Index for words including 話


Words, What Is Said, Speech

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


話雖這麼說 That being said


話最 Would be best


話是沒錯 That's right, That's true, Yes


話題 Topic, Topics, Subject, Subjects

這個話題 This topic

轉移了話題 Switched topics


話用這串聽起來很悅耳的字眼說出 Put it so eloquently, Put it in such fine-sounding terminology


話費 Phone bill


話長 Long explanation


話特 Goes on and on, Talks endlessly


話短 Make a long story short


短短一席話後 After a few words, After a short talk


話筒 Microphone, Receiver, Telephone receiver

話筒的電線 Phone cord, Microphone cable

話筒夾在耳邊 Kept the receiver at their ear


話音 Voice, Sound of voice


話語 Words


話說回來 Having said that, Anyway

但是話說回來 But then, But having said that


話還真多 Talk a lot

話還在他耳邊迴盪 Still echoing in his ears


話鋒 Topic or subject of conversation

話鋒一轉 Change the topic of conversation


話可 Nothing to say


話要 Something to say

有什麼話要說嗎 Have something you want to say?


話劇 Drama


話才說完 As soon as the words were spoken, No sooner had the words been spoken


屁話 Nonsense, Bullshit


回話 Reply, Answer

無法回話 Unable to reply, Couldn't answer

很客氣地回話 Politely answered


問話 Question

問話的聲音 Questioning voice, Sound of


閒話 Casually talk, Chat, Gossip, Make a complaint

閒話 Gossip


黑話 Cant, Argot, Jargon, Slang, Cryptolect, Specialized language, Specialized terminology

金融黑話 Financial jargon, Financial cant

在金融黑話 In financial jargon, In financial speak, In financial cant


髒話 Dirty word, Dirty words, Dirty language


說不出話 Speechless, Could not speak, Unable to speak


了話 Left a message, Left messages, Left word


反話 Irony, Ironical


留話 Leave a message

留話給我嗎 Is there a message for me?, Was there a message left for me?


句話 Sentence

句話 In a word, In short, A sentence, One sentence

句話 This phrase

句話 That sentence

哪一句話 Which sentence

就一句話 That was it, That was all, Just that one sentence

這兩句話 These two sentences

下列哪一句話 Which of the following sentences

最後蠻懊惱問了那句話 Ended up regretting having asked

妳以前不是喜歡說一句話 What was it you used to say?

句話不說 Didn't speak, Didn't speak a word

只有一句話可說 Only had one thing to say

說這句話就會是一個徹徹底底的偽君子 To say this would be the height of hypocrisy, Saying this was the height of hypocrisy

句話的意思 The meaning of this sentence

句話是什麼意思 What that phrase meant, What does that phrase mean

了解那句話是什麼意思 Understood the meaning of the phrase


說任何話 Say anything

不願再開口說任何話 Unwilling to say anything, Refuse to say anything at all, Refuse to speak at all


俗話 Proverb, Saying

俗話 As the saying goes


像話 Absurd, Ridiculous, Unreasonable, Inconceivable, Beyond belief


番話 Remark, Make a remark


笑話 Joke, Crack, Funny story, Laughable error, Nonsense, Laugh at, Ridicule

笑話 Tell jokes

時鬧的笑話 Amusing incident

笑話 Joke

笑話高手 Master of bad jokes


童話 Fairy tale


訓話 Encourage, Exhort, Lecture

精神訓話 Pep talk, Encouraging talk or speech


說話 Speak, Speak words

說話 Doesn't speak, Didn't speak, Was silent

不肯說話 Wouldn't speak, Refused to talk

含糊說話 Mumble, Mumbled

拒絕說話 Not talking, Refusing to talk

沒多說話 Didn't say much

沒有說話 Said nothing, Didn't say a thing, Didn't speak

聲音說話 Voice

誰在說話 Who is speaking?, Who is that speaking?

還能說話 Can still talk, Can still speak

爭著要說話 Arguing to speak, Fighting to speak

跟彼此說話 To talk with each other

仍然不肯說話 Still wouldn't speak, Still refused to talk

聽著他們說話 Listened to them

聽著她們說話 Listened to them

我喜歡聽你說話 I like hearing you, I like hearing you speak

能夠再開口說話 Was able to talk again

用正常音量對他們說話 Spoke to them in a normal tone of voice,

說話 Speaks, Talks

說話 Voice

說話 Non-speaking, Unspeakable

尤其當他說話 Especially when he was talking, Especially while he was talking

尤其當她說話 Especially when she was talking, Especially while she was talking

說話又直又衝 Straight talking and impulsive, Straight and impulsive talking, Straight talking, Straight talkers


