
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 開


Unfasten seat belt

jieˇ kai¯ an¯ quanˊ daiˋ

開 kai¯
Open, Start, Drive, Begin, Hold An Event, Operate, Run, Write

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Phone , Tone


解開 jieˇ kai¯

安全 an¯ quanˊ

安全帶 an¯ quanˊ daiˋ

Words that rhyme with 解開安全帶 (ye-ai)

Grouped by first phone

jie, bie, lie, pie, qie, xie, ye

潔白 jieˊ baiˊ

Pure white, Really white

接待 jie¯ daiˋ

Guest reception, Receive, Greet

接待人員 jie¯ daiˋ renˊ yuanˊ


接待室 jie¯ daiˋ shiˋ

Reception room, Anteroom

借貸 jieˋ daiˋ

Borrow money, Take out a loan, Request a loan

解開 jieˇ kai¯

Solve, Untie, Unbind, Untangle, Loosen, Undo

解開安全帶 jieˇ kai¯ an¯ quanˊ daiˋ

Unfasten seat belt

借來 jieˋ laiˊ


借來的 jieˋ laiˊ de˙


借來的書 jieˋ laiˊ de˙ shu¯

Borrowed book

jie, bie, lie, pie, qie, xie, ye

別開步跑 bieˊ kai¯ buˋ paoˇ

Prevent oneself from breaking into a jog or run

別再用 bieˊ zaiˋ yongˋ

Stop doing, Stop using

別再說了 bieˊ zaiˋ shuo¯ le˙

Stop talking, Don't say anything else, Enough already

jie, bie, lie, pie, qie, xie, ye

咧開一笑 lieˊ kai¯ yiˊ xiaoˋ

Grinned, Smiled

咧開 lieˇ kai¯


裂開 lieˋ kai¯

Split open, Breach, Breached, Burst, Rupture

裂開了 lieˋ kai¯ le˙

Burst, Ruptured, Split apart

裂開的嘴唇 lieˋ kai¯ de˙ zuiˇ chunˊ

Split lip, Burst lip

裂開的柱子 lieˋ kai¯ de˙ zhuˋ ziˇ

Cracked columns

jie, bie, lie, pie, qie, xie, ye

撇開視線 pie¯ kai¯ shiˋ xianˋ

Look away, Look elsewhere in avoidance

撇開 pieˇ kai¯

Dismiss, Set aside, Exclude

jie, bie, lie, pie, qie, xie, ye

切菜 qieˋ caiˋ

Chop vegetables

切開 qieˋ kai¯

Cut, Cut open

竊來 qieˋ laiˊ


竊來的 qieˋ laiˊ de˙


jie, bie, lie, pie, qie, xie, ye

攜帶 xieˊ daiˋ

Carry, Bring

攜帶著 xieˊ daiˋ zhe˙

Carrying, Holding, Containing, Loaded with

鞋帶 xieˊ daiˋ


鞋帶不綁 xieˊ daiˋ buˋ bangˇ

Untied shoelaces, An untied shoelace

鞋帶不綁好是很危險的 xieˊ daiˋ buˋ bangˇ haoˇ shiˋ henˇ weiˊ xianˇ de˙

Untied shoelaces can be dangerous, An untied shoelace can be dangerous

jie, bie, lie, pie, qie, xie, ye

椰奶 ye¯ naiˇ

Coconut Milk

椰奶冰沙 ye¯ naiˇ bing¯ sha¯

Coconut Milk Smoothy

椰奶鮮蝦湯 ye¯ naiˇ xian¯ xia¯ tang¯

Coconut Milk Soup With Fresh Shrimp

椰奶鮮雞湯 ye¯ naiˇ xian¯ ji¯ tang¯

Coconut Milk Soup With Fresh Chicken

液態 yeˋ taiˋ

Liquid state

Grouped in tone pairs

31, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

解開 jieˇ kai¯

Solve, Untie, Unbind, Untangle, Loosen, Undo

解開安全帶 jieˇ kai¯ an¯ quanˊ daiˋ

Unfasten seat belt

咧開 lieˇ kai¯


撇開 pieˇ kai¯

Dismiss, Set aside, Exclude

31, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

撇開視線 pie¯ kai¯ shiˋ xianˋ

Look away, Look elsewhere in avoidance

31, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

椰奶 ye¯ naiˇ

Coconut Milk

椰奶冰沙 ye¯ naiˇ bing¯ sha¯

Coconut Milk Smoothy

椰奶鮮蝦湯 ye¯ naiˇ xian¯ xia¯ tang¯

Coconut Milk Soup With Fresh Shrimp

椰奶鮮雞湯 ye¯ naiˇ xian¯ ji¯ tang¯

Coconut Milk Soup With Fresh Chicken

31, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

接待 jie¯ daiˋ

Guest reception, Receive, Greet

接待人員 jie¯ daiˋ renˊ yuanˊ


接待室 jie¯ daiˋ shiˋ

Reception room, Anteroom

31, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

別開步跑 bieˊ kai¯ buˋ paoˇ

Prevent oneself from breaking into a jog or run

咧開一笑 lieˊ kai¯ yiˊ xiaoˋ

Grinned, Smiled

31, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

潔白 jieˊ baiˊ

Pure white, Really white

31, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

別再用 bieˊ zaiˋ yongˋ

Stop doing, Stop using

別再說了 bieˊ zaiˋ shuo¯ le˙

Stop talking, Don't say anything else, Enough already

攜帶 xieˊ daiˋ

Carry, Bring

攜帶著 xieˊ daiˋ zhe˙

Carrying, Holding, Containing, Loaded with

鞋帶 xieˊ daiˋ


鞋帶不綁 xieˊ daiˋ buˋ bangˇ

Untied shoelaces, An untied shoelace

鞋帶不綁好是很危險的 xieˊ daiˋ buˋ bangˇ haoˇ shiˋ henˇ weiˊ xianˇ de˙

Untied shoelaces can be dangerous, An untied shoelace can be dangerous

31, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

裂開 lieˋ kai¯

Split open, Breach, Breached, Burst, Rupture

裂開了 lieˋ kai¯ le˙

Burst, Ruptured, Split apart

裂開的嘴唇 lieˋ kai¯ de˙ zuiˇ chunˊ

Split lip, Burst lip

裂開的柱子 lieˋ kai¯ de˙ zhuˋ ziˇ

Cracked columns

切開 qieˋ kai¯

Cut, Cut open

31, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

借來 jieˋ laiˊ


借來的 jieˋ laiˊ de˙


借來的書 jieˋ laiˊ de˙ shu¯

Borrowed book

竊來 qieˋ laiˊ


竊來的 qieˋ laiˊ de˙


31, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

借貸 jieˋ daiˋ

Borrow money, Take out a loan, Request a loan

切菜 qieˋ caiˋ

Chop vegetables

液態 yeˋ taiˋ

Liquid state


丿-⺈ : > : > [解]-解開 : > [解]-解開安全帶 >

口-門 : > : > [開]-解開 : > [開]-解開安全帶 >

丶-宀 : > : > [安]-安全 : > [安]-解開安全帶 >

人-人 : > : > [全]-安全 : > [全]-解開安全帶 >

十-帶 : > : > [帶]-全帶 : > [帶]-解開安全帶 >

解開安全帶 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 開

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