Index for words including 設


Arrange, Lay Out, Set Up, Furnish, Establish, Devise, Plan Out, Display, What If..., Supposing...

Word Links for words containing 設 (sorted via character pairs)

設 sheˋ
Arrange, Lay Out, Set Up, Furnish, Establish, Devise, Plan Out, Display, What If..., Supposing...

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


設置 Set up, Establish


郡下設縣 Counties were set up below prefectures


設好 Arrange, Get ready


設了 Set, Set up


中國醫藥大學附設醫 China Medical University Hospital


設備 Equipment, Pieces of equipment, Items of equipment, Facilities

監控設備 Surveillance equipment

監聽設備 Surveillance equipment

監視設備 Surveillance equipment

碼頭設備 Port Facilities

蒸餾設備 Distillery

通訊設備 Communications equipment

降落設備 Landing gear (aircraft or space craft)

器材或設備 Apparatus or equipment

各種器材與設備 Varius pieces of apparatus and equipment


設為 Set to


設施 Facilities


設立 Establish, Set up

設立 Established


設計 Design, Devise, Plan, Map out, Project

設計 Designed

專門設計 Especially designed, Designed

特別設計 Specially designed, Specifically designed

偽智慧設計 Pseudo-intelligence

專門為此目的設計 Specifically designed for this purpose, Specially designed for this purpose

為手上的工作特別設計 Designed specifically for the task at hand

設計 Designed, Devised, Planned, Mapped out

設計 Designed

設計 Designer

設計 Designed with, Designed to include

設計 Designer, Designers

設計 Designed for, Was designed for

專門設計 Especially designed, Designed

布景設計 Set designer

景觀設計 Landscaper, Landscape designer

這麼設計 Designed this way

重新設計 Redesigned

設計什麼 Design what?, Design something

精心設計裝飾 Meticulously designed and decorated

系統設計工程 Systems Design Engineering

設計者之一 One of the designers

他是早看過試爆的設計者之一 He was one of the designers who'd seen the test explosion earlier

自動的設計系統 Automated design system

這麼設計出的系統 Systems designed this way


設定 Establish, Set up, Setting up, Setting, Establishing

功能設定 Function Settings

所有設定 All Settings

自動設定 Automatically set, Set automatically

選單設定 Menu settings

預設設定 Default settings

風險設定 Wind tolerance

拍攝功能設定 Shooting Function Settings

檢查相機設定 Check camera settings

自訂功能設定 Custom Function Settings

回復相機預設設定 Revert Camera to Default Settings

設定白平衡 Setting White Balance

設定曝光參數 Set exposure parameters, Set exposure

設定曝光補償 Setting Exposure Compensation

設定版權資訊 Setting copyright Information

設定自訂功能 Setting Custom Functions

設定色彩空間 Setting the Color Space i.e. sRGB or Adobe RGB

設定影像記錄畫質 Setting the image recording quality

設定時間響起的鬧鐘 An alarm clock set to go of at a particular time

設定曝光參數以配合場景 Set exposure parameters to suit the scene, Set exposure to suit the scene

設定日期及時間 Setting Time and Date

設定影像檢視時間 Setting Image Review Time

設定自動關閉電源時間 Setting Auto Power-off Time

拍攝設定畫面顏色 Shooting settings, Picture taking settings

變更拍攝設定畫面顏色 Changing shooting settings screen color


設身處地 Put one's self in their place, Put yourself in their shoes

設身處地把自己當成他們 Put yourself in their position


設法 Devise a means of, Try to, Attempt to

想方設法 Find ways


設電報線並遠及福州 Built a telegraph line as far as Fuzhou


設想 Imagine, Conceive

預先設想 Thought of in advance, Anticipate

預先設想好了 Anticipated


開設 Establish, Open, Set up, Offer


裝設 Install, Installed


預設 Regularly, Default

預設設定 Default settings

回復相機預設設定 Revert Camera to Default Settings


建設 Construct, Build

建設性的 Constructive

建設性的批評 Constructive criticism

建設的道路與房屋 Construct roads and buildings


假設 Assuming, Assumption, Hypothesis

安心的假設 Comfortable assumption, Safe assumption

我們可以假設 We can assume


創設 Start a company

繼續創設下去 Continue to start a company, Continue in founding companies


鋪設 Lay out, Arrange


擺設 Arranged, Positioned, Furnished

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