
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 克


Mozambique, (Cats: Nation-Country next)

moˋ sang¯ biˇ keˋ

克 keˋ
Able, Gram, Unit Of Weight, MW For Gram, Translit for Co, Translit for K, Translit for Ke

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 莫桑比克 (o-ang)

Grouped by first phone

mo, bo, po

魔棒 moˊ bangˋ

Magic wand

模仿 moˊ fangˇ

Imitate, Imitating, Copy, Copying, Imitation, Fake

模仿自然中的各種聲音 moˊ fangˇ ziˋ ranˊ zhong¯ de˙ geˋ zhongˇ sheng¯ yin¯

Imitate various sounds in nature

莫桑比克 moˋ sang¯ biˇ keˋ


魔杖 moˊ zhangˋ

Magic wand

魔障 moˊ zhangˋ

Magic barrier

mo, bo, po

波長 bo¯ changˊ


播放 bo¯ fangˋ

Display, Show, Play media (movies, Slides, Videos), Displaying, Playing, Showing

播放器 bo¯ fangˋ qiˋ

Movie player, Media player

播放短片 bo¯ fangˋ duanˇ pianˋ

Playing movies

波浪 bo¯ langˋ


mo, bo, po

破浪 poˋ langˋ

Embark, Set sail

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 44

莫桑比克 moˋ sang¯ biˇ keˋ


41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 44

波長 bo¯ changˊ


41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 44

播放 bo¯ fangˋ

Display, Show, Play media (movies, Slides, Videos), Displaying, Playing, Showing

播放器 bo¯ fangˋ qiˋ

Movie player, Media player

播放短片 bo¯ fangˋ duanˇ pianˋ

Playing movies

波浪 bo¯ langˋ


41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 44

模仿 moˊ fangˇ

Imitate, Imitating, Copy, Copying, Imitation, Fake

模仿自然中的各種聲音 moˊ fangˇ ziˋ ranˊ zhong¯ de˙ geˋ zhongˇ sheng¯ yin¯

Imitate various sounds in nature

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 44

魔棒 moˊ bangˋ

Magic wand

魔杖 moˊ zhangˋ

Magic wand

魔障 moˊ zhangˋ

Magic barrier

41, 12, 14, 23, 24, 44

破浪 poˋ langˋ

Embark, Set sail


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凵-比 : > : > [比]-比克 : > [比]-莫桑比克 >

十-十 : > : > [克]-比克 : > [克]-莫桑比克 >

莫桑比克 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 克

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