
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 式


Butterfly Pose, Bound Angle Pose, Baddha Konasana, (Cats: Exercise-Yoga next)

huˊ dieˊ shiˋ

式 shiˋ
Form, Type, Style, System, Pattern, Posture, Pose

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Phone , Tone


蝴蝶 huˊ dieˊ

Words that rhyme with 蝴蝶式 (wu-ye)

Grouped by first phone

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

蝴蝶 huˊ dieˊ

Butterfly, Butterflies

蝴蝶式 huˊ dieˊ shiˋ

Butterfly Pose, Bound Angle Pose, Baddha Konasana

蝴蝶結 huˊ dieˊ jieˊ

Butterfly knot, Ribbons

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

不介意 buˊ jieˋ yiˋ

Don't mind, Didn't mind, Not bothered, Wasn't bothered

不介意做 buˊ jieˋ yiˋ zuoˋ

Wouldn't mind doing, Would not be adverse to doing

不解 buˋ jieˇ

Puzzled, Uncomprehending, Didn't understand, Doesn't understand, Don't understand

不解原因 buˋ jieˇ yuanˊ yin¯

Couldn't understand why

不解暗示 buˋ jieˇ anˋ shiˋ

Did not get the hint, Did not get the insinuation, Missed the insinuation, Was puzzled by the hint

不切實際 buˊ qieˋ shiˊ jiˋ


補貼 buˇ tie¯


不屑 buˊ xieˋ

Not condescend, Not stand to do something, Not put up with

不懈 buˊ xieˋ

Untiring, Indefatigable

不協調 buˋ xieˊ tiaoˊ


布鞋 buˋ xieˊ

Cloth shoes

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

出血 chu¯ xieˇ

Bleed, Bleeding, Hemorrhage

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

粗劣 cu¯ lieˋ

Inferior, Crude, Mediocre

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

讀寫機器 duˊ xieˇ ji¯ qiˋ

Read and write machinery

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

腹瀉 fuˋ xieˋ


hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

骨節多眼 guˇ jieˊ duo¯ yanˇ

Knotted, Gnarled

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

撲滅 pu¯ mieˋ

Extinguish, Exterminate

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

如夜 ruˊ yeˋ

Like night (like the darkness of night)

入夜 ruˋ yeˋ


入夜晚 ruˋ yeˋ wanˇ

Into the night

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

紓解 shu¯ jieˇ

Relieve, Release

數列 shuˋ lieˋ

Sequence, Sequences

書寫 shu¯ xieˇ

Write, Writing

疏野 shu¯ yeˇ

Rude, Impolite

輸液 shu¯ yeˋ


樹葉 shuˋ yeˋ

Tree leaves, Leaves, Leaf

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

吐血 tuˇ xieˇ

Cough up blood

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

誤解 wuˋ jieˇ


兀臬 wuˋ nieˋ

Worried, Anxious

嗚咽 wu¯ yeˋ


午夜 wuˇ yeˋ


午夜的 wuˇ yeˋ de˙


物業 wuˋ yeˋ


hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

主頁 zhuˇ yeˋ

Home page

hu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, pu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

組別 zuˇ bieˊ


租界 zu¯ jieˋ

Concede, Concession

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

蝴蝶 huˊ dieˊ

Butterfly, Butterflies

蝴蝶式 huˊ dieˊ shiˋ

Butterfly Pose, Bound Angle Pose, Baddha Konasana

蝴蝶結 huˊ dieˊ jieˊ

Butterfly knot, Ribbons

22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

出血 chu¯ xieˇ

Bleed, Bleeding, Hemorrhage

紓解 shu¯ jieˇ

Relieve, Release

書寫 shu¯ xieˇ

Write, Writing

疏野 shu¯ yeˇ

Rude, Impolite

22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

粗劣 cu¯ lieˋ

Inferior, Crude, Mediocre

撲滅 pu¯ mieˋ

Extinguish, Exterminate

輸液 shu¯ yeˋ


嗚咽 wu¯ yeˋ


租界 zu¯ jieˋ

Concede, Concession

22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

讀寫機器 duˊ xieˇ ji¯ qiˋ

Read and write machinery

22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

不介意 buˊ jieˋ yiˋ

Don't mind, Didn't mind, Not bothered, Wasn't bothered

不介意做 buˊ jieˋ yiˋ zuoˋ

Wouldn't mind doing, Would not be adverse to doing

不切實際 buˊ qieˋ shiˊ jiˋ


不屑 buˊ xieˋ

Not condescend, Not stand to do something, Not put up with

不懈 buˊ xieˋ

Untiring, Indefatigable

如夜 ruˊ yeˋ

Like night (like the darkness of night)

22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

補貼 buˇ tie¯


22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

骨節多眼 guˇ jieˊ duo¯ yanˇ

Knotted, Gnarled

組別 zuˇ bieˊ


22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

吐血 tuˇ xieˇ

Cough up blood

22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

午夜 wuˇ yeˋ


午夜的 wuˇ yeˋ de˙


主頁 zhuˇ yeˋ

Home page

22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

不協調 buˋ xieˊ tiaoˊ


布鞋 buˋ xieˊ

Cloth shoes

22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

不解 buˋ jieˇ

Puzzled, Uncomprehending, Didn't understand, Doesn't understand, Don't understand

不解原因 buˋ jieˇ yuanˊ yin¯

Couldn't understand why

不解暗示 buˋ jieˇ anˋ shiˋ

Did not get the hint, Did not get the insinuation, Missed the insinuation, Was puzzled by the hint

誤解 wuˋ jieˇ


22, 13, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

腹瀉 fuˋ xieˋ


入夜 ruˋ yeˋ


入夜晚 ruˋ yeˋ wanˇ

Into the night

數列 shuˋ lieˋ

Sequence, Sequences

樹葉 shuˋ yeˋ

Tree leaves, Leaves, Leaf

兀臬 wuˋ nieˋ

Worried, Anxious

物業 wuˋ yeˋ



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