Index for words including 許


Allow, Permit, Promise, Betroth

Word Links for words containing 許 (sorted via character pairs)

許 xuˇ
Allow, Permit, Promise, Betroth

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


許是 Could be


許凱 Chuquet


許多 Many, A lot of

高出許多 Much higher, Much taller

在某些方面長大了許多 In some respects you are a lot older now

許多 Many people

許多 Many

許多 Many, Lots of

過了許多 After a number of years, Much later

許多小片 Many small pieces

分成許多小片 Cut into many small pieces, Divide into many small pieces

許多條線 Lots of lines, A lot of lines

許多才能 Had many talents

許多情況下 In many cases

聯合許多國家 Unite many countries, Unites many countries, Uniting many countries, United many countries

許多民居和商鋪 Many homes and businesses

聯合許多國家打敗商 Uniting many countries, they defeated the Shang 商

需要許多的人力和巧思 Requires the effort and ingenuity of many people

許多東西上都蓋著防水布 Lots of things were covered by tarpaulins

許多的交流 Many exchanges, Lots of communication

與商有許多的交流 And had many exchanges with Shang 商

許多顆蘋果 Many apples

許多顆蘋果 There are many apples

劈成許多細枝條 Cut up into slender strips

將竹子劈成許多細枝條 Cut the bamboo into lots of slender strips


許久 For some time, For quite some time

觀察了許久 Looked for some time, Looked for a long time, Took a long look

午餐時間已經過了許久 It was already well past lunch time


許許多多 Many, Lots of


許可 Permission

但如果沒得到妳的許可 If I don't have or get your permission

許可 License


允許 Allow, Give permission, Consent, Assent, Permit

允許 Does not allow

允許 Was allowed

允許 May I

可能會允許 Might allow, Might give permission

還是被允許 But was allowed, Was still allowed, Was allowed

可能會允許他開 Might allow him to drive


讚許 Approval


容許 Allow, Allow for

容許 Can allow, Can allow for


或許 Perhaps, Maybe

或許不會 Maybe not, Perhaps not

或許不會 And maybe not, And perhaps not

或許這會造成不同 And maybe that made it different, Maybe that made a difference

或許可以 Might

或許我該 Perhaps I should

或許你忘了 Perhaps you have forgotten

或許是發現自己越界了 Perhaps realizing that they had stepped out of bounds

可是終究或許不是那麼幸運 But in the end perhaps not that lucky, But maybe not that lucky after all

我的機械專長或許可以救我一命 My mechanical knowledge might save my life

或許是發現 Perhaps realizing that

你們或許沒發現 Perhaps you haven't noticed or realized


准許 Cleared, Allowed


少許 Dash, Pinch, Sprinkle, Few

少許 Pinch of salt


不許 Not allowed,prohibited


也許 Perhaps, Maybe

也許更久 Perhaps even longer

也許沒有 Maybe not, Perhaps not

也許辦得到 Probably could, Perhaps could do

也許不是搞錯 Maybe it's not an error

也許我能幫忙 Maybe I could help

也許沒有差別 Perhaps it made no difference, Maybe it didn't matter, Maybe it was allright

也許他們都在忙 Perhaps they are all busy

也許沒什麼相干 Maybe it's nothing, It's probably nothing, It's probably not what we are looking for

也許錯的但是 I may be wrong but

也許再過二十分鐘吧 Maybe about 20 more minutes

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