
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 決



biaoˇ jueˊ

決 jueˊ
Determine, Decide, Conclude, Judge, Certain, Sure, Definite, Execute, Put To Death, Break, Burst, Breach

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 表決 (yao-yue)

Grouped by first phone

biao, jiao, liao, tiao, xiao, yao

表決 biaoˇ jueˊ


biao, jiao, liao, tiao, xiao, yao

絞決 jiaoˇ jueˊ

Death by hanging, Death by strangulation

教學 jiaoˋ xueˊ


教學參觀 jiaoˋ xueˊ can¯ guan¯

School trip

教學樓 jiaoˋ xueˊ louˊ

School building

biao, jiao, liao, tiao, xiao, yao

了卻 liaoˇ queˋ


biao, jiao, liao, tiao, xiao, yao

條約 tiaoˊ yue¯


跳躍 tiaoˋ yueˋ

Leap, Leaps, Leaping, Leapt, Jump, Jumps, Jumping, Jumped, Hop, Hops, Hopping, Hopped, Bounce, Bounce, Bounces, Bouncing, Bounced, Cavort, Cavorts, Cavorting, Cavorted

biao, jiao, liao, tiao, xiao, yao

小學 xiaoˇ xueˊ

Elementary school

小學生 xiaoˇ xueˊ sheng¯

Elementary school student

小學童 xiaoˇ xueˊ tongˊ

School boy

小雪 xiaoˇ xueˇ

Little Or Slight Snow, Dec 7 to Dec 22

biao, jiao, liao, tiao, xiao, yao

踰越 yaoˊ yueˋ

Exceed, Surpass

Grouped in tone pairs

32, 21, 24, 33, 34, 42, 44

表決 biaoˇ jueˊ


絞決 jiaoˇ jueˊ

Death by hanging, Death by strangulation

小學 xiaoˇ xueˊ

Elementary school

小學生 xiaoˇ xueˊ sheng¯

Elementary school student

小學童 xiaoˇ xueˊ tongˊ

School boy

32, 21, 24, 33, 34, 42, 44

條約 tiaoˊ yue¯


32, 21, 24, 33, 34, 42, 44

踰越 yaoˊ yueˋ

Exceed, Surpass

32, 21, 24, 33, 34, 42, 44

小雪 xiaoˇ xueˇ

Little Or Slight Snow, Dec 7 to Dec 22

32, 21, 24, 33, 34, 42, 44

了卻 liaoˇ queˋ


32, 21, 24, 33, 34, 42, 44

教學 jiaoˋ xueˊ


教學參觀 jiaoˋ xueˊ can¯ guan¯

School trip

教學樓 jiaoˋ xueˊ louˊ

School building

32, 21, 24, 33, 34, 42, 44

跳躍 tiaoˋ yueˋ

Leap, Leaps, Leaping, Leapt, Jump, Jumps, Jumping, Jumped, Hop, Hops, Hopping, Hopped, Bounce, Bounce, Bounces, Bouncing, Bounced, Cavort, Cavorts, Cavorting, Cavorted


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表決 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 決

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