Inside, Interior, Within
Word Links for words containing 裡 (sorted via character pairs)
在花園裡做事 Work in the garden, Worked in the garden, Was working in the garden, Labored in the garden
把你從監獄裡救了出來 Freed you from prison, Got you out of jail
我很佩服他把你從監獄裡救了出來 I appreciate him for getting you out of prison, I appreciate that he got you out of jail
就像灰塵飄進鼻子裡讓人打噴嚏一樣 It was the same as dust getting into someone's nose causing them to sneeze
裡的 Inside
褲襠裡的 Within the crotch of (your) trousers
都市裡的 Within a city's
打碗裡的蛋 Beat egg in a bowl, Beating eggs in a bowl
電話裡的人 Person on the other end of the phone
鏡子裡的映像 Image in the mirror, Reflection in the mirror
她聲音裡的顫抖 The tremble in her voice
嬰兒床裡的嬰兒 A baby in a crib
自己血裡的騷動 The stirring in his blood, The stirring in her blood
吐光肚子裡的東西 Vomit everything up, Spew one's guts out
一個反射在鏡子裡的人形 A figure reflected in a mirror, A reflected figure in a mirror, A reflected image in a mirror
裡沒有 Do not have, Is empty
浴室裡沒人 No one was in the bathroom, The bathroom was empty
行李裡沒帶 Hadn't packed
說明單裡沒有 Is not in the brochure, Is not covered in the leaflet
行李裡沒帶陽傘 Hadn't packed a parasol
在林子裡沿著山側蜿蜒而上 Winding through trees up the hillside, Wound up the hillside through the woods
裡頭 Inside, Within
抽屜裡頭 The inside of a drawer, The inside of the drawer
陷進裡頭 Sink into
裡頭的 Contains, Contained within
裡頭一定什麼也沒有 There would be nothing inside, There is nothing inside, It would be empty, It is empty
裡面 Within
在裡面 Inside, Is inside
擋在裡面 Trap inside, Trap, Trapped
放在裡面 Put in
在那麼多下船的人裡面 In the crowd of people getting of the boat
裡面放著 Inside, Placed inside, Inside of which
往裡面跨一步 Took a step inside
把這罐裡面剩下的給他吧 Give him what's left in this can
裡面當然不會有任何東西 Of course there wouldn't be anything inside
在電話簿裡查得到 Look it up in the phone book, Find it in the phone book
可不是隨便在電話簿裡查得到的正式組織 Was not a a formal organization that could be found in a phone book
把衣領從領帶圈裡拉出來 Pull the collar out from the loop of the tie, Pulling the collar out from the loop of the tie, Pulled the collar out from the loop of the tie
哪裡 Where
去哪裡 Going where, Where to?
在哪裡 Is where? Where is...
這是哪裡 Where am I?, Where are we?
原因在哪裡 What is the reason, What is the cause
我會去哪裡 Where would I go?
不管他在哪裡 No matter where he was
你這是去哪裡 Where are you going?
那我要去哪裡 Then where do I go?
你妻子去了哪裡 Where did your wife go?
接下來要去哪裡 Where to go next, Where do you want to go next?
她待在洛杉磯哪裡 Where is she staying in Los Angeles?
哪裡有時間 When is there time
在哪裡發生 Where did it happen?, Where did it occur?, Where it happened
哪裡出問題了 What's wrong, What's the problem, Is there a problem, Is something wrong
問清楚哪裡出了問題 Find out exactly what the problem was
哪裡會是她覺得自在的落腳處 Where would she feel at home?, Where would she feel comfortable?, Where would she be comfortable?
媽媽去哪裡了 Where did mother go?
那會在哪裡呢 So where?, So where then?