談話 Talk, Discuss, Conversation, Discussion

談話的走向 Direction of a conversation


謊話 Lie

謊話 Lie, Tell a lie


講話 Speak, Speaks, Speaking, Spoke, Talk, Talks, Talking, Talked

正常講話 Speak normally

一直在講話 Been talking

在無線電上講話 Talk on the radio, Speak on the radio

講話的方式 Manner of speaking


實話 Truth

實話 To be honest, Truthful

不是實話 Not true, A lie

實話實說 Be honest

說老實話 To be honest

一沒說實話 Spoke false, Lied, Did not tell the truth


成話 Unreasonable, Ridiculous, Absurd


席話 A speech, An enlightening speech


廢話 Meaningless remark, Talk rubbish, Nonsense

聽這種廢話 Listen to this sort of nonsense

一句廢話也沒有 Not wasting words


的話 If

的話 Said

不然的話 Otherwise

否則的話 If not, Otherwise

該說的話 Things that should be said

這樣的話 In this case

他所說的話 His words, Whatever he says

猜到他的話 Guessed what he was saying

猜到她的話 Guessed what she was saying

解決了的話 If it is solved

如果來真的話 When it's for real

如果是我的話 If it were me

種族歧視的話 Racial insult, Racial insults

聽了爸爸的話 After listening to my father

講了該說的話 Said the things that should be said, Said the right things

數目上百萬的話 If there are millions

要是他記得的話 If he remembered

假如她還活著的話 That is if she was still living

要是我沒記錯的話 Unless my memory is at fault, Unless I've forgotten something, If I remember correctly

沒有更好的形容的話 For lack of a better way to put it, Lacking a better way to describe it

說了什麼有意義的話 Said something meaningful, Said something significant

要是她沒先殺死我的話 If she doesn't kill me first

方面的話 The subject of the birds and the bees

他連自己說的話都不是很了解 He doesn't understand what he's saying

的話還真多 He talks a lot

的話還真多 She talks a lot

我剛剛說的話你都沒聽到嗎 Did you not hear what I just said?

我剛剛說的話妳都沒聽到嗎 Did you not hear what I just said?


自說自話 Speak for yourself


海話 Shanghainese


灣話 Taiwanese


這話 Say this, Says this, Saying this, Said this

你說這話 You say this, You are saying this, You said this


通話 Phone call, Call

通話 Mandarin


連話 Continuous stream of words, Talking without cease


過話 Spoken

沒說過話 Haven't spoken

從來沒跟這個人講過話 Had never spoken with this person


情話 Lovers talk, Sweet nothings


神話 Myth(s)

神話動物 Mythical creatures, Mythical beasts


祥話 Lucky words, Blessings


裡話 From the bottom of my heart


會話 Converse, Have a conversation, Conversation


省話 Frugal with words, Doesn't say a lot


粗話 Obscene language


對話 Converse, Conversation, Dialogue

一段對話 A conversation

結束對話 End the conversation, Conclude the conversation

突然結束對話 Suddenly end the conversation, Suddenly ends the conversation, Suddenly ending the conversation, Suddenly ended the conversation, End the conversation abruptly, Ends the conversation abruptly, Ending the conversation abruptly, Ended the conversation abruptly


電話 Phone

電話 Phoned, Called

電話 Make a phone call, Makes a phone call, Made a phone call, Call, Calls, Called

電話 Called (via telephone)

公共電話 Public phone, Payphone

公用電話 Public pay phone, Pay phone

打了電話 Made a phone call, Called

打個電話 Make a phone call

打通電話 Make a call

掛上電話 Hung up the phone

掛了電話 Hung up the phone, Hung up

行動電話 Mobile phone, Mobility network

透過電話 Via phone

這通電話 This phone call, This call

我沒有電話 I don't have a phone

支室內電話 Land line

要來拿電話 Came to grab the phone, Wanted to grab the phone

一個小孩子接了電話 A child answered the phone

電話簿 Phone book

分類電話簿 Classified business phone book, Yellow pages

坐在電話 Sitting next to the phone

找到電話 After finding a phone

該打電話 Should have called

謝謝你打電話 Thank you for calling

電話沒響 Phone hadn't rung

電話聽筒 Telephone receiver, Telephone handset

電話號碼 Phone number

電話語音 Phone, Telephone

電話響起 The phone rang

電話線上 Was on the line

電話報警 Call the police

電話給你 Give you a call, Call you

電話另一頭 The other end of the phone

電話裡的人 Person on the other end of the phone

電話給對方 Call each other

打了電話給他們 Phoned them, Called them

電話簿裡查得到 Look it up in the phone book, Find it in the phone book

她一聽到電話鈴響 As soon as she heard the phone ring

可不是隨便在電話簿裡查得到的正式組織 Was not a a formal organization that could be found in a phone book


聽話 Reply, Response, Obey, Obedient, Do what one's told

聽話 Obedient


些話 Those words

聽你講那些話 Hearing you speak those words


套話 Trap a person into telling the truth, Conventional verbal exchanges

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