
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 波


Shock wave

chong¯ jiˊ bo¯

波 bo¯
Wave, Ripple, Storm, Surge

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Phone , Tone


衝擊 chong¯ jiˊ

Words that rhyme with 衝擊波 (wong-yi)

Grouped by first phone

chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

衝擊 chong¯ jiˊ


衝擊波 chong¯ jiˊ bo¯

Shock wave

衝力 chong¯ liˋ

Impulse, Momentum

沖洗 chong¯ xiˇ

Rinse, Wash

重繫 chongˊ xiˋ


chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

從底下街道 congˊ diˇ xiaˋ jie¯ daoˋ

From the street below, From the streets below

從地上拉抬起 congˊ diˋ shangˋ la¯ taiˊ qiˇ

Hoisted off of the ground

從地板上的側肩背包中 congˊ diˋ banˇ shangˋ de˙ ceˋ jian¯ beiˋ bao¯ zhong¯

From the shoulder bag on the floor

從第四年 congˊ diˋ siˋ nianˊ

From the fourth year

從一而終 cong¯ yiˋ erˊ zhong¯

To be faithful to one's husband even if divorced or widowed

從衣櫥拿出一件絲袍 congˊ yi¯ chuˊ naˊ chu¯ yiˊ jianˋ si¯ paoˊ

Grabbed a silk robe from the wardrobe

從一家屋頂飛到另一家屋頂 congˊ yiˋ jia¯ wu¯ dingˇ fei¯ daoˋ lingˋ yiˋ jia¯ wu¯ dingˇ

Flying from one rooftop to another, Flying from rooftop to rooftop, Moving from rooftop to rooftop

從一百公里飆到一百五 congˊ yiˋ baiˇ gong¯ liˇ biao¯ daoˋ yiˋ baiˇ wuˇ

From a hundred to a hundred and fifty clicks, From a hundred to a hundred and fifty kilometers per hour

從一處 congˊ yiˋ chuˇ

From one place

從一處到另一處 congˊ yiˋ chuˇ daoˋ lingˋ yiˋ chuˇ

From place to place, From one place to another place

chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

東帝汶 dong¯ diˋ wenˋ

East Timor

冬季 dong¯ jiˋ


冬季歇業 dong¯ jiˋ xie¯ yeˋ

Closed for the winter

動機 dongˋ ji¯

Motive, Intention, Driving force, Reason

動機強烈 dongˋ ji¯ qiangˊ lieˋ


動力 dongˋ liˋ

Power, Power that drives movement, Motive power

動力來源 dongˋ liˋ laiˊ yuanˊ

Power source

動力來自 dongˋ liˋ laiˊ ziˋ

Powered by

動力學 dongˋ liˋ xueˊ

Dynamics, Physics of dynamic systems

動力滑輪行人 dongˋ liˋ huaˊ lunˊ xingˊ renˊ

Power skater

東尼 dong¯ niˊ


動起來 dongˋ qiˇ laiˊ

Set in motion, Get moving

東西 dong¯ xi¯

Thing(s), Something

東西動來動去 dong¯ xi¯ dongˋ laiˊ dongˋ quˋ

Move stuff around, Move things around, Moving things around

洞悉 dongˋ xi¯

See clearly, Understand thoroughly

洞悉無遺 dongˋ xi¯ wuˊ yiˊ

Understand clearly, See and know completely, See and completely understand

chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

功底 gong¯ diˇ


工地 gong¯ diˋ

Work site, Construction site

公積金 gong¯ ji¯ jin¯

Provident fund

公雞 gong¯ ji¯

Rooster, Cock

攻擊 gong¯ ji¯

Attack, Attacking

肱肌 gong¯ ji¯


攻擊者 gong¯ jiˊ zheˇ

Attacker, Attackers, Culprit

供給 gong¯ jiˇ

Equip with, Supply, Provide, Feed

供給埠 gong¯ jiˇ buˋ

Feed port

供給網路 gong¯ jiˇ wangˇ luˋ

Feed network, Supply network

供給線 gong¯ jiˇ xianˋ

Feed line, Feed lines

供給線路 gong¯ jiˇ xianˋ luˋ

Feed line, Feed lines

共計 gongˋ jiˋ

Count up, Sum

公釐 gong¯ liˊ


公理 gong¯ liˇ

Universal or general principle, Axiom

公裡 gong¯ liˇ

Kilometer, Km

公里 gong¯ liˇ

Kilometer, Km, Length measure

公立 gong¯ liˋ


公立高中 gong¯ liˋ gao¯ zhong¯

Public high school

功力 gong¯ liˋ


拱起 gongˇ qiˇ

Arched upwards, Arched

恭喜 gong¯ xiˇ

Congratulate, Congratulations

恭喜你 gong¯ xiˇ niˇ

Congratulations, Congratulations to you!

