
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 飯


Cook sand in the hope of turning it to rice, A hopeless task

zheng¯ sha¯ chengˊ fanˋ

飯 fanˋ
Food, Meal, Rice

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 蒸沙成飯 (eng-a)

Grouped by first phone

zheng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, peng, sheng, zeng

睜大眼睛 zheng¯ daˋ yanˇ jing¯

Wide-eyed, Open eyes wide, With eyes wide open

蒸發 zheng¯ fa¯


蒸發了 zheng¯ fa¯ le˙

Evaporated, Boiled off

蒸發皿 zheng¯ fa¯ minˇ

Evaporating dish, Evaporating dishes

蒸發皿的蓋子 zheng¯ fa¯ minˇ de˙ gaiˋ ziˇ

Evaporating dish lid

正爬進窗子裡 zhengˋ paˊ jinˋ chuang¯ zi˙ liˇ

Climbing through the window

蒸沙成飯 zheng¯ sha¯ chengˊ fanˋ

Cook sand in the hope of turning it to rice, A hopeless task

掙扎 zheng¯ za¯


掙扎了 zheng¯ za¯ le˙


zheng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, peng, sheng, zeng

懲罰 chengˊ faˊ


乘法 chengˊ faˇ


乘法公式 chengˊ faˇ gong¯ shiˋ

Multiplication formulas, Multiplication formulae

稱他 cheng¯ ta¯

Call him, Calls him, Calling him, Called him

zheng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, peng, sheng, zeng

等差 dengˇ cha¯

Equal difference, Equal steps

等差級數 dengˇ cha¯ jiˊ shuˋ

An arithmetic progression, Arithmetic progression, Arithmetic progressions

等差數列 dengˇ chaˋ shuˋ lieˋ

Arithmetic progression, Arithmetic sequence, A sequence of numbers where the difference between adjacent numbers is constant

瞪大眼睛 dengˋ daˋ yanˇ jing¯

Stared at with wide open eyes, Glare, Glared at with wide open eyes

瞪大雙眼 dengˋ daˋ shuang¯ yanˇ

Staring with eyes wide open

等他 dengˇ ta¯

Wait for him, Waiting for him, Waited for him, When he

等他們 dengˇ ta¯ men˙

Wait for them

等他們的最後一員離開視線後 dengˇ ta¯ men˙ de˙ zuiˋ houˋ yiˋ yuanˊ liˊ kai¯ shiˋ xianˋ houˋ

Waiting till the last of them slipped out of sight

等他們離去後 dengˇ ta¯ men˙ liˊ quˋ houˋ

After they left, After they were gone

等他滿意確定 dengˇ ta¯ manˇ yiˋ queˋ dingˋ

When he was fully sure, When he had determined to his satisfaction

等她滿十八歲了 dengˇ ta¯ manˇ shiˊ ba¯ suiˋ le˙

When she turns eighteen, When she turned eighteen

等她說完 dengˇ ta¯ shuo¯ wanˊ

Waited for her to finish, Waiting for her to finish

zheng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, peng, sheng, zeng

奉茶 fengˋ chaˊ

Gift of tea, Free tea, Tea left for anyone to drink

風沙 feng¯ sha¯


zheng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, peng, sheng, zeng

更差 gengˋ cha¯


更差的 gengˋ cha¯ de˙


更大 gengˋ daˋ

Even bigger

更大的 gengˋ daˋ de˙

Even bigger, Even greater

更大筆的賠償 gengˋ daˋ biˇ de˙ peiˊ changˊ

A bigger settlement

zheng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, peng, sheng, zeng

恆牙 hengˊ yaˊ

Permanent teeth

zheng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, peng, sheng, zeng

蒙大拿州 mengˊ daˋ naˊ zhou¯


萌發 mengˊ fa¯


萌芽 mengˊ yaˊ


萌芽了 mengˊ yaˊ le˙

Germinating, Sprouting

萌芽出 mengˊ yaˊ chu¯


zheng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, peng, sheng, zeng

膨大 pengˊ daˋ

Expand, Inflate, Swell

zheng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, peng, sheng, zeng

聲叉 sheng¯ cha¯

Tuning fork

盛大 shengˋ daˋ


聖馬丁 shengˋ maˇ ding¯

Sint Maarten (Netherlands)

聖馬克 shengˋ maˇ keˋ

St Marks

聖馬克的吊鐘 shengˋ maˇ keˋ de˙ diaoˋ zhong¯

The bells of St. Mark's

聲納 sheng¯ naˋ


生怕 sheng¯ paˋ

Afraid of

升他為少校 sheng¯ ta¯ weiˋ shaoˇ xiaoˋ

Promote him to major, Promote him to the rank of major

升她當軍官 sheng¯ ta¯ dang¯ jun¯ guan¯

Promote her to commissioned officer

生涯 sheng¯ yaˊ

Career, Livelihood

zheng, cheng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, peng, sheng, zeng

