Index for words including 衡


Even, Balance, Level, Weigh, Judge, Consider, Assess

Word Links for words containing 衡 (sorted via character pairs)

衡 hengˊ
Even, Balance, Level, Weigh, Judge, Consider, Assess

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


衡量 Measure, Measures, Measuring, Measured

不可衡量 Measureless, Immeasurable

不可衡量的價值 Unmeasurable value, Measureless value, Immeasurable value


衡狀 Imbalance


量衡 Weights and Measures


阿衡 Prime Minister


平衡 Balance

平衡 White Balance

失去平衡 Lose balance

穩定平衡 Stable equilibrium, Stable balance

維持平衡 Stay balanced, Staying balanced

用腳跟平衡 Balance on your heel, Balance on your heels, Balance on one heel, Balance on the heels, Balancing on one heel, Balancing on the heels

設定白平衡 Setting White Balance

抓住東西以保持平衡 Grabbing onto things to stay balanced, Hold onto something to stay balanced

平衡完畢 Equalized

平衡修正 White Balance correction

依序平衡各種原子 Sequentially balance the various atoms

平衡背景 To make background balanced, To create a balanced background

將主體向左或向右移動以平衡背景 Adjust subject to the left or right for a balanced background

有保持事物平衡的方法 A way of keeping things in balance

這世界自有保持事物平衡的方法 The world has a way of keeping things in balance


均衡 Balanced, Symmetrical


權衡 Evaluate, Assess

權衡 Evaluative mode

權衡式測光 Evaluative metering


抗衡 Contend

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