恭喜發財 gong¯ xiˇ fa¯ caiˊ

Wish you Joy and Wealth

恭禧 gong¯ xiˇ


公益 gong¯ yiˋ

Public interests, Public welfare, Public service

公益性 gong¯ yiˋ xingˋ

Public welfare

工藝 gong¯ yiˋ

Process, Method

工藝品 gong¯ yiˋ pinˇ


工藝水準 gong¯ yiˋ shuiˇ zhunˇ


chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

紅臂章 hongˊ biˋ zhang¯

Red armband

紅地毯 hongˊ diˋ tanˇ

Red rug, Red carpet

chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

空地 kong¯ diˋ

Open space

空氣 kong¯ qiˋ


空氣中含 kong¯ qiˋ zhong¯ hanˊ

Air contains

空氣中有一股清新的味道 kong¯ qiˋ zhong¯ youˇ yiˋ guˇ qing¯ xin¯ de˙ weiˋ daoˋ

The air smells fresh, The air smelled fresh

空氣動力學 kong¯ qiˋ dongˋ liˋ xueˊ

Aerodynamics, Aerodynamic

空氣吸入 kong¯ qiˋ xi¯ ruˋ

Air intake, Air intakes

空氣吸入裝置 kong¯ qiˋ xi¯ ruˋ zhuang¯ zhiˋ

Air intake structure, Air intake, Air intakes

空氣和水 kong¯ qiˋ hanˋ shuiˇ

Air and water

空氣波動 kong¯ qiˋ bo¯ dongˋ

The air is rippling, The air rippled

空氣渦輪 kong¯ qiˋ wo¯ lunˊ

Air turbine

空氣濾清器 kong¯ qiˋ luuˋ qing¯ qiˋ

Air filter

空氣濾清器盒 kong¯ qiˋ luuˋ qing¯ qiˋ heˊ

Air box

空氣無聲吹下 kong¯ qiˋ wuˊ sheng¯ chui¯ xiaˋ

Air wafted silently down

空隙 kongˋ xiˋ


chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

農地 nongˊ diˋ

Field, Farmland

農曆 nongˊ liˋ

Lunar calendar

濃密 nongˊ miˋ

Dense, Thick, Bushy

chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

容器 rongˊ qiˋ


容易 rongˊ yiˋ

Easy, Simple

容易受到 rongˊ yiˋ shouˋ daoˋ

Easily susceptible, Susceptible

容易多了 rongˊ yiˋ duo¯ le˙

A lot easier

容易就忘了 rongˊ yiˋ jiuˋ wangˋ le˙

Easy to forget

容易就忘了這事 rongˊ yiˋ jiuˋ wangˋ le˙ zheˋ shiˋ

Easy to forget, Forgettable

容易看透的 rongˊ yiˋ kanˋ touˋ de˙

Transpicuous, Easy to see through, Easy to understand

chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

聳立 songˇ liˋ

Stand tall, Stands tall, Standing tall, Stood tall, Tower, Towers, Towering, Towered

送禮 songˋ liˇ

Send gifts, Present

送你回家 songˋ niˇ huiˊ jia¯

Take you back home

聳起 songˇ qiˇ

Lifted, Went up, Raised up

送醫 songˋ yi¯

Take to hospital, Get to hospital, Send to hospital

chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

統計 tongˇ jiˋ

Statistics, Reports, Data, Estimates

通緝 tong¯ qi¯

Warrant, Public notice of reward leading to arrest or apprehension of some person

通緝海報 tong¯ qi¯ haiˇ baoˋ

Poster offering reward (for capture of a fugitive), Reward notice (for capture of fugitive)

