late

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, zai

愛玩 aiˋ wanˊ

Love to play, Like to play, Love to have fun

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, zai

百萬 baiˇ wanˋ

One million, 1 000 000, Mega

百萬個 baiˇ wanˋ ge˙


百萬倍 baiˇ wanˋ beiˋ


百萬噸 baiˇ wanˋ dun¯

A million tons

百萬年 baiˇ wanˋ nianˊ

A million years

百萬的平方 baiˇ wanˋ de˙ pingˊ fang¯

One million squared, One trillion, A trillion, Trillion

百萬里 baiˇ wanˋ liˇ

Million miles

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, zai

才關上門 caiˊ guan¯ shangˋ menˊ

Just to get the door closed

採觀望態度 caiˇ guan¯ wangˋ taiˋ duˋ

Chose to wait and see, Take an attitude of wait and see

財團 caiˊ tuanˊ


財團法人 caiˊ tuanˊ faˇ renˊ

Corporation, Corporate, Legal entity

財團法人藥害救濟基金會 caiˊ tuanˊ faˇ renˊ yaoˋ haiˋ jiuˋ jiˋ ji¯ jin¯ huiˋ

Corporate drug relief foundation

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, zai

貸款 daiˋ kuanˇ

Load, Credit

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, zai

改觀 gaiˇ guan¯

Change in appearance, Take on a new look

蓋棺 gaiˋ guan¯

Closed casket

蓋棺葬禮 gaiˋ guan¯ zangˋ liˇ

Closed casket funeral, Closed casket funerals

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, zai

海關 haiˇ guan¯

Customs, Border control

海灣 haiˇ wan¯

Bay (body of water connected to the sea)

海灣一 haiˇ wan¯ yiˋ


海灣一帶 haiˇ wan¯ yiˊ daiˋ

Bay area

海灣邊 haiˇ wan¯ bian¯

Bay side, Bay shore

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, zai

開關 kai¯ guan¯

Ignition, Open and close

開關按鈕 kai¯ guan¯ anˋ niuˇ

Ignition button

開玩笑 kai¯ wanˊ xiaoˋ

Crack a joke, Make a joke, Joke, Joking

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, zai

來灌溉 laiˊ guanˋ gaiˋ

For irrigation

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, zai

拍完照 pai¯ wanˊ zhaoˋ

Finished taking pictures

排灣族 paiˊ wan¯ zuˊ

Paiwan tribe

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, pai, zai

在觀察他 zaiˋ guan¯ chaˊ ta¯

Watching him

在灌木叢裡 zaiˋ guanˋ muˋ congˊ liˇ

In the bushes, In the underbrush

再玩 zaiˋ wanˊ

Play again, Play another

在轉角 zaiˋ zhuanˇ jiaoˇ

Around the corner

Grouped in tone pairs

21, 11, 12, 22, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

才關上門 caiˊ guan¯ shangˋ menˊ

Just to get the door closed

排灣族 paiˊ wan¯ zuˊ

Paiwan tribe

台灣 taiˊ wan¯


台灣只有很少數地方的氣候適合種植小麥 taiˊ wan¯ zhiˇ youˇ henˇ shaoˇ shuˋ diˋ fang¯ de˙ qiˋ houˋ shiˋ heˊ zhongˇ zhiˊ xiaoˇ maiˋ

There are only a few places in Taiwan where the climate is suitable for growing wheat

台灣省農會牛奶 taiˊ wan¯ shengˇ nongˊ huiˋ niuˊ naiˇ

Taiwan Local Farmers Association Milk

台灣金牌啤酒 taiˊ wan¯ jin¯ paiˊ piˊ jiuˇ

Taiwan Gold Medal Beer

臺灣 taiˊ wan¯


臺灣俗諺 taiˊ wan¯ suˊ yanˋ

Taiwanese proverb

臺灣的 taiˊ wan¯ de˙


臺灣話 taiˊ wan¯ huaˋ


臺灣首任巡撫 taiˊ wan¯ shouˇ renˋ xunˊ fuˇ

Taiwan's first appointed governor

21, 11, 12, 22, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

開關 kai¯ guan¯

Ignition, Open and close

開關按鈕 kai¯ guan¯ anˋ niuˇ

Ignition button

21, 11, 12, 22, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

開玩笑 kai¯ wanˊ xiaoˋ

Crack a joke, Make a joke, Joke, Joking

拍完照 pai¯ wanˊ zhaoˋ

Finished taking pictures

21, 11, 12, 22, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

財團 caiˊ tuanˊ


財團法人 caiˊ tuanˊ faˇ renˊ

Corporation, Corporate, Legal entity

財團法人藥害救濟基金會 caiˊ tuanˊ faˇ renˊ yaoˋ haiˋ jiuˋ jiˋ ji¯ jin¯ huiˋ

Corporate drug relief foundation

21, 11, 12, 22, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

來灌溉 laiˊ guanˋ gaiˋ

For irrigation

21, 11, 12, 22, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

採觀望態度 caiˇ guan¯ wangˋ taiˋ duˋ

Chose to wait and see, Take an attitude of wait and see

改觀 gaiˇ guan¯

Change in appearance, Take on a new look

海關 haiˇ guan¯

Customs, Border control

海灣 haiˇ wan¯

Bay (body of water connected to the sea)

海灣一 haiˇ wan¯ yiˋ


海灣一帶 haiˇ wan¯ yiˊ daiˋ

Bay area

海灣邊 haiˇ wan¯ bian¯

Bay side, Bay shore

21, 11, 12, 22, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

百萬 baiˇ wanˋ

One million, 1 000 000, Mega

百萬個 baiˇ wanˋ ge˙


百萬倍 baiˇ wanˋ beiˋ


百萬噸 baiˇ wanˋ dun¯

A million tons

百萬年 baiˇ wanˋ nianˊ

A million years

百萬的平方 baiˇ wanˋ de˙ pingˊ fang¯

One million squared, One trillion, A trillion, Trillion

百萬里 baiˇ wanˋ liˇ

Million miles

21, 11, 12, 22, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

蓋棺 gaiˋ guan¯

Closed casket

蓋棺葬禮 gaiˋ guan¯ zangˋ liˇ

Closed casket funeral, Closed casket funerals

在觀察他 zaiˋ guan¯ chaˊ ta¯

Watching him

21, 11, 12, 22, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

愛玩 aiˋ wanˊ

Love to play, Like to play, Love to have fun

再玩 zaiˋ wanˊ

Play again, Play another

21, 11, 12, 22, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

貸款 daiˋ kuanˇ

Load, Credit

太軟若無骨 taiˋ ruanˇ ruoˋ wuˊ guˇ

Seemingly too boneless

太晚 taiˋ wanˇ

Very late

太晚了 taiˋ wanˇ le˙

Too late, It is too late

在轉角 zaiˋ zhuanˇ jiaoˇ

Around the corner

21, 11, 12, 22, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

在灌木叢裡 zaiˋ guanˋ muˋ congˊ liˇ

In the bushes, In the underbrush


十-士 : > : > [臺]-臺灣 : > [臺]-臺灣首任巡撫 >

丶-氵 : > : > [灣]-臺灣 : > [灣]-臺灣首任巡撫 >

人-丷 : > : > [首]-首任 : > [首]-臺灣首任巡撫 >

丿-亻 : > : > [任]-首任 : > [任]-臺灣首任巡撫 >

丶-辶 : > : > [巡]-巡撫 : > [巡]-臺灣首任巡撫 >

十-扌 : > : > [撫]-巡撫 : > [撫]-臺灣首任巡撫 >

臺灣首任巡撫 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 撫

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