
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 決



caiˊ jueˊ

決 jueˊ
Determine, Decide, Conclude, Judge, Certain, Sure, Definite, Execute, Put To Death, Break, Burst, Breach

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 裁決 (ai-yue)

Grouped by first phone

cai, hai, kai, zai

裁決 caiˊ jueˊ


cai, hai, kai, zai

還缺 haiˊ que¯

Still lacking, Still not enough, Still need

cai, hai, kai, zai

開學 kai¯ xueˊ

Start of school studies, Start of university studies

開學了 kai¯ xueˊ le˙

School has started, Started school

開學日 kai¯ xueˊ riˋ

First day of school

cai, hai, kai, zai

在學校裡 zaiˋ xueˊ xiaoˋ liˇ

At school, In school

在學校還好嗎 zaiˋ xueˊ xiaoˋ haiˊ haoˇ ma˙

How was school?, Was school okay?

在月光下 zaiˋ yueˋ guang¯ xiaˋ

Beneath the moonlight, In the moonlight

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 12, 21, 42, 44

裁決 caiˊ jueˊ


22, 12, 21, 42, 44

開學 kai¯ xueˊ

Start of school studies, Start of university studies

開學了 kai¯ xueˊ le˙

School has started, Started school

開學日 kai¯ xueˊ riˋ

First day of school

22, 12, 21, 42, 44

還缺 haiˊ que¯

Still lacking, Still not enough, Still need

22, 12, 21, 42, 44

在學校裡 zaiˋ xueˊ xiaoˋ liˇ

At school, In school

在學校還好嗎 zaiˋ xueˊ xiaoˋ haiˊ haoˇ ma˙

How was school?, Was school okay?

22, 12, 21, 42, 44

在月光下 zaiˋ yueˋ guang¯ xiaˋ

Beneath the moonlight, In the moonlight


十-十 : > : > [裁]-裁決 : > [裁]-裁決 >

丶-氵 : > : > [決]-裁決 : > [決]-裁決 >

裁決 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 決

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