同期 tongˊ qi¯

Corresponding time period

統體 tongˇ tiˇ

Whole body

同一地區 tongˊ yiˊ diˋ qu¯

Same area

同一 tongˊ yiˋ


同一個 tongˊ yiˋ ge˙

Same, The same

同一個論點 tongˊ yiˋ ge˙ lunˋ dianˇ

The same issue, The same argument, The same point

同一回事 tongˊ yiˋ huiˊ shiˋ

The same thing, One and the same thing

同一幫 tongˊ yiˋ bang¯

Same group, Same gang

同一時刻 tongˊ yiˋ shiˊ keˋ

At the same time, At precisely the same time

同一時間 tongˊ yiˋ shiˊ jian¯

Simultaneously, At the same time

同意 tongˊ yiˋ

Agree, Allow, Consent to, Agreed, Allowed, Consented to, Same idea, Have the same idea, Had the same idea

同意了 tongˊ yiˋ le˙


同義 tongˊ yiˋ


同義的贅述 tongˊ yiˋ de˙ zhuiˋ shuˋ


統一 tongˇ yiˋ

Unify, Uniform, Unitary, Unified

chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

種地 zhongˇ diˋ


中級 zhong¯ jiˊ


終極 zhong¯ jiˊ

Ultimate, Supreme

重擊 zhongˋ ji¯

Hit heavily, Hitting, Strike, Whack, Impact

重擊上某處血淋淋的網柵 zhongˋ jiˊ shangˋ mouˇ chuˋ xieˇ linˊ linˊ de˙ wangˇ zhaˋ

Bash into a bloody grid somewhere

重擊到 zhongˋ jiˊ daoˋ

Hit against, Thrown against

中立 zhong¯ liˋ


重力 zhongˋ liˋ


重力助推 zhongˋ liˋ zhuˋ tui¯

Gravity assisted push

中期 zhong¯ qiˊ

Mid (e.g. year)

中西部 zhong¯ xi¯ buˋ


中西部人 zhong¯ xi¯ buˋ renˊ


中醫 zhong¯ yi¯

Chinese herb doctor

衷衣 zhong¯ yi¯

Underwear, Undergarments

chong, cong, dong, gong, hong, kong, nong, rong, song, tong, zhong, zong

蹤跡 zong¯ ji¯


總計 zongˇ jiˋ


總理 zongˇ liˇ

Prime minister, Premier, President

總體 zongˇ tiˇ

Entire, Overall, Total

綜藝節目 zong¯ yiˋ jieˊ muˋ

Variety show

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

衝擊 chong¯ jiˊ


衝擊波 chong¯ jiˊ bo¯

Shock wave

東尼 dong¯ niˊ


攻擊者 gong¯ jiˊ zheˇ

Attacker, Attackers, Culprit

公釐 gong¯ liˊ


中級 zhong¯ jiˊ


終極 zhong¯ jiˊ

Ultimate, Supreme

中期 zhong¯ qiˊ

Mid (e.g. year)

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

東西 dong¯ xi¯

Thing(s), Something

東西動來動去 dong¯ xi¯ dongˋ laiˊ dongˋ quˋ

Move stuff around, Move things around, Moving things around

公積金 gong¯ ji¯ jin¯

Provident fund

公雞 gong¯ ji¯

Rooster, Cock

攻擊 gong¯ ji¯

Attack, Attacking

肱肌 gong¯ ji¯


通緝 tong¯ qi¯

Warrant, Public notice of reward leading to arrest or apprehension of some person

通緝海報 tong¯ qi¯ haiˇ baoˋ

Poster offering reward (for capture of a fugitive), Reward notice (for capture of fugitive)

中西部 zhong¯ xi¯ buˋ


中西部人 zhong¯ xi¯ buˋ renˊ


中醫 zhong¯ yi¯

Chinese herb doctor

衷衣 zhong¯ yi¯

Underwear, Undergarments

蹤跡 zong¯ ji¯


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

沖洗 chong¯ xiˇ

Rinse, Wash

功底 gong¯ diˇ


供給 gong¯ jiˇ

Equip with, Supply, Provide, Feed

供給埠 gong¯ jiˇ buˋ

Feed port

供給網路 gong¯ jiˇ wangˇ luˋ

Feed network, Supply network

供給線 gong¯ jiˇ xianˋ

Feed line, Feed lines

供給線路 gong¯ jiˇ xianˋ luˋ

Feed line, Feed lines

公理 gong¯ liˇ

Universal or general principle, Axiom

公裡 gong¯ liˇ

Kilometer, Km

公里 gong¯ liˇ

Kilometer, Km, Length measure

恭喜 gong¯ xiˇ

Congratulate, Congratulations

恭喜你 gong¯ xiˇ niˇ

Congratulations, Congratulations to you!

