
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 行


EVAs, Extra Vehicular Actions or Operations

cang¯ waiˋ xingˊ dongˋ

行 xingˊ, xingˋ, hangˊ
Take action, Act, Go, Do, Work, Able, Capable, Ready, Walk, Travel, Road, Path, Baggage, Current, Prevailing, Publish, (Xing4), Conduct, Behaviour, (Hang2), Generation, Row, Line, Array, Series, Sequence, Profession, Trade, Business, Rank And File Of The Military, Financial Market, MW For Objects Arranged In Lines

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Phone , Tone


艙外 cang¯ waiˋ

外行 waiˋ hangˊ

行動 xingˊ dongˋ

Words that rhyme with 艙外行動 (ang-wai)

Grouped by first phone


艙外 cang¯ waiˋ

Outside the habitat

艙外行動 cang¯ waiˋ xingˊ dongˋ

EVAs, Extra Vehicular Actions or Operations

Grouped in tone pairs


艙外 cang¯ waiˋ

Outside the habitat

艙外行動 cang¯ waiˋ xingˊ dongˋ

EVAs, Extra Vehicular Actions or Operations


丶-舟 : > : > [艙]-艙外 : > [艙]-艙外行動 >

丿-夕 : > : > [外]-艙外 : > [外]-艙外行動 >

丿-彳 : > : > [行]-外行 : > [行]-艙外行動 >

丿-千 : > : > [動]-行動 : > [動]-艙外行動 >

艙外行動 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 行

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