增大 zeng¯ daˋ

Magnify, Increase, Enlarge

增大的 zeng¯ daˋ de˙


Grouped in tone pairs

11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

稱他 cheng¯ ta¯

Call him, Calls him, Calling him, Called him

風沙 feng¯ sha¯


聲叉 sheng¯ cha¯

Tuning fork

升他為少校 sheng¯ ta¯ weiˋ shaoˇ xiaoˋ

Promote him to major, Promote him to the rank of major

升她當軍官 sheng¯ ta¯ dang¯ jun¯ guan¯

Promote her to commissioned officer

蒸發 zheng¯ fa¯


蒸發了 zheng¯ fa¯ le˙

Evaporated, Boiled off

蒸發皿 zheng¯ fa¯ minˇ

Evaporating dish, Evaporating dishes

蒸發皿的蓋子 zheng¯ fa¯ minˇ de˙ gaiˋ ziˇ

Evaporating dish lid

蒸沙成飯 zheng¯ sha¯ chengˊ fanˋ

Cook sand in the hope of turning it to rice, A hopeless task

掙扎 zheng¯ za¯


掙扎了 zheng¯ za¯ le˙


11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

生涯 sheng¯ yaˊ

Career, Livelihood

11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

聲納 sheng¯ naˋ


生怕 sheng¯ paˋ

Afraid of

增大 zeng¯ daˋ

Magnify, Increase, Enlarge

增大的 zeng¯ daˋ de˙


睜大眼睛 zheng¯ daˋ yanˇ jing¯

Wide-eyed, Open eyes wide, With eyes wide open

11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

萌發 mengˊ fa¯


11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

懲罰 chengˊ faˊ


恆牙 hengˊ yaˊ

Permanent teeth

萌芽 mengˊ yaˊ


萌芽了 mengˊ yaˊ le˙

Germinating, Sprouting

萌芽出 mengˊ yaˊ chu¯


11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

乘法 chengˊ faˇ


乘法公式 chengˊ faˇ gong¯ shiˋ

Multiplication formulas, Multiplication formulae

11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

蒙大拿州 mengˊ daˋ naˊ zhou¯


膨大 pengˊ daˋ

Expand, Inflate, Swell

11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

等差 dengˇ cha¯

Equal difference, Equal steps

等差級數 dengˇ cha¯ jiˊ shuˋ

An arithmetic progression, Arithmetic progression, Arithmetic progressions

等他 dengˇ ta¯

Wait for him, Waiting for him, Waited for him, When he

等他們 dengˇ ta¯ men˙

Wait for them

等他們的最後一員離開視線後 dengˇ ta¯ men˙ de˙ zuiˋ houˋ yiˋ yuanˊ liˊ kai¯ shiˋ xianˋ houˋ

Waiting till the last of them slipped out of sight

等他們離去後 dengˇ ta¯ men˙ liˊ quˋ houˋ

After they left, After they were gone

等他滿意確定 dengˇ ta¯ manˇ yiˋ queˋ dingˋ

When he was fully sure, When he had determined to his satisfaction

等她滿十八歲了 dengˇ ta¯ manˇ shiˊ ba¯ suiˋ le˙

When she turns eighteen, When she turned eighteen

等她說完 dengˇ ta¯ shuo¯ wanˊ

Waited for her to finish, Waiting for her to finish

11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

等差數列 dengˇ chaˋ shuˋ lieˋ

Arithmetic progression, Arithmetic sequence, A sequence of numbers where the difference between adjacent numbers is constant

11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

更差 gengˋ cha¯


更差的 gengˋ cha¯ de˙


11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

奉茶 fengˋ chaˊ

Gift of tea, Free tea, Tea left for anyone to drink

正爬進窗子裡 zhengˋ paˊ jinˋ chuang¯ zi˙ liˇ

Climbing through the window

11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

聖馬丁 shengˋ maˇ ding¯

Sint Maarten (Netherlands)

聖馬克 shengˋ maˇ keˋ

St Marks

聖馬克的吊鐘 shengˋ maˇ keˋ de˙ diaoˋ zhong¯

The bells of St. Mark's

11, 12, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

瞪大眼睛 dengˋ daˋ yanˇ jing¯

Stared at with wide open eyes, Glare, Glared at with wide open eyes

瞪大雙眼 dengˋ daˋ shuang¯ yanˇ

Staring with eyes wide open

更大 gengˋ daˋ

Even bigger

更大的 gengˋ daˋ de˙

Even bigger, Even greater

更大筆的賠償 gengˋ daˋ biˇ de˙ peiˊ changˊ

A bigger settlement

盛大 shengˋ daˋ



人-艹 : > : > [蒸]-蒸沙 : > [蒸]-蒸沙成飯 >

丶-氵 : > : > [沙]-沙成 : > [沙]-蒸沙成飯 >

丶-弋 : > : > [成]-成飯 : > [成]-蒸沙成飯 >

人-食 : > : > [飯]-成飯 : > [飯]-蒸沙成飯 >

蒸沙成飯 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 飯

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