恭喜發財 gong¯ xiˇ fa¯ caiˊ

Wish you Joy and Wealth

恭禧 gong¯ xiˇ


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

衝力 chong¯ liˋ

Impulse, Momentum

從一而終 cong¯ yiˋ erˊ zhong¯

To be faithful to one's husband even if divorced or widowed

東帝汶 dong¯ diˋ wenˋ

East Timor

冬季 dong¯ jiˋ


冬季歇業 dong¯ jiˋ xie¯ yeˋ

Closed for the winter

工地 gong¯ diˋ

Work site, Construction site

公立 gong¯ liˋ


公立高中 gong¯ liˋ gao¯ zhong¯

Public high school

功力 gong¯ liˋ


公益 gong¯ yiˋ

Public interests, Public welfare, Public service

公益性 gong¯ yiˋ xingˋ

Public welfare

工藝 gong¯ yiˋ

Process, Method

工藝品 gong¯ yiˋ pinˇ


工藝水準 gong¯ yiˋ shuiˇ zhunˇ


空地 kong¯ diˋ

Open space

空氣 kong¯ qiˋ


空氣中含 kong¯ qiˋ zhong¯ hanˊ

Air contains

空氣中有一股清新的味道 kong¯ qiˋ zhong¯ youˇ yiˋ guˇ qing¯ xin¯ de˙ weiˋ daoˋ

The air smells fresh, The air smelled fresh

空氣動力學 kong¯ qiˋ dongˋ liˋ xueˊ

Aerodynamics, Aerodynamic

空氣吸入 kong¯ qiˋ xi¯ ruˋ

Air intake, Air intakes

空氣吸入裝置 kong¯ qiˋ xi¯ ruˋ zhuang¯ zhiˋ

Air intake structure, Air intake, Air intakes

空氣和水 kong¯ qiˋ hanˋ shuiˇ

Air and water

空氣波動 kong¯ qiˋ bo¯ dongˋ

The air is rippling, The air rippled

空氣渦輪 kong¯ qiˋ wo¯ lunˊ

Air turbine

空氣濾清器 kong¯ qiˋ luuˋ qing¯ qiˋ

Air filter

空氣濾清器盒 kong¯ qiˋ luuˋ qing¯ qiˋ heˊ

Air box

空氣無聲吹下 kong¯ qiˋ wuˊ sheng¯ chui¯ xiaˋ

Air wafted silently down

中立 zhong¯ liˋ


綜藝節目 zong¯ yiˋ jieˊ muˋ

Variety show

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

從衣櫥拿出一件絲袍 congˊ yi¯ chuˊ naˊ chu¯ yiˊ jianˋ si¯ paoˊ

Grabbed a silk robe from the wardrobe

同期 tongˊ qi¯

Corresponding time period

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

同一地區 tongˊ yiˊ diˋ qu¯

Same area

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

從底下街道 congˊ diˇ xiaˋ jie¯ daoˋ

From the street below, From the streets below

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

重繫 chongˊ xiˋ


從地上拉抬起 congˊ diˋ shangˋ la¯ taiˊ qiˇ

Hoisted off of the ground

從地板上的側肩背包中 congˊ diˋ banˇ shangˋ de˙ ceˋ jian¯ beiˋ bao¯ zhong¯

From the shoulder bag on the floor

從第四年 congˊ diˋ siˋ nianˊ

From the fourth year

從一家屋頂飛到另一家屋頂 congˊ yiˋ jia¯ wu¯ dingˇ fei¯ daoˋ lingˋ yiˋ jia¯ wu¯ dingˇ

Flying from one rooftop to another, Flying from rooftop to rooftop, Moving from rooftop to rooftop

從一百公里飆到一百五 congˊ yiˋ baiˇ gong¯ liˇ biao¯ daoˋ yiˋ baiˇ wuˇ

From a hundred to a hundred and fifty clicks, From a hundred to a hundred and fifty kilometers per hour