眼裡 Within one's field of vision, In one's eye, In one's eyes
懷疑的眼裡 Suspicious eye, Suspicious eyes
吹進他的眼裡 Blew into his eye, Blowing into his eye, Blow into his eye
嵌進肉裡 Embedded in flesh, Embedded in my flesh, Stuck into me
插進他的肉裡 Piercing his flesh, Pierced his flesh
插進她的肉裡 Piercing her flesh, Pierced her flesh
那裡 There
在那裡 In there
不在那裡 Not there, It's not there
仍在那裡 Still there
已在那裡 Was there, Was already there
常去那裡 Often gone there
離開那裡 Get out of there, Leave that place
我會去那裡 I would go there
步行到那裡 Getting there, Walking there, Getting there on foot
留在了那裡 Still in there
從未真正去過那裡 Had never actually been there, Had never been there
他的拳頭已經等在那裡 His fist was already there
她的拳頭已經等在那裡 Her fist was waiting right there
常去那裡游泳 Often gone there to swim, Often gone swimming there
看不出那裡有什麼值得留影的地方 Could not see anything there that was photo worthy
一般日子裡 Normally, On an average day, During an average day
吞進肚子裡 Consume, Swallow
放進瓶子裡 Put into the bottle
在那間屋子裡 In that room
正爬進窗子裡 Climbing through the window
手裡 In one's hand, In one's hands
他手裡有 Had in his hand
手裡拿著 Hand holding
手裡提著 Carrying by hand, Carrying, Holding in the hands, Holding
手裡握著 Holding, Gripping
夜裡 At night, In the evening
一天夜裡 One night, One evening
在黑夜裡 In the dark
夜裡的 At night, In the night (while)
夜裡很晚的時候 Late at night
都市裡 Within a city
消失在城市裡 Disappear into the city, Disappeared into the city
一下船就消失在城市裡 Disembarking and then disappearing into the city, Got off the boat and then disappeared into the city, Stepping off the boat and disappearing into the city
家裡 At home, In the house
從家裡 From the house
家裡窮 Family is poor, Impoverished family
是家裡的事 A family matter
家裡所有鑰匙 Keys for the entire house
是家裡的事嗎 Is it a family matter?
爬進窗裡 Climb through the window, Climbs through the window, Climbing through the window, Climbed through the window
這裡 Here
來這裡 Came here, Come here
在這裡 Here, It's here
睡這裡 Sleep here
我在這裡 I am here
還在這裡 Is still here
可是在這裡 But here
問題在這裡 Here's the problem, Here's the thing
我屬於這裡 I belong here
所以妳來這裡 So you came here
你作麼會在這裡 How did you get here?
從日落大道這裡 From here on Sunset Boulevard
階級差異就在這裡 That was the difference between classes
找了個借口不來這裡 Found an excuse not to come
他搭的那輛巴士剛好停在這裡 The bus he was on just happened to have stopped here
這裡有 Here, Get it here...
來這裡住 Come here to live
在這裡面 Here, In here
跑回這裡了 Ran back to here
他會到這裡來 He will come here
她會到這裡來 She will come here
這裡是個小鎮 This was a small town, It was a small town
在這裡討論案子 Discuss the case here, Discusses the case here, Discussing the case here, Discussed the case here
在這裡跟你見面 (to) meet you here
他在這裡有段過去 He has a history here
妳帶我來這裡幹嘛 Why did you bring me here?
我在這裡的原因是 The reason that I'm here is
這裡沒人趁亂打劫 There had been no looting, There has been no looting
這裡什麼都長不出來 Nothing can grow here
這裡東北方五十哩處 50 miles northeast of here
你是覺得他會到這裡來嗎 Do you think he will come here?
你是覺得她會到這裡來嗎 Do you think she will come here?
心裡 Mentally, In one's mind, In one's heart, At heart, Feel, Feeling, Region of the body around the chest
一天的回憶就湧進他的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into his mind, A days worth of memories flooded into his mind
一天的回憶就湧進她的心裡 Memories of the day flooded into her mind, A days worth of memories flooded into her mind
心裡想 Thoughts, Believes, Thinks, In one's mind thinks
心裡話 From the bottom of my heart
心裡想著 Thinking, Believing
心裡模糊想著 Vaguely thinking, Vaguely thought
心裡明白 Knew, Knew it
心裡猜想 Wonder if, Wondering if, Wondering whether
心裡的苦 Mental suffering
心裡跳回 Mentally jumping back to
心裡好得意 Feel really proud
心裡好歡喜 Feel happy, Excited
心裡好滿意 Feel very satisfied, Feel content
心裡好高興 Feel elated
心裡的沮喪 Depression, Disappointment, Dismay
心裡的大石頭 The stone in my heart
心裡覺得既滿足又輕 Feeling both satisfied and relaxed
心裡跳回去年的夏天 Flashing back to the previous summer
心裡悄悄的起了個念頭 A thought quietly came to mind, A thought quietly rose up and came to mind
她在心裡反覆回顧 Replaying it over and over again in her mind
事後她在心裡反覆回顧 Replaying it over and over again in her mind afterwards
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