從一處 congˊ yiˋ chuˇ

From one place

從一處到另一處 congˊ yiˋ chuˇ daoˋ lingˋ yiˋ chuˇ

From place to place, From one place to another place

紅臂章 hongˊ biˋ zhang¯

Red armband

紅地毯 hongˊ diˋ tanˇ

Red rug, Red carpet

農地 nongˊ diˋ

Field, Farmland

農曆 nongˊ liˋ

Lunar calendar

濃密 nongˊ miˋ

Dense, Thick, Bushy

容器 rongˊ qiˋ


容易 rongˊ yiˋ

Easy, Simple

容易受到 rongˊ yiˋ shouˋ daoˋ

Easily susceptible, Susceptible

容易多了 rongˊ yiˋ duo¯ le˙

A lot easier

容易就忘了 rongˊ yiˋ jiuˋ wangˋ le˙

Easy to forget

容易就忘了這事 rongˊ yiˋ jiuˋ wangˋ le˙ zheˋ shiˋ

Easy to forget, Forgettable

容易看透的 rongˊ yiˋ kanˋ touˋ de˙

Transpicuous, Easy to see through, Easy to understand

同一 tongˊ yiˋ


同一個 tongˊ yiˋ ge˙

Same, The same

同一個論點 tongˊ yiˋ ge˙ lunˋ dianˇ

The same issue, The same argument, The same point

同一回事 tongˊ yiˋ huiˊ shiˋ

The same thing, One and the same thing

同一幫 tongˊ yiˋ bang¯

Same group, Same gang

同一時刻 tongˊ yiˋ shiˊ keˋ

At the same time, At precisely the same time

同一時間 tongˊ yiˋ shiˊ jian¯

Simultaneously, At the same time

同意 tongˊ yiˋ

Agree, Allow, Consent to, Agreed, Allowed, Consented to, Same idea, Have the same idea, Had the same idea

同意了 tongˊ yiˋ le˙


同義 tongˊ yiˋ


同義的贅述 tongˊ yiˋ de˙ zhuiˋ shuˋ


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

拱起 gongˇ qiˇ

Arched upwards, Arched

聳起 songˇ qiˇ

Lifted, Went up, Raised up

統體 tongˇ tiˇ

Whole body

總理 zongˇ liˇ

Prime minister, Premier, President

總體 zongˇ tiˇ

Entire, Overall, Total

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

聳立 songˇ liˋ

Stand tall, Stands tall, Standing tall, Stood tall, Tower, Towers, Towering, Towered

統計 tongˇ jiˋ

Statistics, Reports, Data, Estimates

統一 tongˇ yiˋ

Unify, Uniform, Unitary, Unified

種地 zhongˇ diˋ


總計 zongˇ jiˋ


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

動機 dongˋ ji¯

Motive, Intention, Driving force, Reason

動機強烈 dongˋ ji¯ qiangˊ lieˋ


洞悉 dongˋ xi¯

See clearly, Understand thoroughly

洞悉無遺 dongˋ xi¯ wuˊ yiˊ

Understand clearly, See and know completely, See and completely understand

送醫 songˋ yi¯

Take to hospital, Get to hospital, Send to hospital

重擊 zhongˋ ji¯

Hit heavily, Hitting, Strike, Whack, Impact

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

重擊上某處血淋淋的網柵 zhongˋ jiˊ shangˋ mouˇ chuˋ xieˇ linˊ linˊ de˙ wangˇ zhaˋ

Bash into a bloody grid somewhere

重擊到 zhongˋ jiˊ daoˋ

Hit against, Thrown against

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

動起來 dongˋ qiˇ laiˊ

Set in motion, Get moving

送禮 songˋ liˇ

Send gifts, Present

送你回家 songˋ niˇ huiˊ jia¯

Take you back home

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

動力 dongˋ liˋ

Power, Power that drives movement, Motive power

動力來源 dongˋ liˋ laiˊ yuanˊ

Power source

動力來自 dongˋ liˋ laiˊ ziˋ

Powered by

動力學 dongˋ liˋ xueˊ

Dynamics, Physics of dynamic systems

動力滑輪行人 dongˋ liˋ huaˊ lunˊ xingˊ renˊ

Power skater

共計 gongˋ jiˋ

Count up, Sum

空隙 kongˋ xiˋ


重力 zhongˋ liˋ


重力助推 zhongˋ liˋ zhuˋ tui¯

Gravity assisted push


丿-彳 : > : > [衝]-衝擊 : > [衝]-衝擊波 >

十-車 : > : > [擊]-衝擊 : > [擊]-衝擊波 >

丶-氵 : > : > [波]-擊波 : > [波]-衝擊波 >

衝擊波 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 波

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